After hesitating for so long, Hua Yueling made a decision simply by gritting her teeth and stomping her feet.But before purchasing, Hua Yueling remembered that Xiaoxue had mentioned related skills before.

"By the way, Xiaoxue, what are the skills you said about this?"

"If you have skills, it may be cheaper to buy the required gold coins, but it is also more difficult to use. It requires the owner to use his own power, but the props do not have this disadvantage."

"Hmm... Then Xiaoxue, just say it, which one is better, can I master that skill?"

Hua Yueling still has to ask Xiaoxue. Xiaoxue is definitely more experienced in this area and can use her experience to help herself.

"It depends on the master's thoughts. If the master uses the skills, there is no problem. However, there is a limited number of uses in a day. If calculated based on the master's current ability, it will not be possible to continue using it about five times, otherwise. It will cause damage to the owner. There is no problem with the props, but you must use the props every time."

"Thinking about it this way, it seems that there is no harm in props, except that they are slightly more expensive. Wait, how come props are more expensive?"

"Well, it should be because the props are more precious. The owner can think so, skills can be learned through teaching, but props cannot be easily created. Even related skills same."

"That's true of what you said."

Hua Yueling thought about it seriously, and felt that Xiaoxue's statement was not a problem.However, it is very difficult to teach skills to others, and there is no way to use them, but there are no worries about props. Perhaps this is one of the reasons.

"The skills can only be used by myself, but the props can be used by others, but still only one can use them. Well, if you think about it this way, it doesn’t make a difference. It’s better to buy some skills for less. The number of uses Noodles are also a hassle, only five times a day..."

Do I really need to use it so many times a day?This question has to wait for Xiaoxue to give herself an answer.

"Xiaoxue, there is one more question to ask you, this skill also has props, how long can it last after using it, or is it just a momentary thing and then it disappears."

"It will last a while."

"Well, if that's the case, it doesn't seem to make any difference. If you think about it this way, the props are better. Are there no other differences?"

Hua Yueling still wanted to know more, Xiaoxue thought about it after hearing his question.

"Other differences, let the host think about it again, don't worry."

"Well, Xiaoxue, think about it first, and I won't buy it. You can tell me when you think it over."

Originally, Huayueling was ready to buy it when he thought about it. However, after analyzing with Xiaoxue, he found that he still didn’t know enough. Only when he knew enough could he make a judgment. Good choice.So much money has to be spent, and I don’t like the things I can’t buy enough, so the money will be spent for nothing.

After Xiaoxue fell into thinking, Hua Yueling could only wait slowly, but he believed that he shouldn't have to wait long.After sinking into the game, Hua Yueling didn't bother Xiaoxue for now, and was playing quietly here.

In fact, he is not only asking Xiaoxue, he is also thinking about this question, what is the difference between skills and props, but after all, he has not actually contacted, and has not actually seen or tried to use it. He couldn't tell why he said it himself.

"Well...Is it because I have too high expectations for skills, so I have been thinking about skills and skills. If you change the way of thinking, there is actually no difference between props and skills... No, there are still differences, and skills are more cheaper."

Inexpensiveness is indeed an amazing factor, and it immediately made Hua Yueling feel that she had no other choice other than skills.If the gap between the two is not that big, he feels that he doesn't need to think about it anymore and he can directly draw a conclusion.

But he was not in a hurry. Anyway, he could listen to Xiaoxue's opinion for a while. Xiaoxue didn't have any special opinions. Anyway, no matter which one he bought, it was what she wanted and what she wanted, so she didn't have any special inclinations. .

Hua Yueling understands this, so he feels that he doesn't need to think too much, and just make a choice directly after hearing what Xiaoxue means.No matter which one is good.

It's just that until now, what Hua Yueling tends to be is still the first, or the skills are better, after all, it's cheaper.

Cheap is not good, but whether it's cheaper or more expensive, it can help the same, so just follow your own ideas.

Hua Yun was already asleep at this time, she was really tired, and it had been a long time since she did a lot of research like that.

Hua Yueling admires her sister. Although she usually reads, she rarely reads like this.It's really special carefully.

Hua Yueling also felt a little sleepy, but he didn't want to sleep yet.

"Xiaoxue doesn't know how long it will be, um..."

In fact, the main thing is that the game is a bit addictive and I don't want to stop.

"Then play for a while, and stop when there is news from Xiaoxue."

I don't know how long it will take to get Xiaoxue's reply, but Hua Yueling is not in a hurry, nor is he in a hurry to lie down and rest. Anyway, it is not too late, so you can play for a while.Wait until Xiaoxue has a reply before going to rest. It's good to talk with Xiaoxue during the break.

Hua Yueling thought like this, and Xiaoxue didn't let him wait too long. After about five or six minutes passed, Xiaoxue reacted and contacted him again.

"Master, I have almost clarified the comparison between the two aspects. Would you like to listen to it now?"

"Don't worry, Xiaoxue, wait for a while and talk about it later."

Hua Yueling needs to clean up a bit, and after turning off the game, she also turned off the console.Then he lay down on the bed, took a look at the time, and then started talking with Xiaoxue after he was ready. It was more comfortable to lie down and chat, more comfortable than sitting.

"Xiaoxue, tell me, I'm listening."

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