The White Wolf King was unwilling to withstand such an attack, and was unwilling to take a head-to-head approach with Hua Yueling, but in this case it had no other choice. It could only turn over and face Hua Yueling head-on.

When Hua Yueling attacked with this trick, it realized that there was no way to avoid this kind of attack, even if it wanted to do that and tried its best to try it, it could not do it.

There is no way, since it cannot be done, then we can only find a way to resist it.Hua Yueling's attack was like a real black dragon swooping down, and that kind of deterrence was not a joke.

The White Wolf King also did not dare to show weakness, and directly collided with Hua Yueling.

A violent explosion sounded as if something exploded, and the afterimage of the black dragon and the white wolf king slammed together.After the explosion, the White Wolf King was blown out, and Hua Yueling fell to the ground, swaying slightly a little bit, and standing firm.

"This time I still have the upper hand, I guess it can't stand it a few times."

Lu Yuetong rushed forward. Her previous attack failed to hit the White Wolf King, but it didn’t matter. Now the White Wolf King was hit by such a heavy blow by Hua Yueling and fell to the ground, even hitting it. A big pothole came, this attack was heavy enough.

The White Wolf King groaned in pain, twisting his body on the ground, but it also reacted very quickly, knowing that he could not do this for too long, he had to get up and flee immediately, otherwise the next attack would definitely bring him harm.I don’t know how much damage it caused, but it naturally doesn’t want to be hurt again in this situation.

The White Wolf King quickly turned over, but Lu Yuetong caught up faster. After all, she was already ready to attack, so she quickly caught up and attacked.

The body just rolled and wanted to dodge, but Lu Yuetong came faster than it thought.

The two-handed sword blasted heavily on the ground, the ground was shaken, but the White Wolf King had already dodged.

"Wow!" The White Wolf King has tried his best to dodge, but Lu Yuetong also tried his best to attack. The strength of the two sides is somewhat different, but not that big.What's more, Lu Yuetong actually has some speed.

Lu Yuetong fell to the ground, and her attack was effective, which made her more pleased, but after being hit hard, the White Wolf King had also fled and hid away to a farther place.The White Wolf King’s idea is naturally very simple. He wants to keep a distance from them, and then uses magic attacks to delay them, so he can buy himself some time in this way.

The White Wolf King’s approach is not wrong, but the real effect is very small. Hua Yueling and the others were not delayed by its method at all, they quickly bypassed its attack and attacked from another direction. it.

This way of fighting makes the White Wolf King very uncomfortable. It hopes that he can have some time to rest and recover. It has been continuously attacked by Hua Yueling and Lu Yuetong, and it has also been injured. It must be thought about. Ways to recover, otherwise, the more procrastination, the more disadvantages it will be.

The White Wolf King ran away, and ran away again, but it was even less likely to run past Hua Yueling and Lu Yuetong when he was injured.Besides, there are two other people aiming at it, blocking its escape route, making it almost impossible to escape.

Gradually, the situation became more and more unfavorable for the White Wolf King, and Hua Yueling's attacks became more violent every time, as if the two sides had enmity.

The White Wolf King is very tired, and has never been so tired. It has lived here for many years. Hunters have come here, but there has never been a hunter as powerful as Hua Yueling and the others.

It was another rapid sprint attack, this time the attack White Wolf King tried to resist, but it only blocked this one.The sprint was only the beginning, after it resisted, Hua Yueling seemed to have expected this a long time ago, and the two-handed sword slammed up under his control.

The White Wolf King didn't expect that he could make another attack after one attack. This attack really shocked him, and his reaction was somewhat slower.Hua Yueling's attack fell on him, causing it to be injured again.

A shadow on the other side attacked. Almost at this instant, the White Wolf King faced three attacks. When it had no way to avoid it, and when Bi Hua Yueling was entangled, he couldn't find a way to get the best of both worlds.

Can only do his best, there is no other way besides, the White Wolf King tried his best to defend.When magic, arrows, and weapons fell on it, it could only withstand it, and withstand such a combined attack, even it could not fully withstand it.

The body was trembling and fell, and the White Wolf King was dying.But it is not dead yet, as long as it is given time to recover, but Hua Yueling will not give it such a chance.

I suppressed it, making it unable to move.

Hua Yueling has achieved her goal, and then she must kill the White Wolf King if she wants to collect materials.The White Wolf King is basically unable to resist now. In fact, he can collect as long as one sword goes down, but he is still not in a hurry to do so.

"Have you won, it can no longer resist."

Everyone looked around at the White Wolf King. The White Wolf King felt dying due to his injury. The white hair on his body also appeared red, especially where Hua Yueling had hit it.In addition, it was quite dirty, and its white hair was quite dirty, and it was stained with a lot of dust.

The White Wolf King is still very handsome, and it seems that people can't bear to kill him.Hua Yun and the others were still a little worried that the White Wolf King would counterattack, otherwise they would have squatted down to stroke the snowy white hair on its body.

"I've been beaten like this, and I can't get over any storm."

Seeing their worries, Hua Yueling said so.A ray of light blindly passed by and fell on the White Wolf King. The White Wolf King's struggling movements stopped for an instant, and his body fell softly.

"Sister Aroline?"

"It's just controlling it, haven't you figured out what to do."

"I haven't figured it out yet. I originally wanted to get some materials from it, but now..."

Hua Yueling looked at the White Wolf King up and down. It would be nice to use it as a pet, although its strength was not up to that level.

"Sister Yun, what do you guys think?"

Hua Yueling still wanted to ask her sister what they thought, instead of just making judgments based on her own thoughts.

"It's pretty cute."

Sister Yun did not give her own advice, but just said that the White Wolf King is very cute. Hua Yueling stared at the White Wolf King for a long time, and didn't want to understand the cuteness.

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