"It's really incredible. Your luck is so good. We have lived here for such a long time, but we have never encountered a monster like it."

Gekara's tone was full of incredible, a little envy, but also puzzled.As she said, they have lived here for so long, and they have also been to many places with powerful monsters. The meaning of hunters is to explore those places with powerful monsters. They have also captured monsters. But few people really control the monster all the time. Such a powerful monster wants to completely control it and make it its own pet. This is no joke.

Aroline’s strength is here, maybe this is the reason, but Gokara and the others think there must be other reasons, not just that simple.

Unicorns don't like being watched, so after listening to Gekara and the others, Aroline let it go first.The unicorn's mental trauma has not yet fully recovered. Although it has been treated by Aroline and Livio, it still takes some time to cultivate.

It will take at least a week, mainly because Hua Yueling and the others do not know the severity to cause this situation, otherwise they don't need to rest for that long.But this can't rely on Huayueling and the others, after all, they were still enemies before Sister Aroline accepted it.

After the unicorn left, Gekara and the others also noticed Hua Yueling and Hua Yun's sister and brother.Knowing from Aroline that the unicorn's acceptance also had a lot of credit, they immediately came to condolences their two brothers and sisters.

Hua Yueling chatted with them, and learned some recent developments and various events from them.The fake artifact is under production, but the progress is only about half of the time at most, which is far from the completion of the production, so we still need to wait.

What is made is not an artifact, but an imitation of an artifact, but don't look at it as an imitation, if the imitation is not true enough, it is still very likely to be discovered.So for this, they also worked hard to make the imitations exactly the same as the artifacts.

This exact sameness is not only in appearance, but also in performance.When a person sees an artifact, he has a peculiar feeling, and he can feel that it is a unique item, so it is necessary to make only the things that need to be felt.

This is also one of the most troublesome aspects of manufacturing, and other aspects are better to say.But Hua Yueling didn't care too much about these, anyway, after a while, they would tell themselves when the imitation artifacts were completed.

The main reason why Gekara and the others would come back at this time was that they knew that Aroline had subdued a powerful monster. This was not what other people said, but Aroline told them.If someone else said it, they might not have paid so much attention to it, but Aroline herself said that she was very strong, so they would naturally come back to see the situation.

Aroline also told them exactly that this unicorn could be used as a helper to help them, and it was naturally grateful for Gokara and the others.This is not just as simple as having an extra helper. It is necessary to know that if a unicorn can exert all its strength, it is equivalent to not knowing how many individuals are capable.This is not a joke.

And with the help of the unicorn, after hearing what Aroline said about its abilities, they would have more and better choices in their actions.

Gekara and the others got the unexpected good news and left happily.Don’t look at them coming here so late, they are actually very busy and have a lot of things to do. They didn’t stay here for long. They wandered around in the village with Hua Yueling and understood. Take a look at the new look of this village.

"We will go back soon. There is still a lot of work to be done on the organization side. There are a lot of people who have joined recently. We must carefully check that there is no talent, and we must not let in unreliable people."

According to what they said, their organization is still very prosperous recently, and many people have joined their organization.Although they are secretly prepared organizations, they naturally have their own way to attract people to join, but it's not that everyone who joins is completely trustworthy, so you need to know whether to let someone join or not.

This is also one of the reasons why the number of their organization is not so large. It is not that anyone can join. If that were the case, their organization should have been breached long ago and it would not be possible to survive for that long. .Since they can survive and have not been caught for so long, they naturally have their own set of methods.

But it’s a very troublesome thing to think about. After all, I don’t know how many people are staring at them. In this case, even if someone wants to join their organization, they can’t be trusted casually. Yueling would not trust those people casually.

As for how Gekara and the others did it, Hua Yueling was really unclear.

After going around the village, even Gekara and the others were stunned by the astonishing change of the village Kangxi. They haven't been back for a long time, so if you look closely now, they are really hard to recognize.This is the first village they visited after they came back, and it was really almost impossible for people to come out.

"I really want to thank you for not only giving us so much help, but also for keeping this village in order. Without your help, this village would not have become what it is now."

This is just a village. Think about how it would be managed if a town or even a city were handed over to Livello and Aroline.

But they just think about it, not to mention that they don't have a city in their hands now, even if they do, they may not really dare to ask Livello.In their opinion, Livello is the kind of person who is not easy to get along with.Aloline is still relatively easy to get along with, and there is no such a big pressure to talk to her or anything, but facing Livio is different, the pressure is very high.

After walking around in this village with them, Gekara and the others left. They were very busy. It would be nice to be able to spare so much time, and there might not be time to come here again.But they also invited Hua Yueling and the others to come to play with them if they had the time, and according to them, they also changed places, not living in the same place.

"You changed places?"

"Well, changed to a safer place."

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