There are a lot of materials in such a robber cave, but they are of little use in Huayueling. Whether it is modern or here, it is probably useless for them to have so many materials.

Moreover, it is troublesome to collect. The most important thing is that Hua Yueling is worried about other things, so she doesn't care about those supplies.It would be fine if it could be exchanged for gold coins, but Hua Yueling tried to exchange it, only to find that the exchanged gold coins were too few, there was no need.

We must know that the gold coins that can be exchanged for those weapons and equipment are already low enough, and the gold coins that can be exchanged for these sundries are even more pitiful, not even a comfort.

It's impossible for Huayueling to appreciate such a small amount of gold coins, even if the accumulation of less makes more, it is too little, and there is actually no difference between less and no.

Hua Yueling didn't take this to heart, other people naturally thought so.Originally, the two little guys wanted to help Hua Yueling take a look, and find out all the things that could be exchanged for gold coins.But seeing that Hua Yueling didn't care much, they didn't continue to search.

Hua Yueling also reminded them that the most important thing for them at the moment is to move on and find a way to get rid of all the robbers here. This is the most important thing, and the others can be put behind. go with.

Hua Yueling had been to such a place many times, and he found that to a certain extent, the impressions of the caves were actually the same.

Most of the places inside are the same, although it is impossible to be exactly the same, and there are changes in many places, but the overall design is the same.The same scene, the usual furniture, even the same people.

It may be a bit arbitrary to say that, but Hua Yueling feels like this, and he can't blame him for thinking this way, it's really too strong.

The road here is actually quite simple, as long as you go all the way to the depths, there is no difference in what you have to say, whether it is here or elsewhere.Of course, there are many places that extend in all directions, but there are also many places where there is only one route you can take, although it will give you a lot of illusion of route.

Generally speaking, there is only one route in the cave, which is quite normal, and Hua Yueling doesn't think there is any problem.

Walking in all the way, Hua Yueling and the others could say that they didn't encounter any obstacles. It was too easy to get in, and even too easy.Those relatively ordinary robbers are very weak, which Hua Yueling can think of, because he has also fought such robbers, but he did not expect him to be so weak.

It was really interesting that it was only two young girls who hadn't been long before they were able to beat them.

If it is not weak, it is impossible for this to happen.You must know that although the talents of the two little guys are good, and through his teachings, they have grown significantly, but after all, they started from scratch. No matter how fast they grow, they are still at the beginner stage. In terms of stage, their strength is also weaker.

Hua Yueling thinks about it now, and feels that those robbers seem to have nothing worth noting except for the equipment.

This is really pitiful, they only have that level.

Generally speaking, there will be a bandit leader in every bandit's place. This is for sure. Without a leader, it would be a pile of loose sand, and it is impossible to gather together.Moreover, the strength of the bandit leader is definitely stronger than that of the ordinary bandit, so Hua Yueling thought that might be a test for the two little guys.

However, at present, the so-called bandit leader has not been found, and it is not known whether he can be seen in the deepest part of this cave.Hua Yueling's harvest is quite good, although it is probably only a fraction of the skills he purchased, it is already very good.

Don't look at it as a fraction, but if you come so many times, the results will be very different, not to mention that you are still in such a place with less harvest. If you get to a place with more harvest, it will be even more different.

Hua Yueling also tried to exchange gold coins with things in modern society, and he found that this was quite an unattractive thing.If you have money at home, you can talk about shoes, but if you don’t have money at home, it’s better not to think about it.

Gold coins are more valuable than money. Hua Yueling once tried to compare the exchange ratio of gold coins and money, and found that the ratio between the two is really terrifying.About two thousand five hundred dollars can be exchanged for a gold coin.

Unless he has a mine at home, there is definitely no way to play.

But this might not be a big deal for Sister Livello and Sister Aroline, but it's her own business after all. If it is not necessary, or if they need it, Hua Yueling is not prepared to do anything. of.

"about there."

Huayueling Li used exploration skills to discover that there were three figures in it, one of which was obviously stronger than the other two.Logically speaking, that guy should be the so-called bandit leader, and there is no other possibility.

Fortunately, there is basically no magician in this robber cave, otherwise the two little guys would be really dangerous.

As far as luck is concerned, the two little guys have had pretty good luck so far. They came here without encountering any great danger along the way.

Carefully poking out his head to observe, there is not much you can see in front of you, you can see three people, but two of them are blocked by tables and pillars, but it is certain that those people did not Look here.

"The space is relatively large, so you must get close to the past, otherwise there is no way to attack them safely."

A sneak attack is still the best way the two little guys can think of.If they have powerful bows and arrows, and they know how to use bows and arrows, they can directly use them to sneak attacks.Or they can use powerful magic, but the two little guys can't even be a novice in bow and arrow. They can't enter the door at all, and magic is not at all, so they can only rely on stealth.

"I need to remind you that the guy at the bottom who is busy studying is more careful. It is very likely that he will find out when you get close. The other two don't have to worry so much. They are weaker. Get rid of them before fighting the deepest guy."

Hua Yueling kindly reminded the two little guys, and the two little guys also listened carefully.

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