"Are you asking something?"

There was a knock on the door, and a man opened the door and walked in.Seeing that person's figure, the middle-aged man standing in front of the window asked.

"Not yet. We have used many methods, but their mouths are very strict. It is difficult to ask anything in a short time, but we will continue to work hard to try to ask something as soon as possible."

"Will that be true?"

This is a sentence that can hardly be heard. I don't know who is asking this question.But the person at the door still couldn't hear what he said clearly, looked at him with a puzzled look, but found that the other person did not look here.His eyes are staring outside, through the window glass, no one knows what he is looking at or thinking.

"Any other things?"

"No. But according to our intelligence, after a thorough investigation of the base of the resistance organization, other people appeared and ran away."

"That's your business, remember what I said, don't let go of one, everyone involved must catch it!"

The man said in a very serious and cold voice, without showing any affection.But this tone was already familiar to another person, so he just nodded, then turned around and went out.

The door was closed again, and the people sitting inside didn't care about it.He didn't even care about whether the person left, his eyes still stared out of the window, and there was something different in his expression.

After perceiving the existence of that organization, his mind changed a bit, but all of this was really unexpected. Everything happened very quickly, but it was just a matter of moments.

It seemed that it was nothing more than a fragile organization, and they hadn't even made much effort here, and everything was about to end.What's more to say, things are sometimes that simple.But the situation is not just that simple.

Hearing from that person, there were other people who escaped, or they came from other places, they are probably nearby. If you guess more boldly, or there is a base in other parts of the city.But the spies did not have this information, and they were not fully trusted.

It's hard to say which side of luck is, and everything depends on the next development.

In fact, if this matter is said to be a major event, this is not the case. You must know that there are a lot of resistance forces on Hunter Planet, and this is not the first time such a thing has been encountered.But this time it is somewhat different, others can't see it, but he can feel it, this is a special feeling he personally has.

There is nothing worthy of his attention for the time being, but he still needs to wait and see what happens next.

The man with short blond hair who walked out of the room frowned. The development of this matter was somewhat different from what he thought, but it seemed to him nothing.This kind of thing happens from time to time, but this time I can’t think of it. It’s in their city, and it’s still in such a place, where there are resistance organizations, and they don’t know how long they have existed. What do you eat?

He also said it was an undercover, but he hadn't seen that person before, and he didn't know when someone was sent to undercover.But since helping them destroy one of the bases, it is still worthy of thanks.

This kind of thing is never easy to say, as long as it is beneficial to them, the others are not important.

After thinking about it, he shook his head and gave up thinking about it. There was no need to think about these things so much. Anyway, he did everything he needed to do in the end. It didn't matter what the process was like.

This matter can be considered to have come to an end in this way, as for what happens later, it will be fine even if some people escape.

In fact, they still don't know much about the resistance organization so far, only some information that the undercover agent said, and nothing else.From this point of view, we know how well the resistance organization hides, but even so, there are still undercover agents hiding in it. It can be said that there are many things in this city that even their managers do not know.

It felt a little out of his control, but he didn't say anything, and he couldn't say anything.Not only him, but also his superiors are like this. They can only pretend that they don't know anything, so that people have things to develop, and they can't do anything else.

If you think about it carefully, the incident this time is a bit strange, but they will treat everything as they are still in their own hands. These things cannot be known to others, and it is not a calm time.

"I hope it won't have much impact. This time things always feel a bit bad."

When he went downstairs, he couldn't help sighing. These things were really irritating. If possible, he even hoped that these things never happened.Mainly because the timing is not good.

Try to conceal this matter as much as possible, as this is more in line with their thinking.If it can't be concealed, things will not be easy to handle afterwards.

That's what he thought in his heart, but he still didn't know how to do it so far, although he had also asked other people not to talk nonsense about what happened here, it's not so easy to hide it.

"This kind of thing..."

This is a helpless thing, beyond his control.He even wondered if all of this was arranged in order to disturb them.

But at present, it is useless to say nothing, there is not enough evidence, and even if the evidence is really found, and really understand what is going on and what can be done, in the end it is not the same, they still can't do anything.

In fact, it is so frustrating, but no matter what, even if it feels unacceptable in my heart, I still have to do something.Maybe pretending to be confused can make him happier, but he never wants to.

Not only him, I believe that the superiors do not want this either.

"Let's take a look again, maybe something has been asked."

With a sigh, I walked out of the building behind me. Everything here is business as usual, but will it really be like this?

Everything seems calm does not mean that it is really calm. The commotion may be hidden elsewhere, deeply hidden. He hasn't found anything for the time being, and he also feels that he may not be able to find anything.Even if I know what it is now, it is almost impossible to really find out.

He had no confidence in this, not at all.As for the result, it is hard to say.

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