The so-called a few happy and a few sad.

Just when Li Xiaosan and the others were frowning, Jiang Xiaohu happily returned with thirty thousand yuan.

He first went to boss Li in the county seat, bought a new tricycle, and got a license plate.Then he returned home with the remaining 20,000, and gave Jiang Xiaolong 3,000 first, which was hard work.The remaining seven thousand will be used as rewards for the villagers who help the workers.

There were still 10,000 Jiang Xiaohu who didn't hide it. He told the old party secretary to take the money and distribute it to the widows and widows in the village.

"Uncle, here I will draw two thousand alone, and give it to my sister Biyun. You can give the rest, right?" Jiang Xiaohu said.

The old party secretary nodded and couldn't help reminding him: "Huzi, it's not uncle that is too hearty, you have to pay attention to influence. After all, Biyun is a little widow, and there are many rights and wrongs in front of the widow. Don't let Xiaohua worry about it."

"Hey, don't worry, Uncle." Jiang Xiaohu said.

He and Zhang Xiaohua are fake lovers, and no one else in the village knows about this.Over time, everyone thought they were engaging in objects.

Jiang Xiaohu didn't open it up either. After all, she was a girl, and she didn't have a good reputation.

He and Zhang Xiaohua have not seen each other recently, as if she went to a relative's house in another place, and she will stay a few days before returning.

Jiang Xiaohu took the money and rushed towards Biyun's house.As he walked on the road, he faintly saw a familiar back figure ahead.

"Ah? Ding Lili?" Jiang Xiaohu's scalp was a little numb.

This Ding Lili has been coming to'harass' him recently, making Jiang Xiaohu extremely uncomfortable.Seeing her now is like a mouse seeing a cat.

It stands to reason that Ding Lili is also a lovely girl, lively and cheerful.But Jiang Xiaohu felt that he couldn't resist such a girl.

"Your enthusiasm is like a fire, it is about to burn me out~" He couldn't help singing in a low voice.

Today is Saturday, and he saw Ding Lili turn around and enter a student's house, either for a home visit or make up class.Although the girl was over-enthusiastic, Jiang Xiaohu was also very grateful to her.Because of her and Yu Xue's efforts, the children in the village were taught.

Education is a century-long plan, ten years of trees and 100 years of people, Jiang Xiaohu recalled his alma mater and the slogan on the wall.

When he came to Biyun's house, Jiang Xiaohu saw that the courtyard door was open and the big dog was lying in the den.Seeing him coming, the big dog wagged his tail enthusiastically and stuck his tongue out.

"Hello Rhubarb!" Jiang Xiaohu bent over and touched its dog's head, and he closed his eyes contentedly, "Where is my sister Biyun?"

"Woo~" Da Huang looked up at the main room as if he understood what he was saying.

Jiang Xiaohu smiled: "You're so good, I'll give you chicken legs next time."

After that, he got up and walked to the hall, shouting as he walked: "Sister Biyun, is Sister Biyun at home?"

"Hey, it's a tiger!" Sister Biyun came out of the house immediately, very enthusiastic, but a bit too enthusiastic.

Jiang Xiaohu was taken aback for a moment, and didn't understand what was going on.

He and Biyun are very familiar, and they have a tacit understanding with each other.There was a sense of harmony between the two that he couldn't tell.But today, Biyun treated him as if he was entertaining guests, which was weird.

Jiang Xiaohu held the envelope in his hand, and he was full of money.He was about to hand the envelope to Biyun, but saw someone coming out following Biyun.

It was a fifty-something aunt, thin, with a mole on her lips.

She was standing at the entrance of the hall, looking out into the courtyard, her eyes were turning around Jiang Xiaohu's body, constantly looking at it.

"Biyun, is there a guest from home?" the woman said.

Biyun turned around and smiled at her: "Yes, this is a younger brother in our village."

Jiang Xiaohu nodded and smiled at the woman, Biyun said, "Let's go, I'll pour you some water."

She winked at Jiang Xiaohu secretly, Jiang Xiaohu agreed and followed Biyun into the kitchen.The woman's gaze followed them into the kitchen until she couldn't see it.After waiting for a while, she turned around and went back to sit down.

The kitchen is dark, Biyun is used to living and frugal, and it is his own place, and he knows everything, so he didn't turn on the lights.

Jiang Xiaohu didn't pay attention, stepped on the empty foot, and his ankle clicked and arrived.

Biyun screamed and hurried to help him.

A scent of soft shampoo, soft and thin hair, rubbing Jiang Xiaohu's cheeks, some naughty penetrated his nostrils.

All this made Jiang Xiaohu dizzy and a little bit uncontrollable.Why isn't Biyun like that?During this period, she has never seen Jiang Xiaohu's face. It is him who is thinking of her in her mind during the day, and it is him who dreams at night.

Now we finally meet, she is a little at a loss.Even worse, Jiang Xiaohu actually got his foot.

"It's okay? You blame me, why don't you know how to turn on the lights~" Biyun said regretfully.She struggled out of Jiang Xiaohu's arms, turned on the light, and then carefully carried him to sit on a stool.

Jiang Xiaohu blushed: "It's okay, I just got rid of it."

"I said it's okay, look!" Biyun squatted down, raised Jiang Xiaohu's ankle with bare hands, and looked carefully, "It's all swollen into big pigs' feet! What should I do? People say that the shaver can't shave himself. Physician can't treat himself, you treat others, what about yourself?"

"Haha, sister, don't worry about me. I'll just get some herbs and apply it later." Jiang Xiaohu smiled and relieved her heart, "I'm here to give you this, please accept it soon."

Jiang Xiaohu stuffed the envelope into Biyun's hand.

"What's this?" Biyun was sad. She was stuffed with money. She felt that it was money, and immediately returned it to Jiang Xiaohu. "Huzi, what are you doing for me? I don't want it!"

She was breathing a little fast, a sequelae of her hug accidentally just now.Looking back on the scene now, her heart was still jumping like a rabbit, hurriedly.

"Haha, this is the welfare of the village, just take it, and I'll talk to you later." Jiang Xiaohu put the envelope on the stove again and asked, "Who is that lady in the house? You? relative?"

Jiang Xiaohu didn't think it was right. Sister Biyun was married from another place, and her family didn't have much contact with her at all. Where did the relatives come from?

Should it be her deceased husband’s relative?Those were all from the village, and Jiang Xiaohu knew all of them. Thinking of this, he became more curious.

"Hey, it's Mrs. Wang, Wangjiazhuang's matchmaker." Biyun said, "Come tell me kiss."

Jiang Xiaohu was taken aback for a moment: "Say pro?"

There was silence in the room, Biyun got up and went to make tea for him, Jiang Xiaohu took the opportunity to get into the mountain and river map and took the medicine to apply to himself.The medicine is very effective for others, but it is a hundred times more effective for him. The swelling disappeared almost as soon as it touched the ankle.In a few seconds, he can walk down the ground.

Therefore, when Biyun made tea and turned back, he was surprised to see him standing up, and a cup of hot tea dropped out and fell to the ground.

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