"Skills also have similar functions, but they stay in the owner's mind. If you use more mental power, you can do it."

"Well, let's use skills. If nothing else, just buying skills should be enough."

After thinking about it for a while, Hua Yueling said that after comparing the two, no matter how it was said.Although the search props are better than skills to some extent, they still have no skills in more aspects, making Huayueling feel that it is not as cost-effective as purchasing skills.

After making the decision, Hua Yueling took a long breath, and then directly opened the mall page. He knew that if he didn't buy it now, he would definitely think about it again later, thinking that it might be better not to buy.So instead of doing this, it's better to just buy it while you have this mindset now, and then think about it after saving it. Hua Yueling doesn't want to continue like this.

Anyway, the most important task at present is to collect all the missing parts of the system. It is necessary to purchase skills or props.

Using this kind of reason to support her own ideas, Hua Yueling found the skill Xiaoxue said, it was a particularly rare skill, and Hua Yueling also compared the price of skills and items.It turns out that the price gap between the two is actually not that big, but it is quite good for him to save a fortune.

"Although it's not a lot, but it's pretty good. It can save some."

Hua Yueling directly clicked to buy. After purchasing the skills, Hua Yueling immediately checked.The description of skills is rather vague.But after purchasing it, Huayueling also had some doubts, why is there such a skill?

It stands to reason that there should be no such skills in the original system, or is it that everything has been thought of in the design of the system, knowing that the system may become what it is now?

Hua Yueling felt that this had something to do with Xiaoxue, but she didn't know how she did it.And Xiaoxue obviously has no plans to say anything in this regard, even if Hua Yueling asks, she probably can't ask anything.

Hua Yueling didn't know much about these things, nor was he particularly clear, but he felt that he needed to understand some.It's just that there is no way now. Asking Xiaoxue definitely don't expect it, Xiaoxue wouldn't say it.

"If I use it now, it shouldn't affect my tomorrow's use, right? How is this calculated? If my mental strength is the standard, it's impossible to be accurate five times a day, right?"

After the purchase, Hua Yueling suddenly remembered this matter, but at this time it was too late to regret, so he could only ask Xiaoxue quickly.It would be nice if Xiaoxue could remind me earlier, but she never said anything.

"Master, please rest assured, how could someone cheat the owner? This can be used five times a day, so the owner can rest assured. But there is still something to remind the owner. The premise of this use is that the owner has enough rest time every day. , If you don’t take a break, the number you can use will be reduced."

"In this case, it's okay. Generally speaking, I don't stay up late. But I still need to check in advance. How do I know the number of times I can use it if I don't take a break?"

"At that time, the master will know it naturally. This may be a bit strange to say, but if the master cannot use the skill when the time comes, he will know that it cannot be used, don't worry."

"In other words, I can feel whether I can still use it, right?"

Hua Yueling almost understood what Xiaoxue meant. In other words, it was actually very simple. When he used it again, he would have a corresponding induction to know if he could still use it.This is fine.

"That's good, I'll try it first. By the way, Xiaoxue, can you find some if I use it here?"

"No problem, don't underestimate this skill. It can cover a large area. Take the master's world as an example, at least it can cover almost the size of a city."

"A city, well, it still feels a little inadequate. If you look for it one by one, the time it takes is still quite terrible."

But Huayueling didn’t complain anymore. After all, it’s good to have such a good skill. What should I do if I don’t have the skill, otherwise I have to find it more troublesome, otherwise I can only give up and just admit it. There is no other way.

At the moment when the skill was used, Hua Yueling felt that a large part of her mental power was consumed, which was much more than Xiaoxue said that she could use it five times a day.

Hua Yueling wanted to ask Xiaoxue what was going on. It was just that when she used her skills, she obviously couldn’t speak. Hua Yueling couldn’t even speak, she had to endure the consumption to feel the picture that emerged in her mind. .

"this is……"

After using the skill, a map-like picture appeared in Hua Yueling's mind.It can be said that it is a map.But it is a map that Hua Yueling is not familiar with. This map is still relatively large, mainly after being enlarged, so each point can be seen clearly.

"Unfortunately it's abbreviated, otherwise it would be better."

Huayue Lingzhu is somewhat inadequate for some people. In fact, this is already very good, where there is a function that can directly show everything in front of him.That is impossible.

"Well, unfortunately there is still no way to confirm where this is, wait, this is..."

Hua Yueling found a small red dot on that picture, and all his attention was concentrated on it, thinking about what that small red dot was.In fact, according to his game thinking, he could probably figure out what it was, but he didn't dare to confirm it yet.

"Just as the owner thought, the red dot on it is the owner, showing the position of the owner. The owner can roughly judge the position of the system components or the lost power based on this."

"But how is the distance here calculated?" Hua Yueling could see a few shining light spots through this map-like thing. These light spots were large or small, and it was certain that those were what he was looking for. , And the size of the light spot represents the degree of importance. I don’t know if you can think about it like this. "Even if you know the direction, it will be quite difficult to find if you can only guess the distance."

"This is actually a relatively simple question. The owner doesn't need to think so much. As long as you focus on the spot you are looking for, you will be able to figure out the approximate distance in your mind. It is quite convenient."

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