Sister Aroline stayed to play with them for a while, and then seemed to be anxious about things, and hurriedly said goodbye to them and then sent them away.She really came and went in a hurry, but Hua Yueling still didn't know what she was busy living, he was still quite curious.

Aroline did a good job keeping secrets about what she was busy with, and she didn't even mention it at all.Hua Yueling didn't ask her questions before, so she was directly moved away from the subject.

They let go a little after Sister Aroline left. Even though Aroline was very lively and able to go crazy with them, but when she was here, everyone still couldn't let go.This doesn't depend on Aroline, it's mainly caused by each other's identity and strength, but Aroline is pretty good. If Liweiluo is by her side, it's really stressful.

Just thinking of standing with Liwei's naked sister, Huayueling was a little trembling.Two people are two completely different styles, but no matter what you think of, Livio is the more terrifying one.This is very normal, and the personal temperament is there, and the feeling is naturally different.

Although Hua Yueling gets along well with Sister Livello, he is still quite afraid of Sister Livello.Sister Livello is mainly not very talkative, and the whole person is a little cold, a little too cold, whether it is quiet or when she speaks, it is very cold, but this coldness is somewhat different, not similar The snowy winter is more like a cold winter without snow.

It's more like a cold stone. Sister Aroline is naturally different. She is more like a lively bunny, jumping around, very cute and easy to get along with.

Hua Yueling thought about this, couldn't help but smile, she thought enough, but speaking of it, she hadn't seen sister Livio for a while.It is estimated that if you want to see her again, you have to find her, but Hua Yueling still doesn't want to go.

"Recently, I have been busy with a lot of things. It would be nice if I could take a break."

Hua Yueling glanced at the calendar on the wall, and almost half of the first month had passed, plus one and a half months remaining.

"A month and a half, it's not too short. If only you can make some achievements."

Hua Yueling thought of the programming she had learned again, learning to make games, but there is no progress at present.After making that game, Hua Yueling didn't have any actions, for the time being.

Hua Yueling thought about what she should do again. He had some ideas, but he hadn't figured out what to do yet, so he had to think carefully.It's not enough to not think clearly.

Thinking about these and other things, Hua Yueling can be considered relaxed.It is naturally better than before. Recently, I have been a bit too busy. I feel more busy than when I was in school. Even when I was in school, I have never been so busy.

Fortunately, there is no homework to do, Huayueling thinks happily, but even if he has homework, he will never do it now. Generally speaking, whether it is summer homework or winter homework, Huayueling basically does not do it at the beginning do.It's not the type of doing a little bit every day. He waited until the vacation was about to end before starting to make up his homework frantically. Although it was very busy, he thought it was pretty good.

After all, in the previous vacation, always thinking about homework would definitely make him unhappy, he thought so.

Mu Ningshuang and the others also asked Karin if she was in a hurry to go back, but Karin made it very clear that she was not in a hurry, and it didn’t matter if she slept here for a night, but she still had to talk to her father before that. Just one sound.

Hua Yueling hasn't decided when to go out, but it's okay to go out now.

"Why don't we go now, and we won't have enough time later."

Hua Yueling said so, looked at Karin and asked her opinion, but Karin obviously did not have any special opinions. After Hua Yueling made such a proposal, she nodded and said that she has any problem. No, feel free.

Since Karin didn't have any comments, Hua Yueling decided to take them to a place that had been explored before, but there was probably no useful clue left there.But he just took Karin to take a look, and wanted Karin to see if there was any clue.

The clue doesn't mean that you can find it by looking. Sometimes it still takes some luck.In terms of luck, Hua Yueling was confident, but after all he had already searched it, and it would be difficult to make any changes after searching.

Huayueling was thinking wildly, went downstairs to ride a bicycle, and the four of them set off.There is only one bicycle in Hua Yueling's house. Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong both ridden one from the house and put it in Hua Yueling's house.

"There are only three cars, or else take a taxi, or one of us will take her with her?"

Although it is convenient to take a taxi, it is better not to do this kind of thing.After all, it is something to be concealed, and it is best not to let too many people know.

What's more, they have to go to several places, it is troublesome to take a taxi, and it also costs a lot of money.

"Ride a bicycle."

After the discussion, Hua Yueling and the others decided that it would be better to ride a bicycle to save trouble.Anyway, just go to those places that are closer, so there is no need to be so troublesome.

There seems to be no progress in this case. Hua Yueling has also asked her sister several times, but there is no clue.That guy was cautious all at once, without any movement.

This is quite interesting. The guy seemed to be really afraid of them and went into hiding.If the other party keeps hiding like this in the future, they will have nothing to do.

As long as the other party doesn't cause trouble, it's fine, but if he causes trouble again, Hua Yueling must pull it out.

It hasn't been much anymore recently, but Hua Yueling is still ready to look at it again. If it remains the same for some time in the future, then it's for the time being. He has nothing to do.

As long as the other party doesn't cause any trouble, let's forget the others, and it makes people feel tired to manage so much.

Hua Yueling sighed helplessly in her heart, and she was helpless about these things. If it wasn't for her sister to be so busy with this incident, he wouldn't worry about it.

In fact, even if the opponent is from another planet or world, as long as the opponent does not show hostility or does nothing that shouldn’t be done, it’s better to put it aside for the time being. There is no need to follow so closely. .

Thinking about it, they came to the nearest place.

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