Hua Yueling hurriedly compared the several locations she had previously determined, especially the few places she had just found, and found that it was not too far from her own guess. It might deviate slightly, but the deviation was not large.

"That's right, it's here."

After determining the location again, Hua Yueling recorded it in his notebook, and then hurried to determine several other locations.

"This point is here, and here..."

Hua Yueling recorded them one by one at the fastest speed, mainly recording the name of the place, so that it would be easier to find it when that time comes.However, a more specific address is not easy. After all, he can only see a light spot in that area. As for the specific location of the light spot, he needs to go to the field to find it.

But it’s good to be able to determine an approximate location, and it’s much easier to find a place when you arrive.

After recording, the image in my mind basically disappeared completely.But it doesn't matter. Anyway, everything that should be recorded is recorded. In fact, there are not many light spots in the image. After recording, Hua Yueling counted them, and there were eight in total.

However, there are quite a few in this area. I don't know how many missing parts and powers will be there except here.

"It's enough for the time being. After collecting all these, let's search elsewhere."

It was already half past seven, and it was not too early, but Mu Ningshuang and the others hadn't come over yet.

"Don't worry, normally they should come around at around eight o'clock, um, not necessarily, wait a while, if they don't come at eight o'clock, they will call and ask."

Hua Yueling marked the location in the map software on his mobile phone, and then heaved a sigh of relief. Now he has to get busy again, but this is his own choice, which he hopes.After all, he now particularly wants to get magic-related parts, which are similar to the illusion parts he got, which can enhance his magical ability.

He hopes that he can get it as soon as possible, but this is not what he can say.It still depends on luck. Although his luck is pretty good, luck hasn't helped much lately.

After eight o'clock, they still did not wait for Lu Yuetong to come.Hua Yueling felt that they would not come over, but it was strange that none of them called, so in order to make sure Hua Yueling still called them.

"Hey, it's Aling. I'm sorry, I have something in my house, so I can't get there so early. It may take the afternoon to go to your side."

As soon as the call got through, I heard Lu Yuetong explain why he didn't come.

"That's right, is it troublesome? Do you need my help?"

"No need, it's actually not a trouble, just need to be busy."

"Then you don't come here today, and rest at home when you are done. There is no need to come to my side again."

"That's all right, I will call Ningshuang again tomorrow morning to find you. By the way, Ningshuang is also here, and she can't go."

"Okay, that's it."

After speaking with Lu Yuetong, it was confirmed that they would not come, and Hua Yueling immediately began to pack up and set off immediately.It's still early, and if I set off earlier, I can still come back at noon.Otherwise, it may not be possible to come back on time at noon.

"If you get home at eleven thirty... there will be about three and a half hours, but it will be too late, so try to come back at eleven o'clock. This way you can almost go to two places, but plus the time to find it, it is estimated that it will not be there. "

After putting her phone away, Hua Yueling went out, took a taxi outside, told her destination, and then Hua Yueling began to study the map of the place she was going to.There are not too many things that can be studied on the map, but at least some things can be understood.

"Well, the place where that part is located seems to be near the school. Is this someone's house or a small shop?"

Not far from the yellow dot is an elementary school, and there are some houses near the elementary school, which should be where people live.The yellow dot seems to be in a house, but I don’t know if it was picked up by someone, or if it fell on the roof and was not found.

It doesn't matter which one it is, Hua Yueling wants to get that thing back and there are 10,000 methods that can be used to ensure that it will not be discovered.

"In this case, there is basically no need to look for it. When you get there, it should be almost the same."

And it was a village he hadn't been to, and it happened to be a way to go out for fun, which was not bad.

Sitting in a car and looking at the scenery backwards out of the window, this is much faster than riding a bicycle by yourself, if it is not enough time to come by by yourself.It's better to take a taxi to save time and trouble.

After arriving at the destination, Hua Yueling immediately walked to the place where the yellow dot was. Hua Yueling got off the car at the entrance of the school. From here, after turning a turn, he reached another road and walked forward from this road. Not far away is where the yellow dot is.

"It should be here."

This was the time when the students were in class. Huayueling could still hear the sound of the loudspeakers in the school. She should be doing morning exercises. There was not much difference between this time.

According to the explicit on the map, the yellow dot is near here, indicating that what he is looking for should be found here.It is more convenient to use exploration skills at this time.

Exploring the surrounding situation in his mind, Hua Yueling was looking for a strange place here.He still has memories of the system components and the feeling of Xiaoxue's lost power, so relying on these memories can make him easier to find.

"There is some breath here, it should be right here."

Hua Yueling turned his head and looked at that side. There was a big hole on that side near Hua Yueling. The big hole was filled with all kinds of garbage, which was a garbage pit for storing garbage.

Looking around, there are roads on both sides, and you can pass from both sides.But according to Hua Yueling's judgment, he should walk from the right.

After bypassing the big pothole, I walked all the way from the right side. This is a relatively wide alley with houses on both sides.After Hua Yueling walked into the alley, she noticed that the prop was on the right side of his current location.

"It seems to be in someone's house here."

There is no alley for personal value reduction here, and the two people are close to each other, so since the system components are here, they must be in the people's house, not outside.

"It's better to get inside, there is no way."

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