After leaving the blacksmith's shop, Hua Yueling and the others walked around in the underground city at will, nothing interesting.They thought for a while and decided to go to the city where Leanne and the others lived before to take a look.

The main thing is to find out what's going on in that city.Aroline didn't have any objection, mainly relying on her to transmit it.Don't think they usually go to that city at will, but in fact it is really not easy.That city can't be invaded casually, it has a set of protective measures, and you can't get in if you don't prepare well.

With the help of Sister Aroline, it was much easier, and there was no need to worry about being discovered.

But before leaving, Hua Yueling and the others found Gekara and told her that this was necessary, and they couldn't just leave like this without saying anything. That would definitely not work.

"Are you going to go there? Just so, I also thought that I would go back if I had time during this period, so I would go and have a look with you."

Rianne said this after she knew it. Huayueling and the others said goodbye to Gekara, but Gekara thought that Rianne had such an idea, so she called her over and said to her.Rianne didn't think much, so she decided to act with them and went back together to take a look. It would be better if this was the case.

After they were ready, Hua Yueling and the others directly used Sister Alorin's teleportation to teleport to the stronghold in that city, but this time they came over and found that something was not quite right.

"and many more!"

Sister Aroline immediately waved her hand to stop Rianne who was about to go out and motioned to her to wait a while.

"Something's wrong outside."

After the transmission, they may not have found it at first, but now they have all reacted.What Sister Aroline said was right, there was something wrong.It was quiet outside, incredibly quiet.

To say that there are people living here, although there are not many people living there, there are only about ten people left, but even these people are not so quiet here.

They were teleporting to a relatively secluded place, so they didn't have to worry about being found out, hiding and observing the situation outside, and soon they found an unusual place.

"those people……"

Some people they had never seen were in the distance. Those people were guarding the entrance. Some people were walking from inside out, carrying some people.

"Is that the one who stayed here?"

Hua Yueling asked quite strangely, just from the appearance they didn't look like it, but they couldn't judge everything by appearance, and they had to ask Rayanne.

"No, they should be the soldiers here. But how could this place be discovered and controlled so quickly, we didn't get any wind."

"What shall we do?"

The strength of the soldiers who came here to control this place is hard to say, at least for Hua Yueling and the others, it's just a question of whether they should take action now.Although this place has been discovered and controlled, it would be a bit troublesome if they act like this.

"You can't let them fall into the hands of the people here, and you can't let the situation here be known to the outside world, you must also control all the soldiers."

After observation, at least there is not a strong person here, they are all relatively ordinary.But there is something wrong with this. Although there are few people left by Gekara and the others, there are still one or two powerful people. If they are just these people, they should not be able to catch them.

"There should be other people here."

Rianne said that she had to go and take a look first, and let Hua Yueling and the others wait here for a while.However, Hua Yueling and the others also wanted to go over and see how the situation was. Leanne hesitated a little, but did not stop.

"But you have to be careful, don't get caught."


When Lei Anni's voice fell, the person was gone, and Hua Yueling and the others immediately followed suit.But there was no way for everyone except Aroline to act like Rianne, they approached the past little by little from the other side, approaching the exit that extended upward in the distance.

"The number is wrong."


Huayue Ling slightly looked at Sister Arolin strangely, he didn't know very well about this, so he still needs to listen to her to explain.

"The number of people arrested now is obviously less than the people here, which is strange. Or some of them have been taken up, but I don't feel that way. There are also people in the building above, but people who have not been caught. That means those people were not caught."

"Maybe they went out to do errands, so they escaped?"

"There is another possibility."

"Another possibility..."

Hua Yueling immediately understood what Sister Alorin meant, that there was another possibility, but Hua Yueling and the others still didn't want this possibility to be true.He would rather hope this might be false.

However, it is not easy to say at the moment, and if they act now, it may bring variables.

"Then what should we do? If there is such a possibility, then we can't act easily. It will be difficult to understand what is going on."

"The action must be slowed down temporarily."

Aroline calmly analyzed and said that now she must not be able to act according to her original thoughts. If that is the case, she must not be able to achieve her goal.

"Sister Aroline, do you want to remind Rayanne too, or if she acts, it will be too late for us to think about it."

"I will remind her, but I will leave the rest to Xiaoyueling you to do. You must find a way to find the answers to the questions, where are the missing people. Sister, I think they The possibility of being a traitor is higher, but it cannot be said that it is."

"Then what should we do, we just can't get out like this. If it's invisible, it's okay, but I'm afraid it will be too late in time."

"It's up to you Xiaoyueling. My sister won't help you, so you should think of your own way."

Aroline seemed to be leaving this problem to them to solve, and she had no intention of helping them.After they were okay, Aroline left, and just walked away on her own, and went to see Rianne first, but she shouldn't come back temporarily after hearing her words.

Hua Yueling and the others looked at each other, and they were really unlucky. How could they encounter various problems when they came to such a place, what kind of physique it was.

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