"If you are not here, it will be deeper. There are still many places where we haven't gone. Maybe it's over there. We have to go there."

In fact, the kind of monsters that make them feel uneasy does not mean that they must be encountered and fight against them. If they can find the wolves before then and collect enough materials, they will not have to trouble.

But whether this is possible is not known, we still have to go one step at a time.They proceeded step by step in this way, crossing this hill and coming to the valley between the two hills.

The valley is actually not short as a whole, at least the same as the road they took when they came.It's just sandwiched between two hills, otherwise it would not be called a valley.

It's just that they still didn't see any creatures here, which made them feel a little surprised. There should be something, but they didn't see anything.

"Should I still go inside?"

The two little guys just hesitated a little at first, and then continued to move forward.They have to go around the hill in front of them. The edge of this hill is vertically downward, towards their side, they can't directly climb up like this, they can only go around from the side.

This will definitely take some time, and if it doesn't work out, it will startle, but it can only be done.I just don't know how to find the wolves quickly.

The peaks and ridges are so high that the hills here can't be said to be as high as four people, and there are almost no roads to go up near the hill.But this does not affect their actions. Even if it is a bit more troublesome, you will be afraid to go up with some effort, which is nothing at all.


A howl of a wolf pulled Hua Yueling's consciousness back into reality, but he didn't even notice this before, and he was completely distracted, and didn't know where he was floating.

Realizing that she was a little too relaxed, Hua Yueling shook her head vigorously and looked in the direction where the sound was sounding.Don't think it's just a wolf howl, it seems quite ordinary, after all, even if you don't come to such a place, you can still hear the wolf howl, as long as there is wolf activity nearby.

But the current situation is different. The situation is very dangerous, much more dangerous than usual.

Who knows if the other party will recruit all the monsters in this neighborhood with such a voice, and don't know when the other party discovered them.Did they leak their whereabouts or did the two little guys not have enough stealth skills to be discovered?

Hua Yueling looked at the two little guys, and found that the two little guys were also very surprised and turned their heads to look in the direction of the howling wolf.Hua Yueling probably guessed from their expressions that they probably hadn't noticed the existence of the wolf before.

The two little guys are in a bit of trouble, whether it's Hua Yueling, Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong all thinking.If they don't take action, I don't know if the two little guys can cope with such a critical situation.

This situation is a bit too critical, they are not easy to handle, but Hua Yueling also believes that they must have some means, at least they can deal with it.

The two little guys didn't look back, they all understood that the big brother and sister must be fine, and they shouldn't ask them for help.So they didn't look back at all, thinking about what to do.

It was already a step too late even if the howling wolf was immediately resolved. It had been screaming for a while, and it must have attracted other monsters.But even if this is the case, it will not work, it must be resolved as soon as possible.

In an instant, the two little guys reached a consensus. No matter what, the wolf must be dealt with now. If you don’t let it continue to howl like this, it will only attract more and more monsters, even if they want it. Nothing can be done.

Surrounded by many monsters, don't even want to run.Taking advantage of the fact that they can still push things within their control range, it is no longer possible, but this is the limit they can control.

The two little guys quickly approached the wolf from both sides, the wolf stopped howling, and it was half lying on the ground, staring at the two little guys Lorna and Teres with a look of alertness.

Lorna and Terris didn't give it any chance. It was already passive enough without seeing it before it howled, and could no longer be passive.They must deal with the wolf as quickly as possible, but this is not enough, but this is what must be done now.

The wolf rushed forward, grabbed his paws quickly, opened his mouth, showing his teeth, and bit towards Lorna.Lorna's figure flashed, avoiding the opponent's attack, and Terris quickly approached the past, stabbing the dagger in her hand.

The wolf returned without success, at this time Teres' attack had arrived, and there was no chance to react.

The dagger penetrated deeply into its body, and the wolf wailed and wailed in pain, but Teres wouldn't let it go.

Knock it down to the ground until the wolf's body trembled, and then there was no response, and Teresi pulled out the dagger that pierced it.

"Lorna, let's find a place to hide quickly, we can't handle too many people."

Teres also knew that she couldn't continue to waste time here, she had to find a hidden place to hide as soon as possible, and then see what would happen.Only after understanding the situation will it be easier to act. Otherwise, if you continue to stay here, then it is very likely that they will be surrounded, otherwise they will be in danger.

Lorna also knew that the matter was urgent, so she nodded immediately, and the two quickly searched for a place to hide.They quickly found a place, not far away, where there were almost three high hills.

"It's not easy to be found when you go up."

The hill itself is on a high place, and no matter whether it is a wolf or other monsters, it should not be a flying guy, so that they are not easy to be spotted when hiding in a high place.But you still have to be careful.

Hua Yueling and the others hid earlier than the two little guys. They kept watching and saw the two little guys promptly kill the wolf, and quickly looked for a place to hide.Still very pleased.

They did a good job, and you can see their progress from this performance.The two little guys stepped on the rock and jumped quickly to the highest point. They found a fairly hidden place to hide.

Not long after they hid, the chaotic footsteps sounded, and Hua Yueling could use the exploration skills to understand that many monsters were moving towards this side.

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