"That's also true. When we acted before, you let Aling spend a lot of money."

"Yes, I spent some gold coins. Fortunately, the number of gold coins needed is not that many. Otherwise, I would have to die." Hua Yueling said, just like what he said, the two things I bought at that time needed There are not many gold coins, otherwise he wouldn't buy them so easily.

Hua Yueling was also quite fortunate, if it weren't for the cost, he wouldn't be able to solve the problem so easily.

However, since he had the system, he still relied on the system. If there is any problem, he may be able to buy something from the store to solve it.However, this kind of thinking cannot be said to be wrong, it can only be said that it must have given him some slack. This is not right.

Hua Yueling looked at the road ahead. The road was quite long. I don't know where this road will lead.However, Hua Yueling knew that he might not be able to reach the end of the road, but that was nothing, anyway, they were not going to the end of the road, they were just going to their destination.

"In fact, it doesn't matter if you don't reach the destination."

"Of course, but since it's settled, it will naturally pass."

Most of Hua Yueling's attention was placed on the vicinity of this road, and he had observed almost all the reachable areas, but he obviously couldn't find what he was looking for.You have to know that after all, so long has passed, even if it was originally there, it is long ago that it has gone.

This is foreseeable. It does not mean that the kind of thing is always there where it falls. It may be seen by someone, interested and then picked up, or blown away by the wind, or even by a bird. It's all possible.

However, I think these are not very useful, it is most intuitive to go to the place to see, and then you will know how it is.Moreover, the system components may not fall there. The system components and the power lost by Xiaoxue may be anywhere.Compared with the system components, the lost power of Xiaoxue is obviously more elusive.

It wasn't that Xiaoxue's lost power had his own consciousness, but it was just more troublesome after it was lost.Hua Yueling hardly knew what kind of trouble the loss of power would bring, and he did encounter such difficulties.

Lost power can be combined with anything, but what Huayueling doesn’t know is whether it will be combined with inanimate matter. This possibility is still possible. I can’t say that it’s not at all. After all, he has not tried, nor I asked Xiaoxue this question, so it's not easy to say.

In any case, what awaits them is a very complicated thing, I don't know how troublesome it will be.Especially after such a long time, I don't know where the things scattered around will go.

If it falls into the hands of others, Hua Yueling can't help sighing as she thinks about it. If it is really that way, it is definitely not good news, but he is almost certain that there will be such a situation, it is impossible not.The more troublesome the situation is, the more it will happen, Hua Yueling believes this.

The three of them rode forward again. According to the navigation prompts, Hua Yueling and the others have also reached their destination. Here he immediately deployed his exploration skills and swept all of the neighborhood.


Hua Yueling said this with certainty, so their trip would basically be in vain.I didn't find what I was looking for, but Hua Yueling and the others didn't affect their mood because of this. After all, they were supposed to come out to relax. If they didn't find it, they didn't find it. There is no need to take it so seriously.

"Don't go any further, or go to the side to have a look."

After the forest on the right, you can see the hidden factory. There is a very spacious dirt road leading to the factory, but the road is not very smooth. Just by looking at it, you can see that there should be a lot of driving on it. Big truck.

Sparse houses can be seen further away. There should be a village over there, but there is no well-built road leading to that village.

"Go over there."

Mu Ningshuang pointed to the side that might be the village and said.Now that she spoke, Hua Yueling and the others listened to her naturally. They walked in that direction and stepped on the bumpy road. You can see that these potholes must have been pressed out by the truck, otherwise. This way should not be like this.

Riding a bike on it is also a lot of fun.Because of this ancient time, Hua Yueling got out of the car before riding a few steps away. It's better to walk this way.

The three people changed into carts to advance, and the speed naturally slowed down, but it was not too slow. They accelerated the speed of advancement, and soon passed the forest.The forest is actually not too luxuriant, there are some trees, but not many, but it is still possible to want to shelter underneath, but it is impossible to imagine it as a forest.

This kind of forest is rare, but it's not uncommon, and Hua Yueling has seen a few.

After passing through this area, Huayueling and the others passed directly in front of the factory. Perhaps they smelled their body or heard noises. The big dogs in the factory kept barking.

A gap can be seen under the closed door, but the big dog should be chained, and he didn't see it leaning on the gap in the door to drill outside.

This made Hua Yueling feel a little more relieved, just thinking about the appearance of a big dog would feel a little frightened, although with his current ability, there is no need to be afraid.Just thinking that that kind of big guy might be wandering around by his side, I couldn't help but get scared.This is also a kind of instinct.

After passing the factory, they came to the village. The village was not big and there were few people. It was a very small village.Roughly speaking, there are only twenty houses, and it is not bad that there are 100 people in this village.

But these are not what Hua Yueling cares about, what he cares most is whether there is something he is looking for here.

The exploration skills easily extended to the entire village, and Hua Yueling could be said to be searching for almost every household.But from the outside, it’s hard to tell that he was doing this. The three of Hua Yueling and the others passed through the village like this. The people in the village were obviously taken aback when they saw them. Obviously they didn’t expect the village to be there. The presence of outsiders surprised them.

After passing through the village, Hua Yueling's expression didn't change much, but Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong, who were familiar with him, could detect the loss from her.No matter how you say it, you will still be more or less disappointed if there is no gain.

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