Huayueling has never wandered around in the mall. I don't know how many times he has searched there. He found that as long as the price of a slightly useful skill is not low.

Needless to say, those advanced skills are horribly expensive, and they are still relatively low-level skills.If the skills are higher, it will be more troublesome and the price will be higher.

So in general, even if you want to buy skills, they will buy skills with a lower price. Those with higher levels will be considered too expensive.

Seeing Aroline grabbing a person coming in, Hua Yueling and the others all stood up. Now there is no need to continue to pretend. You can take a good look at what kind of person the guy called the strange person is.

Hua Yueling is still quite curious about him, mainly because in his opinion, the other party is really bold enough.But if you change your mind, not everyone knows what kind of people are here, if he does, there is a high probability that he will not come back.

But now that Hua Yueling saw the incredible expression on the opponent's face, it was obvious that he never thought that he would be caught, which made him very surprised.

It is estimated that in his opinion, she is still very safe, not safe, after all, she did not make any noise, and she did a good job sneaking.

He has such self-confidence when he comes out to do this kind of thing, but it's useless even if he is confident.If you really have enough strength, it is impossible to be discovered so early and make a plan.

But Sister Aroline did not understand why Hua Yueling did this.Even if the opponent has some strength, it may be a little strange, but it won't be enough, don't you want to be seen by others?

Hua Yueling thinks this is the most possible, which means that it is the best thing that this person's existence is not known by others, and it will be a little troublesome if it is known.

However, Hua Yueling carefully observed the person who was caught by Sister Aroline, and couldn't see anything strange about him. In his opinion, although the person could not be said to be an ordinary person, it was suitable for strangeness. There is still a long way to go in this name.

At least you can’t tell from the looks. Of course, judging people by their appearance is not important, but generally speaking, the first thing you see when you see a person is his appearance.This is true for both men and women.

Hua Yueling retracted her gaze and looked at the other people. Everyone was surrounded by Sister Aroline and the person, and everyone's eyes fell on that person.But everyone's expressions are different, and Hua Yueling can understand these.

Maybe everyone has their own imagination, imagine what that person is like, but no one thought he would look so ordinary.

"You... how did you find me?!"

The person caught did not struggle or even pretended to be an unrelated person.When he was caught, he already knew that he had no chance. She just wanted to understand how she was discovered.

Although he can't say that he is the strongest person in Indonesia in the world, but it is the same, at least he thinks so.

He is also one of the best assassins, but he didn't expect to be so easily spotted and caught.He wanted to escape when he was discovered, but he was not even given a chance to escape. When he wanted to move, he found that he couldn't move.

Unexpectedly, he would be stared at by such a powerful guy. After being stared at, he couldn't even move. This was something he didn't expect.Originally, he thought that even if he couldn't find anything, it would definitely not be a problem to escape, but it turned out to be like this.

He really did not expect that things would develop into such a situation, and he would be over if he was caught. He knew this very well, but he did not have any way to get him caught. It's not up to you.

"Tell me, who sent you here."


Before this sentence was finished, he was thrown to the ground fiercely, and Aroline stared at him with a smile.Even though it was just being stared at, it was enough to make him shudder.

He didn't dare to continue speaking, although it would be okay to continue speaking like this, but he was very dangerous.


"You better tell the truth, or you want to know that I am not that good at talking."

Aroline still said in a smirking tone. Although she hadn't done anything yet, she had already caused irresistible pressure on the other party.

The man originally wanted to say something, but under Aroline's gaze, he dared not say anything. He closed his mouth and was silent for a while.He also knew that it was impossible for him to deceive Aroline, she was definitely not joking, he could see this.

This made him very painful, and the pain was that he had no choice at all.

You can only proceed along the established route, but not arranged by yourself, but arranged by others.He can only listen to other people's words, which is unwilling to anyone, and he is naturally unwilling, but he has no choice but to listen.

Opening his mouth, he still said why he came here.

In fact, the reason is very simple. Someone spends huge sums of money to ask him to do something.Of course, just investigating here does not require that much money, and he thought so at the beginning.

But after being caught, he feels deceived.If he knew this was the case, he wouldn't be able to come no matter how much money the other party spent. This is not the way to make money, this is the way to die.

It's a pity that he has no choice at all now, he has been caught, what if he wants to go back at this time.

One-to-one, he said what he knew, and said that, in fact, he didn't know much, very little.What he knows most is some things related to the task, but it only helps him to complete the task, and does not help others.

"Who invited you?"

Arolin asked, this is the most important thing. It stands to reason that what they have hidden should be quite deep. They have just moved here recently, so how come they were sneaked in so quickly.

Speaking of this, Hua Yueling suddenly felt a little strange, but he couldn't say exactly what was strange.Anyway, it's just a little weird. This thing itself has a strong strange atmosphere.

After thinking about it, I went to Hua Yueling to realize something that I had forgotten before. Didn't I mean a strange guy?Although this guy is a bit strange, it is still far from what he imagined.

"Something's wrong, if Sister Aroline said, there must be other secrets in him."

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