"Do you see anything coming?"

Hua Yueling was asking Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong, he couldn't see anything by himself, he could see that this kind of power was quite peculiar, but there was nothing else.

Hua Yueling hopes that she can purchase to explore this form of power more clearly, but this is a bit too difficult, Hua Yueling is different from Jieluxi in this respect.Ze Lucy still has some experience, he can say that he has no experience in this aspect, and can only explore a little bit according to his own feelings.

But this is a special exercise for him, so that he can gain some experience. As for whether this experience is useful, it is not easy to say.

Jelucy didn't respond from the beginning to the end. Her attention was completely focused on that special power. She hoped to find something from above, but she also knew that it was difficult.

According to speculation, this power really belongs to the will of the world, and it is difficult to find out something from it with her current ability.But it can't be said that there is such a possibility, so she will do nothing, she still has to do something, there is no such possibility of admitting defeat in her heart.

She is not someone who likes to give up lightly. She believes that she can definitely gain something, but she doesn't know whether this gain is useful to her.

Zelucy hopes to be able to decompose some useful characteristics from that special power, but she is not sure whether she can do it.But no matter what, she would never give up lightly.

Little by little, she explored the deeper part of this power, trying to find out something that interests her.But what she wants to know most is the part that can affect the hardware.

The effect of magic may be similar, whether it acts on humans or dead objects, such as the hardware in front of you.As long as it is the kind of gain type BUFF, it is the same, but the two are also different.

They have the same effect and increase the capacity of the beneficiaries, but the difference lies in the different objects of the effect.

The magic that affects humans is very simple, and Ze Lucy has deep natural attainments in this regard, but it is very difficult to increase magic that affects the dead.In other words, it is useless at all. What will happen if a thing that is not a creature and has no life is casted by buffing magic, without any consequences.

After the magic was used, it was the same as if it had not been used, but after staring at this power for a while, Jelucy thought of another method of acting on weapons and equipment, that is, enchanting.

"But this is not the same as enchanting, and enchanting depends on the power of the soul, not anything else."

In short, there was no soul power above the power she saw.No soul exists on the hardware of these computers.

What does this mean? It means that these parts must not have been enchanted.That is to say, it is not after enchanting that the computer hardware will be enhanced, will grow, and grow to an incredible degree.

"If it's not enchanting..."

According to the truth, magic and enchanting should be the only way to change props, but the CPU is not changed by these two ways at the moment.

"The power used by the will of the world, um, has a possibility. It uses methods similar to enchanting and gaining magic, but it uses special power to achieve it."

This is the most possible, and it should be the best way she can think of.As for whether or not she did this, she is still uncertain, but she believes that she can find the answer by giving herself some time.

No one has found anything more useful. Hua Yueling has carefully observed almost all corners of the CPU, but in the end there was no progress.

"Detection skills are still not enough in this regard."

"That's the master won't use it."

When Hua Yueling was thinking about it, Xiaoxue's voice suddenly came to mind in her mind.But Xiaoxue only said that, and then no matter how Hua Yueling asked her, she didn't speak any more, it seemed that he wanted to let him think about the meaning of the words.

"In other words, the exploration skills can also reach the bottom I hope to achieve, but I haven't used them. Xiaoxue means that this should be correct, but...well, there is indeed a way to do it."

Muttering to himself, but it's hard to say whether this approach will work.

All his mental power was concentrated on one point. In fact, he had known this method a long time ago, but he wouldn't remember it if no one reminded him.

It is a good way to observe the hardware in a more subtle way if you concentrate all your energy to observe, especially when dealing with modern sophisticated craftsmanship, this is even more necessary.

Consciousness shuttles between the "high-rise buildings" of the device, feeling the power that surrounds it.

"This is the first time it's been fun."

After turning around, Hua Yueling mainly wanted to try to see if she would be affected by this force.But he thinks more, just using skills to probe, he himself didn't go in, that power has no effect on him.

Not only that, that force also has no defensive effect, allowing people to easily detect without blocking or even counterattack.

This is definitely a good thing for Hua Yueling and the others, but even so, they still haven't discovered anything.

"Everything has become so big," the small devices that were originally the size of ants have now become giants in his eyes. Some look like tall water towers, and some look like various All kinds of machinery "It's actually quite interesting at a glance."

However, it is naturally impossible for Hua Yueling to focus all of his attention on this. A large part of his attention is placed on that power. He is also a little bit competitive. He is trying to compete with Jie Lucy sister.

The chance of winning is not great, but he still wants to try, if he succeeds.

It's not impossible, Hua Yueling feels that she still has a chance, after all, she has a lot of knowledge.Sometimes this kind of thing depends on insight and on your ability.

Anyway, no matter who first understands the characteristics of that power, it doesn't matter how that power works, it's a good thing for everyone.

It took Yueling to observe those components carefully, but unfortunately this was the first time he observed them, so there was no good comparison in his heart, and it was impossible to determine whether these components had been altered.

"I don't want things to change, it looks quite normal."

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