After talking for a while, it was finally settled, and the snake dragon was handed over to Sister Aroline to deal with it. As for how to deal with it, it has been discussed.Send it directly to Sister Livello, anyway, there is still a lot of help. It should be enough as a tool person.

Snake dragons have strength, but strength is not that strong, but even so, it is enough to help.No matter how much better than ordinary people, it can help a lot.

After discussing this matter, there is nothing to say for the time being. In short, the matter here can be regarded as over.Hua Yueling felt that she was relieved all at once, and it was a good feeling that she hadn't been so relaxed for a long time.

It was very tiring to talk about such heavy topics all the time. Hua Yueling and the others decided to rest for a while, and the group went to his room and prepared to play for a while.

Aroline did not leave either, but stayed and played with them.Don't look at her as if she was always busy, Shenlong never saw the end, but she did have the time.

"Will you go there again in a few days?"

Aroline suddenly asked that after finishing her work, Hua Yueling and the others didn't really figure out where she was talking at first.But think about it carefully, what she was talking about should be the Hunter Planet. Sister Livello is still busy over there, and she said before she said that they would go to help.

I think it has been a few days since I came back, but they have not been idle at all these days, saying that they are coming back to rest, but it is not a rest.In the past few days, I don't know what kind of changes there will be. Many days have passed there.

Hua Yueling didn't calculate the time conversion, but the time lapse between the two worlds is still quite large.Don't look at it here is only a few days, but it has to be multiplied several times over there.

"Let's go see if we have time, anytime, right?"

"Of course, you can go whenever you like. There are no special rules. Sister, I don’t care about this. Besides, I just let you go and see. I guess there won’t be anything for the time being, and it’s very busy over there. Yes, but the war has not broken out yet."

"That's also normal. The war can't be so fast. You can think about it. Even after such a period of time, it is definitely not enough. How many people can they gather in such a short time."

"And there is also a gap in strength." Sister Aroline interrupted again. "Okay, don't think about it so much. Sister, I just asked you to go over and see, and I didn't ask you to help."

"We know this too, but haven't we been busy recently, and I don't have time. But don't worry, Sister Aroline, and we will go back to see the situation there."

"Then let's talk about it."

"That's it, don't worry."

Hua Yueling said seriously.Although I don't know why Sister Aroline must let herself pass, since she has said so, she agrees to come down. It is impossible not to agree anyway.

Next is the time for them to play, and the day was so happily spent.Although it has been a busy day, they can be considered to have made a lot of progress. This is more than anything worthy of their happiness.

It was late, so Karin lived here, and sister Aroline did the same. It seemed that she had nothing else to do, so she stayed.

Everyone is naturally very happy to have fun, Hua Yueling can be regarded as letting go of a worry, and then she can rest without thinking of anything.Hua Yueling naturally hoped that there would be no such annoying things anymore.

Next, I have to go to Hunter Planet to see how it is going. I don't know if Gokara and Lei Anni are ready.As for Hunter Planet, there are still too few people on their side. Even if they have increased during this period of time, they must be incomparable with each other.

They definitely have an advantage here, but that advantage can't be completely transformed into strength.Even if there is a princess, how about it, do you still think that just relying on the princess can make everyone change their positions?

Certainly some of them will make other choices because of the existence of the princess, but Hua Yueling believes that the choices of more people are still the same. All of this is not that easy to change.

"The battle over there is a long process. I don't know how long it will take to reduce the gap between the opponent in terms of strength. Not to mention being on an equal footing with the opponent, at least it cannot be suppressed so miserably."

Now they are still just a small group of forces. If they are discovered by the other party, it is very dangerous. As long as the other party takes action, this weak organization will definitely disappear in a short time.

So the most important thing now is to be stable and not to be discovered. As long as you achieve these two points, and then slowly develop your strength, you can only take other actions after your strength is not easily overwhelmed by the opponent.Before that, you can only keep avoiding.

After thinking about the things over there, Hua Yueling shook her head and calmed her mind. There were too many things over there, and it was not so easy to understand.Take your time, no matter what can be done overnight, sometimes the more anxious you are, the more you can't do anything.

My sister didn’t know how to talk to other people after knowing that the snake dragon was caught, or she didn’t say it at all, but it seems that my sister is already a lot easier, no longer doing things like before. This is troublesome, especially tired.

That's good, Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, this was their original intention of doing these things.It is the best to help Sister Yun.

"Fortunately, my choice is not bad. Otherwise, I don't know when this matter will continue."

But after all, there is still a behind-the-scenes man. It may not be one, but I don't know a few, but what Hua Yueling has to do is to guard against each other. After all, they can't do anything other than this thing temporarily.

That person didn't know who it was, let alone where he was.

Hua Yueling had no choice but to hope that the other party would not come to trouble him again, but he knew how likely that kind of thing might be.

I don't know the purpose of the other party, let alone why the other party is doing these things. If you don't clarify all this, then don't wonder if it will continue to act.

So for the current Hua Yueling, it's better to just put all this aside, instead of having a headache for this, it's better to rest comfortably for a while.

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