Unexpectedly, he became a celebrity when he got here, Hua Yueling was a little surprised by himself, this was something he hadn't expected.In fact, he himself felt that he didn't do anything. Basically, it was like this. To say that he was busy here a lot, he still had to say Mu Ningshuang. After all, this village was built by her and Sister Aroline together.

What I want to say is that the two of them have contributed the most, and I have only shown some strength in helping Sister Gekara and their activities, and they have really not helped much in other aspects.Unexpectedly, this is how the people here still know themselves.It feels a little weird, Hua Yueling is a little unclear about how she has become a celebrity for no reason.

I walked all the way to Sister Livello's house, opened the door, and saw a peaceful scene inside.Sister Livello and the three of them were all sitting at the dining table, but none of them had a meal. Everyone was doing their own thing, and it seemed that they were really waiting for them to come over.

"Yuetong is not awake yet?"

"Well, she probably hasn't fully recovered yet, she's still sleeping. I went to check it, and she hasn't reacted much yet. Let's check again later."

"That's okay, I'll save her breakfast, and she can get hot and eat later. Then leave her alone and come over for dinner."

Greeting them, Hua Yueling and Mu Ningshuang both arrived at the dinner table and sat down.

Don’t think it’s just a normal breakfast, but it’s actually quite hearty. I don’t know if it’s Sister Livello’s craftsmanship or someone else’s, but no matter who made it, just looking at it makes people feel appetite. Wide open.

Hua Yueling and the others glanced at each other. Now that everyone is here, even though there is still one Lu Yuetong missing, she can't come, so it can only be so for the time being.

Several people began to enjoy the food here, it is indeed a table of food.Even Hua Yueling and the others didn't have such a rich breakfast at home, not to mention that they were all made by themselves instead of buying them outside.

Hua Yueling eats very fragrant and comfortable. It has been a long time since she had such a delicious breakfast.But after a bite, he knew who made this breakfast. It must be Sister Livello. No one other than Sister Livello can make such a delicious meal.

A breakfast is very rich and nutritious, and more importantly, not greasy at all.Hua Yueling hasn’t liked to eat oily foods recently, and I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because the taste has changed recently. Anyway, he likes all kinds of light food recently. mouth.

But Livio's breakfast didn't have such an effect. It didn't feel greasy at all, and it was very refreshing. I don't know how to make it.

After eating breakfast, there is nothing wrong for the time being. Last night I said that I would go to the new home of Gekara and the others, but Lu Yuetong hasn't woke up yet, so naturally they are not going to go.Wait until Lu Yuetong wakes up to go with her, this is their idea.

"Let's go back and see if Yuetong has woken up. If you haven't woken up, just go around here first, don't worry."


After helping sister Yun to wash the dishes and chopsticks, Hua Yueling and the others went back to where they lived to take a look. When they reached the door of Lu Yuetong’s room, Hua Yueling raised her index finger to her mouth and hissed, then cautiously Push the door open.

After pushing the door open, I saw that Lu Yuetong's whole body was wrapped in a thick quilt, which was not so thick in this season of the world.She was still trembling slightly, and she seemed to mutter something.

Hua Yueling and Mu Ningshuang were shocked when they saw her appearance, and they squatted down beside her to look at her face.

It seemed that Lu Yuetong's complexion was a little bit unpleasant, and it seemed quite painful.Hua Yueling and Mu Ningshuang glanced at each other, and they didn't know what to do.

"Or I'll call Sister Aloryn over."

"I'll go, Ling, watch you here."

Mu Ningshuang pressed Hua Yueling's shoulder and asked him to look after Lu Yuetong here, while he set out to find Sister Alorin.

Hua Yueling was about to get up and go outside, but when Mu Ningshuang said this, he thought about it and he still obeyed Mu Ningshuang's words and stayed.

"Well then, please."

Mu Ningshuang left as she said, her steps were very fast, and she disappeared soon after she got out of the room.

She moved over a stool and sat down. Hua Yueling stared at Lu Yuetong's face. The more she looked, the more worried she became, but at present she had no choice but to wait for Sister Aroline to come over.

It didn't take much time for Sister Alorin to follow Mu Ningshuang. After they came, Hua Yueling vacated the space and handed Lu Yuetong to Sister Alorin.

"Sister Aroline, come and see what happened to Yuetong."

Aroline did not speak, but went over rather nervously and looked down at Lu Yuetong, but she saw that Lu Yuetong's expression was not as nervous as they were.

"Don't worry, she is fine, this is a normal reaction."

"Normal reaction?"

Hua Yueling and the others were taken aback when they heard what she said, and then looked at Lu Yuetong's indescribably beautiful face, no matter what they thought, they could not comfort themselves with a sentence of nothing.

"Really? But we look at her face very ugly, it seems very uncomfortable."

"It's okay, don’t you believe me what I said, sister, I said it’s okay, but it’s okay. She just had a terrible nightmare. This nightmare should have been caused by yesterday’s experience, so she was scared Not light."

"It's just that?"

"Of course, Xiaoyueling is messy if you care about it. If you observe carefully, you can see that the two of you are really true. You are so anxious if you don't even observe, it's not right."

When Hua Yueling heard this, there was something wrong, but after thinking about it, she realized, is this what Sister Aroline said? Why does it sound so unlike what she should say.

But now Hua Yueling is not as worried as before. Anyway, since Sister Alorin said so, there must be no big problem.Hua Yueling used to observe Lu Yuetong's expression carefully, and at the same time understood Lu Yuetong's situation according to Sister Alorin's statement.

After observing Hua Yueling, she found that what Sister Alorin said was not wrong. As she said, although Lu Yuetong seemed to be in a bad state, there was really no major problem.

Maybe it was really just a nightmare. After all, I was attacked by that unicorn yesterday. It is normal to have nightmares.

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