This is a small room on a high floor. There are not many people eating here, and there are only a few Huayueling acquaintances such as Gekara and Rianne.According to Gekara, they usually eat here.

Even with the addition of Hua Yueling and the others, the number of people here is very small, but although this room is not that big, it is enough for a few of them to eat together, even if a few people are added, there is still no problem.This place is still not small.

"What do you want to eat for lunch?"

"You can eat anything, listen to your arrangements."

"Okay, then you guys will wait a while, it will be done soon."

Gekara went out, and the rest of the others were chatting with Hua Yueling and the others.Although everyone came, the table was still empty and there was nothing.

I didn't bring the food, and I had to wait a while.Today is special, because they came, so for their taste, there is no rush to serve.

In the process of chatting with Leanne, Rafia and others, Hua Yueling and the others also learned something. They heard that the reason they moved out was because they felt that it was somewhat unsafe to stay in the city.For safety reasons, this is one of them. Another point to be said is that something bad seems to have happened near their base recently.

Several times they found people wandering around the base, and those people felt quite ordinary, not like people who came from the investigation. After all, it is impossible for the investigation to send people who know that there is no power at a glance.

Gokala and the others think so, but a series of things that happened recently are really strange, which makes them a little worried, so they decide where to move out as soon as possible.

After having this idea, Gokala and the others directly found Sister Livello and discussed with her. Then Sister Aroline was called over, and then she and Livello had a discussion and decided to help them. .

"What happened to that?"

Hua Yueling asked curiously. Although Leanne and Rafia mentioned this, they didn't say it too carefully, so Hua Yueling was still curious.

"This can be talked about. At first we thought we were making a fuss too much, but after a period of observation, we still found that the actions of those people were not quite right. They should be looking for something, but the specifics are It’s not that we’re looking for us, it’s not easy to be sure. Anyway, what worries us the most is some things that happened during that time. After those things happened, the situation got worse."

Rianne and Rafia were also a little frightened. Although nothing happened yet, it would be too late if something really happened.Regardless of whether the other party is looking at them or not, they must be more careful.

They must not be able to stun them, and the situation would only get worse.They are still thinking about whether to do something. If it is possible, they must want to catch one of the people nearby, but they know that they can't do that, at most they just think about it.

Later, a variety of weird and difficult incidents occurred. Those things made them a little bit confused. What happened? Logically speaking, their actions were already cautious enough, but they did not expect to be noticed.

Fortunately, things have not reached the point of irreversibility. After some things happened, Gokara and the others understood that they had to do something to change the situation.The first is that you can't continue to live in that place, and your actions there will decrease. As long as the chances of being discovered something will be reduced a lot, the other party may no longer pay attention to it.

It is much safer and easier to move outside. Although they are not afraid, they can't make others feel scared.

After all, many horrible things happened within the area where they lived during that period, and this had a great impact on the spirit of other people.

"That said, the problem has not been solved yet?"

"It is true that it has not been resolved, but what we have to say has been resolved. After moving out, we went back and lived there for a period of time. Basically, nothing similar happened again. In some cases, after a period of time, it became clear there."

"Have Sister Aroline visited it?"

"I, I haven't, I can go and see if I find time. After all, there are still people on your side, so it's better to be careful."

"We also know this, so we ask them not to go out casually, and we will go back once a day to find out what is going on there. So far, nothing has happened."

Just when Hua Yueling and the others were chatting, Gekara also came back from the outside. There were several people behind her, all of whom were carrying vegetables in their hands, and put them on the dining table in front of Hua Yueling.

Soon the food was set. The food here is still very different from what Hua Yueling and his family have. Hua Yueling has not eaten it before, but this time almost all the dishes placed on the table are before him. Seen.

The food is still steaming, and it smells very good. Although it is definitely not comparable to Livio's sister, it is still quite good.Hua Yueling hasn't tasted it yet, just smelling it has such an impression.

After tasting it, it deepens Huayueling's feelings. This is indeed full of deliciousness. You can feel the work done by the people here to make these meals.The taste is quite good, with the special staple food here, similar to rice, but very different from rice.

There are not many people here, so it's somewhat quiet, but it's good, although lively meals are also good, but quiet tasting food also has different flavors.

During the period, they also talked about what happened in Liaocheng. Hua Yueling also asked him a question he was more concerned about, that is, how is the progress of the fake artifact being manufactured.

"We haven't made much progress yet, we need to wait for a while. Even if it is a forged artifact, it is not that easy. We have also asked about it, but the answer is not too anxious. Just wait and see. One month’s time."

"One month, what I have to say is pretty fast."

After thinking about it, Hua Yueling said that Gekara and the others felt slow because they were more anxious, but if you think about it, it's actually pretty good.

"Is it all left to the blacksmith?"

"He is the only one whose craftsmanship is enough here, and this is also for the sake of prudence."

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