As Hua Yueling thought, Sister Aroline came here for dinner in the evening.Sister Livello has stayed on Hunter Planet for a long time now, unless there is something particularly important, she won't be back.

Sister Aroline is the only one in her own home. It's certainly not interesting to eat alone. It's better to go to the restaurant or order a takeaway.

But Sister Aroline doesn’t like this method. If she is not too busy, she will come to Huayueling’s house to have a meal. She can’t eat much, but it’s good if someone eats with someone. alone.

Naturally, Hua Yueling and Hua Yun welcomed her to come over for dinner. Although there was one more person, the work did not increase much, and there was a lot of excitement as a person like Aroline, which was good.

If there is no Aroline, although Hua Yueling and Hua Yun are chatting, they are not so happy, so naturally it will be different with more Aroline.Aroline is quite able to talk, and is a good hand to set off the atmosphere, even if she seems to only play with others, it is not like this.

In the evening Sister Yun came back to cook two dishes, loaded two plates and brought them to the table, and then Sister Aroline sent them directly.She has always come here, instead of using other methods. It is naturally very convenient to transmit. It is estimated that she is too lazy to come over directly. After all, it is not a short distance.

Hua Yueling had originally taken two pairs of bowls and chopsticks. When she saw Sister Aroline appear, she didn't have to wait for her to speak, so she voluntarily went back to the kitchen and took out a pair of bowls.

"Sister Aroline, here."

"Hmph, Xiao Yueling is also getting more and more obedient by her sister's education. You used to be less sensible, Xiao Yueling."

"Then I really want to thank you sister Aroline."

Hua Yueling rolled her eyes and spit out, why is it her credit, shouldn't she have to thank her for her education?

"Xiao Yueling, I am quite relieved that you can realize this, sister. What is missing now is a child who can reflect on yourself like Xiao Yueling."

"Don't give me ecstasy soup, I don't have to eat after drinking it."

Hua Yueling was about to do it in her seat. Seeing her empty rice bowl, she remembered that she hadn't served the meal yet. Thinking of this, she couldn't help but defeated Sister Aroline again. Why did she come? It's just like this, it's really helpless.

Sister Yun's kitchen had just been cleaned up, Hua Yueling quickly took the bowl and brought it out after the meal was served.Don’t think they have only three people here, but in fact, it’s not necessary for Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong to be deserted when they are here. It can even be said that there is basically no difference in the level of excitement. After all, a sister Aroline is enough. Sister Yun can still chat with her.

"By the way, sister Yun, tomorrow should be a holiday, right?"

"Well, there are two days off, but it can be considered as being able to rest. Thanks to Xiaoling, you guys. Without your help, I wouldn't have time to rest."

What Hua Yun said was about the snake dragon people. If they hadn’t caught the snake dragon people, as Hua Yun said, she would definitely bother about it, but now it’s different and the matter has been resolved. That's a lot easier.

"Then tomorrow, do we want to go out and go to Hunter Planet? You don't have to go there, or you don't have to go to Karin and the others. Time is slower there, and you can rest for a while, sister Yun. "

Hua Yueling thinks this is for the sake of her sister, Hua Yun herself naturally has no opinion, she can still be regarded as a tourist, it is also very good to think about it, after all, other people will not have such an opportunity in such a short vacation. You can also travel.

After getting her sister's promise, Hua Yueling also relaxed a little, so that there is no problem.But what surprised him was that Sister Aroline didn't respond from the beginning to the end, as if she didn't care about these things, and she didn't know what she was thinking about. Hua Yueling felt a little strange anyway.

Glancing at her, Sister Aroline was eating her meal intently, instead of chatting with them like before. It seemed that she was concentrating on eating, but Hua Yueling knew very well that she must be thinking about something.

But Hua Yueling didn't ask, and Sister Aroline probably didn't want to say, there was no need to ask.

A meal is considered a lively meal. After dinner, Sister Aroline said that she had something to leave, but she also said that she would come back at night and slept here at night.

"I'll be back in a while. It will take about half an hour. At that time, we will have a good party for the three of us. Since Sister Yun went to work, I rarely have the opportunity to play together."

"Okay, wait for you to come back."

Hua Yun smiled and said, it is quite interesting to chat with Aroline, and Aroline is interesting.

After that, Sister Aroline left, and Hua Yueling hurriedly cleaned up the table and brushed up the dishes.

"Then I will take a shower first."

Originally, Hua Yun said that she helped him wash the dishes, but Hua Yueling firmly said that she didn't need help from her sister. After that, she went to prepare for a bath.Hua Yueling stayed busy in the kitchen alone.

"Hi, Xiaoyueling, why are you alone?"

"Sister Yun is taking a bath, Sister Aroline, you must know."

Hua Yueling was almost taken aback again, but this time he was somewhat prepared, so he just trembled and then recovered.Quite helplessly, she looked at Sister Aroline. Although it was just such a trick, it was unsatisfactory to use.

There is no way to guard against this sudden trick, and there is no way to restrain and avoid it.If you are so scared once or twice every day, it is estimated that sooner or later you will develop a suspicious illness.

But Hua Yueling didn't say anything, after all, after being frightened so many times, she was somewhat prepared, and she was definitely not as frightened as she was at the beginning.

"Sister Aroline, how many times have I been so scared by you."

"This is Xiaoyueling, you don't have a long memory, but it's not my sister's fault."

"I want to have a long memory, Arolin, how can I be guarded if you are so fascinating."

Hua Yueling said helplessly.

"I'm not prepared for it when, but I can't keep it ready all the time."

"Hmph, then you can only say that Xiao Yueling is not mature enough, if you are mature enough, you don't have to worry so much."

"Yes, it's because I'm not mature enough."

Shrugging her shoulders, Hua Yueling decided not to continue entangled here, even if she persuaded Sister Aroline, she still couldn't make fun of herself.

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