"This guy, what bad did this guy you caught do?"

Aroline leaned over and stared at that guy curiously. Huayueling thought that Sister Aroline had been to many places, and she wouldn't have been interested because of her appearance, but she seemed to think that the other party was quite interesting. .

Looking at the body of the snake dragon, especially its head, this is the most curious part of Aroline.It seems to be like this. Looking at it, Hua Yueling doesn't seem to be that interesting.

"This is the guy who has gotten a lot of attention recently. He has made a lot of things. Really, we managed to catch it."

Hua Yueling stared at the snake dragon for a while, then retracted her gaze and said.

"We can't take it away, can we keep it here temporarily?"

"Naturally, no problem, sister, I will help you fix it. But have you figured out how to deal with it?"

"Not yet, but we really want to know how it came here. We asked Karin, and Karin said that it is a special race in another world, called Serpents."


Aroline suddenly became more interested.

"So it might be out of us?"

"We think it is possible, but it is unclear whether it is specific or not."

"Okay, sister, I'll help you ask about it." Sister Aroline showed an evil smile on her face when she said so, Hua Yueling and the others subconsciously stepped back, and she was shocked again.

Naturally, Hua Yueling and the others would not have any opinion, and they agreed directly, and after that, it was Aroline who dragged the snake dragon to leave the yard.After she went out, Hua Yueling and the others did not follow her. They left here and went to the living room.

Sister Aroline wanted to ask something out of the snake dragon's mouth to estimate that it would take some time, so they could wait here a little longer.

After the bicycle was taken out, Hua Yueling went outside. After stopping, Hua Yueling didn't go in at all. She sat on the side of the aisle outside, looking at the very delicate small courtyard before her.Rockery and flowing water, and trees with yellow leaves.

The blooming flowers, the fading flowers, and the polished commander who has no more flowers but leaves. All these have a special beauty in combination.

I haven't been to watch the scenery here for a long time. Suddenly, there is an unbelievably wonderful feeling. All this is really beautiful. He glanced back and forth at everything in front of him, thinking secretly.

Huayueling lay down on her back. It's been a long time since she enjoys nature in such a comfortable way. It's pretty good.Hua Yueling breathed the natural air here, feeling a fresh feeling in her whole person.For the time being, I forgot about other things and just enjoy the outside environment here.

Perhaps it was because they hadn't gone back for a long time, and Mu Ningshuang and the others ran out of the house with the sound of footsteps, both of them came out looking for him.

"Xiao Ling, you are here."

After coming out, Lu Yuetong saw his figure, so he ran over and sat down beside him.The same was true for Mu Ningshuang and Karin. All three of them sat beside him, and Karin sat beside Mu Ningshuang.

Hua Yueling didn't expect them to come out, and thought they would stay in the living room all the time, so he sat up after they came out.

"Stay out there for a while, I really like the environment of Sister Aroline's house, so I'll take a look here."

With that said, his gaze fell on the rockery in the distance. The rockery is eye-catching, but the most noticeable thing here is the water on the rockery. I don’t know how Sister Alorin and Livio designed it. Yes, anyway, the rockery and water here are really great, Hua Yueling likes the rockery and water here.

"What do you think?"

Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong are the same as him. They have already admired the rockery and water here, so the question is naturally whether they are asked or not, the main one is for Karin.

Karin didn't respond at first, her attention was completely focused on the scenery in the courtyard.She had been here before, but she left quickly, and she really didn't enjoy the scenery here like now.

Staring at her without blinking, until she realized that no one else had answered, Karin came back to her senses and realized that Hua Yueling was asking herself.

"Very good, not worse than ours."

Karin nodded and replied with a feeling of approval.I can hear that she answered very seriously and really thinks so, but this is also normal. After all, this place has been carefully arranged. Although this arrangement will reduce some natural flavors here, but in Huayueling In fact, it doesn't matter in my mind, it doesn't matter if there are more or less, a good match can make up for the shortage.

Sister Alorin and Sister Livello did a very good job in this regard, and they matched well. At least Hua Yueling would not feel that there was a trace of excessive artificial axe when watching the scenery in the yard. It has a natural flavor.

Thinking about it, Hua Yueling lay down again, closed her eyes and started to rest.

After the two of them talked a few words, the others had no words, and everyone quietly enjoyed the scenery in front of them.Karin is the same.

During this period, Lu Yuetong also lay down, looking up at the top of the aisle like Hua Yueling. Above the aisle is the eaves made of wooden boards, which looks pretty good and gives a different feeling to the eyes.

This kind of architecture is more attractive than tall buildings. Both are places where people live and work. However, Hua Yueling still prefers this kind of architecture to buildings.How to say it, it gives people an unconstrained and natural impression, that is a great feeling, Hua Yueling likes this feeling.

After enjoying the scenery for a while, Mu Ningshuang and Karin lay down and rested like Hua Yueling and Lu Yuetong. The four of them were somewhat tired, and they all wanted to take a good rest.

"We did a lot of things today."

"It's all a big deal."

The most exhausting thing for them is to explore a base of that organization. They must be extremely cautious at all times when operating inside, and they are extremely tired.

Now it can be considered to be able to rest, and it is still here to rest, just as they want.

Sister Aroline hasn't come back after taking the Snake Dragon away, so she should be busy for a while.Hua Yueling and the others are not in a hurry, they can rest here anyway, and they really like to rest here.

Lying in the aisle, the feeling is completely different from lying on the bed. Although the floor of the aisle is quite hard, Hua Yueling still likes to lie here, very comfortable.

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