"What do you think is better?"

After playing for a whole morning, Mu Ningshuang and the others took a break while Karin and Aroline both left.Karin was walking with Aroline. Sister Aroline seemed to have something, but she said she would come back later.

Hua Yueling sent them out, watching them leave, and then after returning, they chatted with Mu Ningshuang and the others.

Except for their sister, they are their best friends, people who can speak their hearts.Hua Yueling hopes to get some ideas from them, no matter if the ideas are useful or not.Whether you can get some advice from them, or others, it's much better than what I can think of myself.

"Then it’s better to buy props. According to your idea, Aling, even if the three of us are looking for it, let alone how large it is, even if it’s our city, I don’t know if you want to take it completely. How much time does it take."

Lu Yuetong's words were correct. Hua Yueling was still silent after hearing it. Just as Lu Yuetong said, I don't know how long it takes to be enough.

"I think so too."

Seeing that he had no words, Mu Ningshuang said suddenly.

"Yes, it's the same," Hua Yueling said helplessly, "then there is only one way, but it costs too much. I still have a lot of gold coins, but they are all Tolivi. Luo Jiefu, if we collect it ourselves, we don’t know how long it will take to collect these gold coins."

"But we can't just do nothing because of this."

"It's not that I don't do nothing, but I want to wait. Anyway, I'm not so anxious about this. You have to buy it now. Even if you buy it now, we don't necessarily have to act."

"Anyway, I have to buy it sooner or later."

"Then you have to look at the thoughts at that time. But I also feel a lot easier to talk to you, otherwise I have always been annoyed by this, it is very annoying."

"Anyway, since we need to spend gold coins, let's collect more when we have time. And we can find other ways, right?"

"Other ways? Is there any other way?"

"If you don't want to, you won't have it."

Lu Yuetong said in a joking tone, while Hua Yueling frowned. She didn't think about it, but he also knew that Lu Yuetong was not talking about herself.It just sounds like this.

"The way to collect gold coins, isn't there a variety of ways to make money? We can't just focus on one way, right? Only that way is obviously unable to solve our current problems, so the best The way is to find other ways, better ways to make money."

"I have naturally thought about this, but, how should I say, that kind of method does not exist. At present, taking risks and recycling equipment is the best way to make money."

Hua Yueling shrugged, thinking about this problem a long time ago, but it can't be said that he didn't think about these problems.Making money is not as easy as you think. It's not that you can think of a good way casually.

"And I also discussed with Xiaoxue, she has a better say in this aspect, but she has no other good solutions."

"Maybe there are other ways?"

Lu Yuetong didn't think so. She didn't know where her self-confidence came from. Hua Yueling felt a little strange that there was a better way.

"Yuetong, do you have a better way?"

After hearing her say that, she had a better way to think about it, but when Lu Yuetong was asked this way, she did smile stupidly.

Seeing her reaction, Hua Yueling was rather helpless, so it seemed that Lu Yuetong just thought so, not that there was really a good way to say that.

Looking at Mu Ningshuang again, she, like Lu Yuetong, has no better way.This kind of thing is not like this, Hua Yueling thought to herself, some people might find it easy, but just think about it, this kind of thing is not easy at all.

The three of them were silent, seeming to be thinking about this issue, Hua Yueling looked at the others, whether it was Lu Yuetong or Mu Ningshuang, both lowered their heads and remained silent.Especially Lu Yuetong, looking a little pitiful with his head down, and quite cute.

The words Hua Yueling said before were naturally not aimed at her. What kind of relationship they are, and no matter how they have different opinions, they will talk to each other well. There is no need to target her in this way.

But now there are more people, so you can still think about this issue.The three heads are like Zhuge Liang, maybe acupuncture can think of a good way.

In fact, Hua Yueling himself didn't expect much, but he was still thinking about it seriously.

"Xiaoxue, do you have any good ideas?"

In the process of her own thinking, Hua Yueling did not forget to ask Xiaoxue's thoughts, but Xiaoxue did not speak, as if he hadn't heard his question.As for the specifics, Hua Yueling didn't pursue it. She didn't want to talk about this topic. Anyway, she didn't have any new ways. If there were any, she would have said it.

Hua Yueling didn't struggle with this, and her thoughts returned to some of her own thoughts.

"A Ling, there is a way I think it's not bad!"

Lu Yuetong's very excited words awakened Hua Yueling who was thinking, and he subconsciously turned his head to look at Lu Yuetong and saw her excited expression.

"Can't you earn gold coins by recycling equipment?"

"Yes, this is the main way to earn gold now."

Nodded, there are actually some other ways, but obviously none of them can be compared with recycling equipment.

"Collecting equipment is mainly faster and the easiest. Other methods are more troublesome, not so easy, not to mention the income is not so high."

"So I thought of a good solution, but it's actually not a new one. It's just a slight change of thinking."

Hua Yueling listened quietly, listening to Lu Yuetong's meaning is still recycling equipment, but the recycled things are different, probably this is the meaning, if you think about it in accordance with the problem of talent.

"Why can't we collect higher-priced items?"

Lu Yuetong's words confirmed Hua Yueling's conjecture, and he knew that it was true.He also had this idea, but it is easier said than done. This kind of thing is like this, not that it can be done with an idea.

"Yuetong I thought about what you said, but this is not to say that you can do it if you think about it."

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