"Sister Aroline, how did you know we found something here?"

Lu Yuetong asked curiously.When they were worried about this, Sister Aroline came directly, and the time was not too suitable, it really surprised them.

"Sister, I have been paying attention when you acted, and there are traces of those people. Sister, I am also worried that you will meet them, but it seems that you have better luck here."

"Luck is a little better."

Hua Yueling and the others relied on Sister Aroline's teleportation to return directly to Sister Livello's current home, where Sister Livello was waiting.Seeing them back, Sister Livello stood up and greeted her.

"found it?"

"I found it, but I don't know if this is the case. I asked Xiaoxue for her opinion and she said that this is a very powerful item. It's not wrong to say that it is an ancient weapon, but it is still different from what you imagined."

Hua Yueling said that he had already taken the bell out. Not only did they feel that way, but when they saw what he took out, Aroline even thought he was joking.

"This is it?"

Aroline asked in disbelief, how could this bell not touch the ancient weapon.

"That's it, but I don't know how to use it. Xiaoxue said it has a special method of use. If you don't use that special method, just shaking the bell will not have any effect."

"Special usage?"

Aroline and Livello took them from him curiously, and studied them carefully.But I can’t find out what is the reason. Just looking at it is no way to see what it is. Although it does not look like an ordinary bell, it is just the appearance. In other respects, there is not much noteworthy. local.

If it is used as a bell, it is okay, but if it is an ancient weapon or even an artifact, it feels a bit too exaggerated.

Weapons don’t mean that you know how to use them when you get them in your hand, but in fact they are mostly like that.For example, the use of close-range weapons such as sword weapons is the simplest method, and there is no need for others to teach.It is also impossible that someone will not use it.

The same is true for the bell. The general idea is to hold it in your hand and shake it, but the bell in their hands is different. This is the only explanation.

In addition, the power of a weapon is not so easy to see through. Everyone understands this. If you don't try it yourself, you won't know it, or even if you try it yourself, you may not understand it.

The use of ordinary weapons naturally does not have such happy troubles. Only weapons such as artifacts have different powers. To stimulate power, you need to use them accordingly.

The bell was of no use just holding it in his hand, everyone shook it, but didn't see any meaning.Nothing happened, only the sound of the bell was heard, nothing else.

"Xiaoxue, since you know this bell, you should also know how to use it?"

Hua Yueling asked Xiaoxue, and only Xiaoxue should know the usefulness of this item here.

"People know it naturally, but..."

"If you have any flowers, just say it, Xiaoxue, it's meaningless to play this trick."

Hua Yueling knew that Xiaoxue definitely wanted to whet her appetite, so she said so directly.It is best to get the most important news directly from Xiaoxue, but if there is no other way, then you can only listen to what Xiaoxue wants.

"Huh, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's just a mess with the master? Seeing the master's reaction, it doesn't mean anything."

In front of Hua Yueling's eyes, there seemed to be a cute expression of Xiaoxue pouting, and then he got the necessary information from Xiaoxue.Then Hua Yueling told Sister Aroline and Sister Livio about how to use the bell she got.

However, there were still some doubts that could not be solved, but Hua Yueling buried this doubt first, and was going to ask Xiaoxue after waiting.

"I'll give it a try, but I can't try it here, I have to change the place."

Liweiluo took the bell, and after Hua Yueling's introduction, she also felt a little interested.Summoning top magical creatures and ancient weapons that she didn't know existed. It was very interesting. She wanted to try it out.

Huayueling and the others must not try to use bells near this village. In that case, if a creature is called out, it will not only be a noticeable problem, but also if there is not enough open space, it is very likely. Will cause damage to the village.

Liweiluo directly used teleportation to teleport all of them away, teleported into a desert.This is another place that Hua Yueling and the others have never been to, and they don't know where it is, but these are not important. The most important thing now is to see how the bells work.

If they can really summon powerful magical creatures, it would be of no ordinary use to them.

When you come to a yellow sand area, you can use bells to summon in this desert without worry. If it is not in such a place, it is very dangerous to summon casually.

Liweiluo held a bell in her hand and tried to summon according to the method Hua Yueling said.In fact, the way to use this bell is not so mysterious, but you must use it in a specific way.

Livello gently shook the bell in his hand, and with the sound of the bell, a force slowly poured into it.As time goes by, this ring of bells attracts more and more attention.Hua Yueling felt all her attention was attracted by the sound of the bells, and even forgot about the others.

"The power of this bell seems to be more than what Xiaoxue said, it can even affect people's hearts."

Hua Yueling felt all the strength in the bell, and with the sound of the bell, that strength spread out with the sound of the bell.This is what they worry about. Don't listen to the sound of this bell being relatively soft, not so loud, but with this force it can spread to a long distance.

As the sound of the bell became clearer and clearer, Hua Yueling found that just above the desert not far in front of Liweiluo, a black mist similar to a portal was slowly spreading.

Things like portals are constantly expanding, getting bigger and bigger, and soon surpassed their height, but this expansion momentum still shows no signs of abating.

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