After recording a few more locations, Hua Yueling was very happy this time. He found that the skills could last longer than he thought, which was pretty good.I thought it was pretty good to be able to record two locations, but after he recorded five locations, the picture in his mind gradually faded.

"When the time comes, the map will disappear. Although there is memory, there is no way to recall it well. Is this also unique to the skill?"

Hua Yueling couldn't help but vomit, although it made him happy to be able to record so much.But thinking about it is still a bit helpless.It feels like it is not my own memory, there is no way to control it.

Hua Yueling is somewhat unhappy about this, but although he can control the skills and use the skills at any time, he can't control the disappearance of the image in his mind.Anyway, when the time comes, the image will gradually disappear, and I don't know how to do it. It feels like this skill can control my brain.

This skill does give people this feeling.

But now that the image has faded, it’s no use thinking about it anymore. Hua Yueling tidied up the maps drawn on her hand, and then looked at them separately. Unfortunately, Hua Yueling couldn’t find the remaining maps. What came out of it.

He doesn't have any impression of these places, so the paintings above are probably places he hasn't been to.

"It's been drawn anyway, so let's look at the map tomorrow."

Perhaps the corresponding place can be found on the map. Although this possibility is not great, it is not impossible.I just need a map around here. I must spend some time looking for it tomorrow.

Hua Yueling tidyed up the map and placed it on the bedside table next to it, and then lay down. It was time to rest. It was already quite late. Hua Yueling couldn't open her eyes in a little trouble.

"I trouble you today, Xiaoxue, I have to go to bed first."

"Master, rest, and others will rest too."

Xiaoxue and humans are still alike in this respect, both need to rest. After the two parties said goodnight to each other, Hua Yueling put the collection aside and went to bed.

The harvest on this day was fairly good, at least better than expected.And the ones that should be purchased have already been purchased, and the ones that should be looked for have also been searched, and the next thing is tomorrow.

The next day, life was in the usual rhythm again. Sister Yun went to work after breakfast, leaving him alone in the family.After breakfast, Hua Yueling took out the maps that she drew yesterday, and watched the maps she drew again.

"Well, now it seems that the most important thing is to find nearby maps and compare them. It's not that difficult."

Hua Yueling also had an atlas at home, but it was a world map, so it was useless, and it was impossible to find anything on it.So Hua Yueling turned on the computer and used the electronic map to find it. The first thing he found was the area near his home, and he followed the direction to find it.

It's definitely not nearby, so you need to know more distant places.Hua Yueling dragged the map farther, and then zoomed in again.Comparing in this way is not only troublesome, but also not easy to find.After all, it does not mean that the map you draw must be able to match the map, unless there are some points that are particularly easy to find.

Hua Yueling also paid special attention and remembered it, but he didn't remember anything special. If there were any, he should have remembered it a long time ago. It is impossible to remember it now, but he has nothing at all. memory.

"Yes, it's not a place such as a scenic spot. How could it be possible to make a place like a particularly conspicuous iconic building to remind you, I think it's impossible."

Holding the map in her hand one by one, Hua Yueling slowly found some similarities.

"This place feels a bit similar, but I'm not sure if it's here."

After comparing the graphs I drew and the places shown on the map, I felt that there was not much difference in the shape. It is also a way to judge by the shape.

"This is, let me see, this is already outside the city, is it a village?"

The name seems to be Jieyue Village. He calculated the distance. It takes almost three hours to ride a bicycle from home, and it takes six hours to go back and forth.

"It's still too long to go back and forth like this, it's still convenient to take a taxi."

Hua Yueling calculated that instead of spending so much time going back and forth, it would be more convenient to take a taxi directly. The back and forth speed should be at least several times faster without spending too much money.But this is the case here, not to mention other places farther away.

Besides, it's just my own guess now. If there is nothing in that place, the money will be spent for nothing.Despite all these and other worries, Hua Yueling understood that she still had to take action, anyway, the props must not be bought for nothing.

I bought all the props, and I started to look for it. How can I give up at this time?

After identifying a place, Hua Yueling recorded it, and then began to search for another place.

"The owner can look for more distant places to see if there are other similar places, it would be better to confirm these."

"Xiaoxue, are you saying that I'm not looking for the right one?"

"Not necessarily. People just think it's better for the master to be more careful."

"Are you more careful... Then I'll see if there are other similar ones. Xiaoxue, your opinion is quite correct. Indeed, just a part of the shape is similar may not be here, it may also be my illusion."

After listening to Xiaoxue's reminder, Hua Yueling felt that she really needed to change her way of thinking. This way she was taken away, and she needed more discovery thinking to think.

"Where should the range of skills go, in terms of the mental power I used yesterday."

"I can almost reach this place." Since Xiaoxue couldn't show up in front of him and give instructions for him, he could only pass it directly to a rough boundary in his mind."

Hua Yueling compared the map in front of her and found that this area was more than what she had imagined, and the coverage area was really quite large.For example, the medium-sized town he lives in now has all been covered. Hua Yueling calculated about it. If you increase the mental power to expand the scope as Xiaoxue said, it is estimated that it can cover a large city. problem.

"That's not bad. Although you have to go to a lot of places, it saves a lot of things than just a little bit of searching."

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