"Big sister, I really don't need it anymore. You have bought us such things, so there is no need to buy them."

"These don't have much money. If you do, don't say anything. Just tell your big sister what you want, you know?"

The two little guys nodded their heads, very cute.They have such a personality, but such a personality is also quite likable.

Who doesn't like such a little guy, no one likes bear kids.

They spent a lot of time in this market, and bought a lot of things when they remembered the meeting.

"Let's go, let's go to meet the big brother and them."

Gently stroking the heads of the two little guys, Lu Yuetong looked for Hua Yueling and the two of them, but they couldn't be seen from here.

"It should be gathered near the exit. The exit is over there, go and take a look."

Thinking of this in their hearts, the three of them stopped wandering around in the nearby shops and walked all the way towards the other end of the street.But when I walked to the exit, I didn't see Hua Yueling and Mu Ningshuang.

"Hey, have you seen the big brother and big sister?"

Lu Yuetong opened her mouth in surprise, but she didn't expect to find them here.But she didn't find Huayueling and the others along the way, otherwise she wouldn't be here.

The two little guys also shook their heads. Lu Yuetong couldn't help but didn't expect it to be like this, so she had to turn her head and walk back.

Since they were not found outside, it means that they should have gone inside the store, maybe they saw something interesting.But there is no need to go back, you can go around here and wait for them.

I took Lorna and Teres around here again, but as before, there was nothing interesting about what she had to say here.

The two little guys are somewhat different in terms of people. After all, they are still younger and have less experience, so in this respect they still don't have seen as much as her.

But this is also normal. Although Hua Yueling and the others came from other worlds instead of living in this world since they were young, they are actually very clear about many things.

There are some gadgets that two little guys like Lu Yuetong directly buy them, and it doesn't cost much anyway.

The two little guys didn't want her to buy things for themselves. They just liked watching those novel things. They might have a little yearning in their hearts, but neither of them spoke.

Lu Yuetong made the purchase for them. Besides, even if they wanted to buy it, the two little guys didn't have any money.Even though they have lived in the tree house for a long time, but in fact they haven't saved any money, mainly because they have no salary.

It’s just that every day, not just them, but also the girls who are maids.

However, it seems that Jelucy is about to change recently. Although there is nothing lacking there, even if the girls are not paid, they don’t think there is anything. But maybe it’s that Jelucy’s thinking has changed recently, and he is still ready to do something. changed.

Jelucy had discussed with Huayun, but it was only a talk.

Huayun herself feels that no matter what it means, money is the most direct way.

After getting the answer, Jelucci just nodded at the time and didn't say anything, so Hua Yueling and the others don't know what she thinks.

I took the two little guys and went to some places. After the three of them hadn't been around for long, they saw two familiar figures approaching.

Hua Yueling and Mu Ningshuang had nothing on their hands, but the two of them came by holding hands, and Mu Ningshuang looked a little shy.The main reason was that the cheeks on both sides were blushing. Lu Yuetong stared at her friend with a gleam of curiosity. The first time she saw her shy, it was really cute.

"Aling, you won't bully us Ningshuang, will you?"

Lu Yuetong blinked at Hua Yueling, and asked with a smile.

"Of course not, how could I bully her."

Hua Yueling immediately shook her head, looking as if she was afraid of being misunderstood.But he didn't deceive people. He really didn't bully Mu Ningshuang, and it was impossible for him to have that kind of thought. This was absolute.

"Hmph, Ningshuang hasn't spoken yet, Aling, you are so anxious to explain, it's a mess."

"I'm afraid that the two little guys will misunderstand me."

Hua Yueling quickly explained, but his explanation is not convincing. Didn't you see Lu Yuetong glance at him with an expression of disbelief?

In fact, don't talk about her, Hua Yueling himself didn't believe it, he knew best, that he was just looking for an excuse at will.

This kind of excuse is actually not very convincing no matter what you think about it. The two little guys looked up at them cutely, some of them didn't understand what they were talking about, as if they were very high-end.

Several people went out from the market, Hua Yueling looked at the two little guys again and asked them how they felt.Is it fun to come here for a while?

Teres nodded vigorously. She thought it was pretty good. There were new things everywhere, and there were so many people, so lively.She also likes such a lively atmosphere, except for those who are not familiar with her.

There are cute smiles on their faces, and the two little guys are not as timid as before. They can walk around or in front of them.This is a very good progress and is their goal.

It's not enough to get along with those maids. They need to get along with more people, and with those strangers, although this kind of getting along is just passing by.

They get along well with people they know, and everyone likes them. In fact, even those who have only met them once will like them.Hua Yueling couldn't think that some people would not like cute little guys like them, and some would have the heart to hurt them.

Thinking about what happened before, Hua Yueling really didn't understand what the people here were thinking, he couldn't understand.

Maybe it doesn't seem to be a big deal to the people here, but it is still incredible to him that what happened.I can't understand the thoughts of the people here. In his opinion, the thoughts of those people cannot be regarded as ordinary human thoughts.

Shaking his head, Hua Yueling and the others had already walked out of the market at this time.When I came outside, there was no more interesting place to go, so Hua Yueling decided to go to the Adventurer's Guild.

They will take on some tasks themselves, but the most important thing is to ask the two little guys to register.

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