The conflict between the monster and Aroline seemed to be a little funny now. The size of the monster was like a mountain that could collapse at any time.But this is actually an exaggeration. The monster is obviously not that big, it just seems to have that kind of feeling.

Its appearance was just like what Hua Yueling and the others had seen before, like a unicorn.How much Hua Yueling thinks this way is because he has the deepest memory of unicorns, so he will keep unicorns in his heart at this time.

It has a pure white divine comedy, with sharp horns on the head, pointing forward, with a strange light lingering on the corners, and it is not known whether it is gathering strength to prepare for attack.

Hua Yueling carefully observed the figure of this monster or unicorn. It was very handsome. Obviously, Hua Yueling couldn’t deny this. No matter what, it was extremely handsome. Hua Yueling It is even difficult to describe its handsomeness in other words for a while.

He really likes this monster, and if he can, he really wants to raise it as his own pet, but forget about it. There is definitely no way to raise such a monster in his house.Even if it is to be raised, it must be placed in Sister Aroline’s house or in another world to be supported by others.

The confrontation between Aroline and the unicorn continued. Although the battle between the two parties was not very visible from a distance, Hua Yueling knew that the battle between them must be quite dangerous.Don't look at that monster now showing the appearance that it might fall down at any time, but the power it possesses is still terrifying. You can't relax your vigilance until it actually falls, and you can't relax for a minute or a second.

In fact, Aroline is not so troublesome to fight with it. Aroline's strength lies there. No matter what strategy the unicorn adopts to fight, she will definitely win in the end, let alone the monsters now. Kind of dying feeling.

Aroline easily defeated the unicorn, and then she walked forward, next to the unicorn, and knelt down to look at it.The monster was struggling and wanted to get up to fight her, but it almost had no strength and couldn't stand up. The more struggling, the faster the force flowed away.

Aroline was talking to it. Hua Yueling and the others could not hear it because they were standing far away, but this was what surprised them. What surprised them was that she and the unicorn could communicate.It was obvious that the unicorn understood her after she spoke.

But when I think about it, that is sister Aroline, in fact, there is nothing surprising about this.Sister Aroline is not only strong, but also very good in all kinds of miscellaneous places. Sister Livio is also like this.

Perhaps these powerful people have made achievements in various aspects, Hua Yueling thought to herself.

I don't know if Sister Aroline's persuasion is effective, but it seems that there is no effect yet. The unicorn has no action, but Sister Aroline is not in a hurry. She didn't persuade anything, just waiting for its response.

The unicorn seems to be still thinking about her proposal. At least in its response, there is no deep hatred between them. As for why the monsters will attack them as targets, maybe it is just because they are more "lucky".

Hua Yueling and the others didn't bother in the past, but continued to wait. They really wanted to know how the unicorn would choose in the end, but Hua Yueling felt that it might not be out of Aroline's expectations.

But no matter what, this time they have achieved a good result, in all aspects.

Arolin was piled beside the unicorn, which was lying motionless on the ground.He can't move, he still has some physical strength, but the mental damage is not so easy to recover, at least he has to rest for a while.

The unicorn nodded. Seeing this scene, Sister Aroline couldn't help but smile. The goal was achieved. How could she be unhappy, especially when this unicorn has such a powerful ability. .This time I came here to gain a lot. If you let Gokara and the others know, they might laugh out loud.

The abilities above mental power make unicorns have a great effect, for them, can give them a lot of help.And don't look at Hua Yueling and the others finally defeating the unicorn, if only Gekara and the others came alone, it would not necessarily be its opponent.

The unicorns are very strong, indeed very strong. If it weren't for the help of sister Aroline this time, they would not be able to win in the end. What should be admitted must be admitted.

It is precisely because Sister Aroline is there that it has dragged a large part of its energy, so they can defeat it with scattered power, otherwise it can be said that this is an impossible task.

Everything went well, and after the unicorn recognized Aroline as the master, Aroline waved them to pass.Although Lu Yuetong recovered some physical strength and energy during the rest, it was still impossible for her to get up and move on her own. It was Hua Yueling and Mu Ningshuang who helped her up, and the four of them went to where Aroline was. Place to go.

The forest has been completely restored to its original state, and it is the same ordinary forest as when they walked over.It is no longer a dreamlike scene, which also proves that such a large range of mirror images were made by unicorns.

To be honest, this is really scary, Hua Yueling is not very clear how much mental energy it takes to make it like that, but just thinking about it, it must be a lot of money.It is very difficult to do with the trial he has now.If you think about it this way, their victory will be lucky enough to some extent, otherwise they will never win.

"Sister Aroline, are you all right?"

"It's okay, come and meet everyone, don't you need to mention it."

They could understand what Sister Aroline said, but they could clearly feel that this was not the language they usually communicated with, but a special language.Seeing that the unicorn also understood her, it means that sister Aroline should be speaking the language used by the unicorn.

I don't know what kind of language it is, but they can understand it anyway.

The unicorn turned his head and looked at them. It looked like it was being forced by Sister Aroline. He didn't want to communicate with them at all, probably because their strength was not as good as it.Just glanced at each other with Hua Yueling, and then it turned around.

Aroline smiled and didn't care much about its reaction.

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