After a while, the others also woke up, and they didn’t know whether it was due to Aroline’s teleportation skills or their own. Every time they were teleported, it was like this. There was a groggy feeling before they could be able to. Wake up.

After waking up, the others were also surprised by the scene in front of them, and they were really happy to see all this.Although the monsters in front of you are not ordinary animals, this feeling of life is completely different from where you live.

Hua Yueling and the others stood there for a while, and then they started walking inside.In fact, if you cut it back, you can see less and less monsters extending far away.And the more you go to the depths, the more monsters you can see. This is also due to ordinary ecology, but it is said that this is unique to this hunter planet.

I don't know whether it is the ecological environment problem on Hunter Planet or other problems. There is no accurate answer to these until now. Aroline has studied a little bit, but she can't give an answer.

Whether it's a monster or an animal life is probably like this. Some monsters or animals may be different, but the whole thing is the same.Some like to live alone, but some like to live in groups, but like these monsters here, even different kinds of monsters can live in everything, and they have always been safe, rarely conflict and fight.

Hua Yueling and the others are walking here aimlessly, in fact, what they have to say is really nothing good, and what you can see here is nothing particularly worth mentioning.There are monsters everywhere, but these monsters are of different races, and it is not that there is only one kind of monster living here.

These monsters also seem to only live nearby. At least from what can be seen so far, none of these monsters have been thrown too far, as if these monsters are a group of monsters squatting at home and are not willing to leave the house.

Although this analogy is somewhat inappropriate, Hua Yueling feels that it should be similar to the facts.

However, I really haven't seen any powerful monsters around here, Hua Yueling and the others came naturally to find some powerful monsters to see.All that can be seen here are monsters that are not too powerful, Hua Yueling and the others simply don't look at it.

In this way, they continued to go deeper, Hua Yueling and the others walked and observed. The distribution of monsters here is somewhat regular. Although some monsters can be seen mixed together, there is no racial concept or tendency, but more Many different kinds of monsters will not live together.

This is the most normal, Hua Yueling thought to herself, the more so, the more interesting.

What else can be found here, Hua Yueling is quite curious, but what he is most curious about is how powerful monsters exist here.He really wanted to see and see, but he didn't know if there was such an opportunity.

Others also looked around with curiosity, but there is really nothing interesting here except those monsters. To say that there is nothing at all, it’s just not how it attracts Huayueling’s attention. .

This is a grassland. These monsters are still eating grass. Of course, it is not entirely certain that this is the case. After all, what they see now is only a performance. It has not yet reached the time when these monsters are hungry, perhaps until they are hungry. There will be different performances.

The monsters basically live here aimlessly, and they can't see any other movements or other things, just like a herd of sheep.

"How come they are like this, even if this is a gathering place for monsters, is it too strange?"

Not only Hua Yueling felt strange, but other people also felt very strange about it. The behavior of these monsters was a bit difficult to understand.Usually, except for the creatures that are kept in captivity, it is rare to see any creatures living in this way, only moving in such an area.

And from the words of Sister Aroline, they also understand clearly what these monsters are going on. It may be that this area is affected by some mysterious power, which is why the monsters live like this.Although they couldn't feel the power, according to Sister Aroline, the mysterious power was real.

Hua Yueling didn't know what the mysterious power Sister Alorin was talking about, he was still a little curious, but it was obviously not something she could touch.But if you think about it carefully, it might be said that it is like a certain game program, because the program setting monsters can only move in a fixed area, so they cannot go out.

This is possible, although it is somewhat strange to put this kind of thinking into reality.However, Hua Yueling was able to accept this kind of theory, not to mention that he had come up with this theory himself.

On the contrary, the number of monsters was even rarer, which made Hua Yueling and the others feel strange.Huayueling deliberately explored the neighborhood. After exploration, there are some special places around here. First of all, the atmosphere. There is a sense of oppression. This is where Huayueling did not feel it before, but could not appear. Under the circumstances, the monster that gave him a sense of oppression, without thinking about it, must be very, very strong.

"It seems our luck is pretty good."

Hua Yueling said in a low voice, it's better not to find trouble for yourself at this time, who knows where the monster is now.

She was also afraid of being discovered by the monster, Hua Yueling didn't dare to extend her detection range too far, she just randomly surveyed nearby to understand the situation.

There is no such monster nearby. Hua Yueling can confirm this after investigation, but this does not mean that the monster is not here.But even so, Hua Yueling and the others did not give up exploring, after all, this was one of their main purposes here, and naturally there was no reason to leave before seeing the monster.

Of course, if you see that monster, you will probably be inseparable. Hua Yueling admits that it is possible, but he still doesn't want to leave like this. Doesn't it go against their thinking when they came.

What's more, I haven't seen anything yet, so I can't just run away.

It's not so timid to run away before seeing the enemy.Hua Yueling and the others continued to walk forward, but they wanted to see what they could find here.

"In terms of momentum, this place should be a very powerful guy."

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