"It's better to go back. After walking for so long, I feel a little tired. I want to go back and have a rest. If I go to other places, wait until the afternoon."

No one thought that Lu Yuetong would be the first among them to shout tired. This surprised Hua Yueling a little bit, but anyway, since everyone feels tired, then go back.

The group returned upstairs, Karin is here, so they did not discuss the issue of making games, but played games here. Everyone was very happy, and Karin was not in a hurry to go back.

In fact, Karin is considered to have come to his house more in another world, and Sister Jelucie has never been so many times.But Karin plays better with them after all, so everyone gets along more happily.

"Karin, I don't know if you are interested in going to other places and staying with us?"

Lu Yuetong's sudden mention of this made Hua Yueling a little surprised. He knew where Lu Yuetong was talking when he heard it, but he didn't know if it was more appropriate to take Karin with him.

"I'm interested. I'm interested as long as it's what you propose. It's interesting here."

"But it's not our place, it's another place."

"Other places, are you going to other places to play?"

"It's not our other places, but it's similar to yours, similar to a different world."

Lu Yuetong thought about it and didn’t know how to explain it. After all, Karin should have nothing to say about this kind of thing, so if you want her to understand it, it’s better to explain it. As to whether Karin can fully understand it, This is not her problem.

Anyway, just explain it a little bit, and then ask her what she thinks. If Karin wants to go, ask her to go with her to see what the other world is like. It's similar to them, but it's different. world.

Lu Yuetong didn’t know much about the world, and the information she knew was from others, so she also told Karin about the information. I didn’t expect Karin to be quite good after hearing it briefly. Interested in.

"It's a different place again. You guys are really good. You can go to different places. You can notify me next time you go. I want to see it."

"Sure, we won't forget you if you want to go. It's just these two days. Let's talk about the specific day when you go."

Lu Yuetong naturally has no way to be sure, she also listened to Hua Yueling, and Hua Yueling herself didn't decide when to go.She can't jump to conclusions without making a decision.

"That will be fine, I have to thank you."

Karin was quite happy after learning about some things, being able to go to different places, and still that kind of completely different place, think about how many people in their place can do it, presumably no one can do it. Except for her.

Things that have not been experienced can make people excited. Don't look at Lu Yuetong just telling her about this matter, Karin can't wait to go with them.However, it may take some time to hear it. Although she felt a little regretful, she nodded, but in her heart she had begun to imagine what the different world would be like.

She hasn't understood the world she lives in yet, she just has some understanding of things in such a small area, but she still wants to know more and go to more interesting places.Just don't know if there is this opportunity, she definitely can't do it herself, so if she wants to go to other places, she has to rely on the help of Hua Yueling and the others, but whether they are willing to help her is unclear.

Although Karin had such thoughts, she still didn't discuss this matter with Mu Ningshuang and others for the time being, she was somewhat embarrassed to discuss this matter.

In addition, it seemed that Hua Yueling and the others were very, very busy recently, so she didn't worry about asking them about it.Even if you ask for a short time, there should be no way. It takes time.

Karin also thought a lot, but she was not so anxious. Being interested in this place didn't mean that she had to do something now. She was not the kind of person who likes to be anxious.

After I came back, I played with Mu Ningshuang and the others. Not to mention that Lu Yuetong is the most lively and talkative person among Hua Yueling and the others, but the person who has the best relationship with her is Mu Ning. Shuang, maybe it's because there are some similarities between the two of them.

Even if Mu Ningshuang doesn't like to talk very much, the usual communication with Karin should be the least among these people, but she and Karin are the most chatting.Perhaps this is the kind of special induction between each other, this kind of induction does not mean that you can talk through chat.

Lu Yuetong was very envious of the kind of feeling between them, but what he wanted to say was that the relationship between her and Mu Ningshuang was not bad.

Four people are just right, but in fact, the entire machine can be played by at most eight people. Of course, two machines are needed in this case. Otherwise, the screen can’t fit so many pieces, a small piece for one person. You can't even see clearly.

When Hua Yueling came back, she was still in a good mood, and she was even happier playing.You can play for as long as you want. Although you can control the summer vacation time, there are really fewer and fewer times like now.

Will this time become less and less in the future?Hua Yueling had such thoughts unconsciously, but he hoped it was not the case.

Hua Yueling hoped in her heart that she would be able to continue like this forever no matter what.

But don’t think about it so much now. It’s fine for now. Those are things that will only be needed later. It’s still too early.But as long as you do well enough, there should be no problem.

"But it's not enough now, we still need to work hard."

Sighing, this is not the first time I have said this, and I don't know how many times it is, but Hua Yueling will think of this sentence every time he thinks of these headaches.

"It really takes effort. Whether it is now or later, you must think about how to work hard."

While he was thinking about these things, someone was calling him suddenly. Hua Yueling hadn't heard him at first, and was called several times by the other party, and this was a reaction.Turning her head to see, it turned out that it was Mu Ningshuang next to her. She only wanted to remind herself when she saw that she hadn't moved.

"Sorry, I thought about it a lot before I knew it, and I forgot what was in front of me."

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