"this is……"

Lu Yuetong looked at the place where Huayue Ling pointed and didn't understand what he was talking about, but Mu Ningshuang next to him quickly understood.

"This one."

Mu Ningshuang knew that her friend didn't understand what it meant, so she pointed it out specially for her, but Jelucy looked there and still found nothing.

"What's wrong here, is there anything weird about this language?"

It was a language she didn't know, but it was normal. After all, there were many countries in the world, and there were many languages, most of which she didn't know.

"This is the language of this world, or the language of this world that we come into contact with here."

The others are secondary. The most important thing is that a language belonging to a different world appeared on this computer.

Almost no need to think about it to know that this must be caused by the will of the world, otherwise such a situation would be impossible.Although it turns out that Hua Yueling didn't understand all kinds of languages ​​too carefully, one thing for sure is that there is absolutely no language in another world.

"Is this going to localize the computer?"

Hua Yueling thought amused, but from the current situation, it seems that this kind of speculation is not particularly outrageous.

"Do you want to change it and take a look."

Hua Yueling was also quite curious, and after Lu Yuetong reminded her, she immediately changed.

"Hey, what's involved is really good."

Not just him, but Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong looked at the interface in front of them in surprise.After changing the language, I discovered that not only the language, but even the graphical interface has been changed to an image adapted to the world.

Hua Yueling glanced briefly, and felt that it was quite suitable for the style of this world, quite interesting.

It is worthy of the power of the will of the world, if it were not for the effect of the will of the world, otherwise it would have been impossible to do so quickly.In fact, think about what the will of the world does is what a programmer does. If we continue with this idea, we still don’t know what the operating system on the computer will become.

"It's quite interesting. It's like an updated version of the operating system. Or a customized version of the operating system from another world."

This is not just a joke, it is also a fact.After all, at present, all changes in the operating system can be explained by updates, and they are still updated by the will of the world.

"However, we have never thought about spreading these to a larger area. In fact, it is not necessary at all. Although computers can definitely have a great impact on the world, it would be impossible if they did not spread."

"Who says no, who knows what the world will think, it is not necessarily intelligent, but it just discovered such a thing, so it did it, and it may not be like this."

They shrugged their shoulders, they didn't see it with their own eyes, and everything was just speculation.After searching for a while, but didn't find other changes, it would be meaningless.

"Maybe I can make some new software or games."

Hua Yueling said with a smile on his face, he thought it was funny, maybe it was really possible.I don't know the difference between World Will and those programmers in their world, World Will must be able to do more.

"It is also possible, but let's take a look, it's not necessarily."

Mu Ningshuang also nodded at this time.

The three of them have almost solved the matter, and there is nothing to do for the time being.Hua Yueling wondered if she would go to the library for a while, but it would be better not to disturb Sister Yun by herself.

"Where are the two little guys?"

Lorna and Terris were not here, and they separated after returning.

"Don't go to them first, they should be busy, there is no need to bother."

The three were finally able to get together for a rest, they discussed and discussed, and then they stayed in the recreation room to play.

The main thing is to try whether the computer that has been "updated" in another world has changed in other ways. After starting the game, Hua Yueling found that the displayed screen was different from the original one.

"This one……"

If you don't open it, it's impossible to find out. The icons on the desktop have not changed, only after opening it.

"This is unexpected, did we change it after we thought it?"

There is no way to answer this question, and maybe something has changed before this, but Hua Yueling only read the settings in the control panel before, and didn't watch other software or games.

"This is a bit interesting. I don't know if there have been changes in the game. Let's try it."

Open the game and try, Hua Yueling really wants to see how the game will change after the world consciousness changes.

The previous file was still there, Hua Yueling read it, and found that the file was actually unreadable.As long as it is read, it will jump out directly. This is somewhat interesting. It may indicate that the entire game has been greatly modified, but it is not necessarily. It may be a file problem.

Restart, and then enter the game, from the very beginning is a different scene.The initial performance was different. Even the trademark of the game manufacturer was changed to something that Hua Yueling did not know at all. It is impossible for a game manufacturer of this kind in another world. It is estimated that the world will follow the modern society. Fictitious manufacturers created by those game manufacturers.

It really has some ideas just from what it did, but what it would do, Hua Yueling was looking forward to.

After thinking about it this way, he thought of other aspects, he turned off the game in front of him, and now there is a more interesting aspect, maybe he can try that.

To say that Hua Yueling's favorite game is of course the soul game, so he wants to see what the game he has kept but is not willing to delete is now and whether it has changed.

It is a stand-alone game, but it can be connected to the Internet.The three of them can play together, but they can also play alone.

The most important thing is to see if you can read the archive, which Hua Yueling thinks may be the most important aspect.Another aspect is whether they can be connected to the Internet, and what will happen after the Internet is connected, whether they can only be connected to these computers in another world, or can they still be connected to other people in modern society.

After reading the archive, there was no response and the machine stuck. Hua Yueling understood that even the newly created archive was the same.After all, the computers here are not just for them to play, the girls also play, so there are many archives.

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