"It should be about the same, we don't have any other ideas for the time being. Later, if there are any ideas, write them down, and then copy them here."

Hua Yueling decided to come to an end for the time being. It has been almost two hours since she woke up to discuss these things together. She feels a little tired mentally and needs a rest.Thinking too much can easily cause headaches, especially now that they are a little uncomfortable.

"Let's do this first, put this notebook away, and then we will discuss together to see which ideas are better."

"Don't worry, there are other things that need to be thought of. These are put aside for a while, but I have to wait for a while." Hua Yueling is not in a hurry, shook his head and said, "It's just the beginning. There are still a lot of thoughts. These things need to be confirmed after other things are confirmed."

"Then don't worry, let's let it go for a while."

Lu Yuetong thought for a while after Hua Yueling spoke, and then said so, she didn't seem to think about it at all, she just said according to Hua Yueling's thoughts.

Hua Yueling put the notebook away and put it in the bookcase next to it.There are a lot of books in Hua Yueling's bookcase, and the bottom is for notebooks.Hua Yueling has a lot of notebooks here, many of which are reading notes, but he hasn't reviewed it much after finishing them.

Temporarily put the notebook on the other side so as not to find it.There are many useful things in Hua Yueling that I can't find, anyway, I can always see it when I don't use it, but I can't find it when I really use it.

"Speaking of speaking, didn't we promise that Sister Aroline would go to Hunter Planet for a visit. We can wait until Sister Yun goes with her on vacation, so that Sister Yun can also rest for a while. We won't go before that. ."

"These are all A Ling, you have the final say, there is no need to discuss with us, we have no opinion."

Lu Yuetong said so, let alone Mu Ningshuang.This can be considered as another matter after discussing it, and it's really easy.

"Would you like to go out for a tour?"

Hua Yueling looked out the window and looked at the scenery outside.

"Just take this opportunity to go to some places we haven't been."

"Aling, what do you think?"

Lu Yuetong knew he must have new ideas when he heard what he said, so he asked, wanting to hear what he thoughts.

"It's not about the system. I'm going to look for places where we haven't been and there are relatively few people. Maybe I can find something."

It's hard to say whether Hua Yueling's idea is effective, but he thinks he can try it, and other methods are useless except to try.If not, there is no need to do so.

After he made a decision, others seldom refuted his ideas. Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong acted with him. Whatever he said, he did that. Anyway, he just went out to disperse the wind, just as it was. Isn't it good to travel?

If you think about it this way, there is no need to say anything. They are also ready to go out together like this, and there is no need to worry this time.

"Since there is no objection, let's go."

Hua Yueling said with a smile, and then the three of them left home and went outside.Still riding a bicycle, this time there are no other people, only three of them.

"Where to go?"

Although it is said that they have visited places they have never visited, there are many places they have not visited. This time it is just an attempt, but even if it is an attempt, you must be prepared. It can’t be completely inappropriate, then Just went for a walk.

"Look at it first, I'm not ready, am I."

Hua Yueling also thought of this idea. As for where to go, I have to look for it again, but in fact, it is hard to say whether there is such a thing here.But whether it is there or not, it is necessary to try.

It was not that Hua Yueling went to find it alone, but the three of them went together to find the direction to go.They found one of the directions, and that direction was the opposite of the places they visited most often, and opposite to the barren wood forest, Hua Yueling hadn't been in that direction much.

But he had been there on the other side, and he didn't find anything in his memory in that direction.

After deciding the direction, Hua Yueling and the others immediately started to take action. They rode their bicycles along the road in that direction.Hua Yueling kind of likes the feeling of riding a bicycle, enjoying the feeling of walking in the wind.

It's just that as time goes by, the wind should gradually change.The hot wind is still blowing, and in a few months, it will be cold.

This situation of traveling on an untraveled road has a different feeling. It is like traveling to a strange place. In fact, it has a more adventurous feeling. They go to different places in different worlds. Like.

"Let’s go out and don’t think so much, just go for a drive, don’t worry about other things, save it and worry about other things" Hua Yueling said, his suggestion is naturally for Lu Yuetong to pay You Mu Ningshuang thought, if she patronizes and pays attention to her surroundings, there might still be the thought of walking around, but it's not like this.

The three people rode their bicycles to a familiar road, but there was only a short section of the road, and it was about to turn at the next intersection.Here, Hua Yueling can't say that she has never been here, but she has not been here many times, let alone Mu Ningshuang and the others.

"Our street here doesn't feel much different."

Hua Yueling and Lu Yuetong were in front, and Mu Ningshuang followed them.Three people side by side is a bit too much, in fact, even if two people are riding side by side, it is not good, so after the same flower Yueling said a few words, Lu Yuetong took the initiative to fall behind.

"That's for sure, there can't be that many changes, even if the place where the shit lives is not like this."

Compared with Hua Yueling, Lu Yuetong has no opinion in this regard.

There is still a long way to go in the direction they are going. It takes about an hour to reach the target location set by Hua Yueling. Hua Yueling thinks this is good. It takes two hours to go back and forth, which is in line with their original goal. plan.

There are not so many twists and turns along the way. Hua Yueling and the others choose a road that requires fewer changes to the route. In this way, it will save to go around.

It's just that you need to bend around the first part of the journey, which can't be helped.

Hua Yueling and the others rode their bicycles through these unfamiliar places, moving their sights on both sides from time to time, to see what was interesting here.

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