This place is so quiet. Although Hua Yueling doesn't like the environment of this place, she still likes the quiet atmosphere here.

There is nothing unusual, walking, Hua Yueling thought so in her heart.Not feeling any danger, Hua Yueling was extremely cautious.Every step I took, I carefully looked for whether there was anything nearby, but there didn't seem to be anything nearby, there was no strange sound, and no one could be seen. It was just like this here, so quiet.

"It seems there really is nothing."

As she walked, Hua Yueling whispered to Mu Ningshuang beside her.Mu Ningshuang didn't have any special reaction, just nodded gently. In fact, don't look at her, but he didn't have any reaction, but he was also earnestly looking for possible monsters, but the result was still the same.

"Let's walk around, maybe we missed something."

There are still some places that have not been searched. You must search for all those places.Who knows what else there is in this place, maybe you can really find something you want from here.

The two groups of men and horses move from different directions and look for them. Their actions are similar, and the results are basically the same.There seems to be nothing here, at least until now it hasn't been found.

"and many more!"

Hua Yueling stopped suddenly, and reached out to stop Mu Ningshuang's movements.Staring at the slightly dilapidated house in the distance, Hua Yueling's expression changed a little.That house was strange, Hua Yueling thought of it the moment she saw it.

What kind of place will it be, and what is there?

A mysterious atmosphere enveloped them, and that atmosphere made them so uncomfortable.

"There should be something there, maybe it's there."

Hua Yueling said in a very low voice, he was very calm, the more this kind of time he became calmer.

"Let's not worry, don't rush, it should not find us."

It's not clear whether there is Hua Yueling there, but if you can feel this uncomfortable atmosphere, it shows that there is something there, and the possibility of the monster hiding there is very high.

"Be careful."

After Lu Yuetong and Karin came together, Hua Yueling was ready to act.Signaling the two of them not to make any noises, Hua Yueling walked forward slowly, barely making any footsteps.

Shrouded in that kind of repressive atmosphere, even the liveliest Lu Yuetong here is not particularly good-looking, and has been affected by this atmosphere.

Hua Yueling calmed down early, after all, she had been here for a while, so she couldn't calm down anymore.He kept telling himself that he must be calm, and Hua Yueling even felt that he had never been so calm before.

Lu Yuetong and the others followed him, and a group of four people walked forward at a slow speed like a snail, and gradually walked to the entrance of the house.The entrance is a staircase that slopes upwards. The staircase is not long. Roughly speaking, there are about five steps. If you take a big step, it will go up in two steps.

Naturally, Hua Yueling wasn't so anxious. After all, it was a situation not to stun the snake. If he walked too fast, it would be easy to make noises and not be under his control.That was not what he hoped, so he walked up step by step. The closer he got to this house, the more the strange atmosphere could affect them and deepen his heart.

In front of him was just an ordinary wooden door, but for some reason, the wooden door in Hua Yueling's eyes was indeed unusual, it was a door that people did not want to open.

The door is somewhat worn, and it looks like it has been used for a long time. After wind and rain, there are signs of decay and damage, but they are all minor.Hua Yueling stood in front of the door and observed for a long time, until Lu Yuetong next to him lightly touched his arm, and he started to move.

Grabbing the doorknob, Hua Yueling inhaled gently, also accumulating the strength in her arm.


The light hands and feet before it seemed to be a dream, Hua Yueling directly pushed open the door, more like kicking the door open with his feet.

The four people rushed in and rushed in. When they came to Hua Yueling, they found that the things here were all old furniture, and they didn't know how long ago it was.

Dust accumulated on the ground, and Hua Yueling raised a lot of dust just by running in, and the room was gray, as if a heavy fog had formed.Hua Yueling didn't like this.

"It doesn't look like someone has lived here."

"I said so, but the guy who lives here is not a human, but a monster similar to a monster."

"Even if it's a monster, unless it's a ghost, it's impossible not to have an impact."

Lu Yuetong insisted, but the two only debated for a while, and then immediately continued to rush in.There are still a few rooms to look at. Although the place is full of dust, Hua Yueling and the others have no intention of slowing down.

It's okay before not rushing in, but since they have already rushed in, they can't slow down anymore. If the opponent is here, the opponent would have escaped long ago.

Searching room by room, they actually found something here. Perhaps the other party did not expect that someone would come here to search again, so there are still some things it used.

"No way, a ghost will enjoy it too, and bring so many snacks."

Hua Yueling said with a wry smile when she saw the newly opened bag on the table.At the same time, the exploration skills spread immediately, including the entire house and the outside of the house within the scope of his exploration, but he never saw that guy.

"It shouldn't have found us and fled. I have been investigating along the way, but I have never found any sign of its existence."

Hua Yueling walked over and looked down, then calmly said to the others.What I found in front of me means that the guy probably lives here and is still enjoying life here.

"In this case, we really have a chance."

Lu Yuetong, like him, stared at the snack bags that were randomly thrown on the ground, and agreed and nodded after hearing what he said.

Karin turned around in this room without saying anything, but she was still thinking about her expression.It is estimated that something was found in this room, but it is still not sure, so I was still thinking about it without saying anything.

"The breath lingering here and here suddenly gave me a very familiar feeling."

"Familiar, that means the guy here is probably from you?"

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