After the separation, Hua Yueling went to the predetermined direction, but still had to take a taxi. There was no way to change it.

"I hope my luck will be better in the future, at least worthy of this value."

The value of Huayueling's luck has always been at the highest peak, but when luck works and when it doesn't work, he can't control it.It would be great if you could control your luck.Everything will be easy, and there is no need to be so troublesome.

But he also thought about it, just like he couldn't rely on Xiaoxue all the time, although luck was said to belong to his own attribute, it was a foreign thing in the final analysis.Don't rely too much on these, it's not a good sign.

"Xiaoxue, if you collect enough missing power, can you break away from the system and act alone?"

According to what Xiaoxue said and the information obtained from the past, it should be so, but this is just Hua Yueling's guess, and it cannot be said to be right or wrong.

"Yes, as long as there is enough power, people can get rid of the embarrassing situation."

"Uh, is there anything embarrassing?"

"Doesn't the master think? People feel that their situation is a bit embarrassing no matter how they look at it. They can't help the master too much, they can only answer some questions, even if they want to do something, there is absolutely no way."

"If this is an ordinary person, it would be suffocated to death."

Hearing what Xiaoxue said, Hua Yueling was able to understand some of her thoughts, she didn't think so, but at this time, she had to find a way to substitute other people's thoughts instead of just following her own thoughts. That was not enough.

It's interesting to think about it this way. Other people's thoughts, what kind of thoughts does Xiaoxue have, she finds it difficult to see through Xiaoxue's thoughts.Xiaoxue must have a lot of thoughts, but that can't be understood casually.Hua Yueling was very self-aware at this point.

There are too many things he can't think about. There are many secrets in Xiaoxue, and she doesn't say much about herself.Hua Yueling knew very little about her, and there was almost no way to understand her.

There is an association between the system and Xiaoxue, which is certain, so don't think about getting anything from the system.If Xiaoxue doesn't want you to get it, you will never get it.

Hua Yueling can't control these, Xiaoxue can.Therefore, it is difficult for Huayueling to have an accurate definition of the relationship between two people, or it is difficult to give an accurate definition, only an approximate one.

The two people are in partnership, at least for now. In the future, there is no need to talk about the long future. He can think far, but he can't judge the future.

Hua Yueling is sober, and has always been like this.

Sitting in the car, Hua Yueling thought a lot. He didn't know if Xiaoxue could know what she was thinking. She wouldn't let these affect her mood and judgment, which was not worth it.

You only need to do what you should do. Put the rest aside, it is hard to change anything no matter how much you think about it.

No matter how much you think about it, it's no use not to act. This is the truth that Hua Yueling has recently realized, although this kind of truth is not necessarily true.Hua Yueling thinks it should be like this, thinking is very useful, but just thinking is not necessarily the case.

Hua Yueling thought about many, many things, and he didn't know how much Xiaoxue knew about these thoughts of herself, so he was unsure.Xiaoxue rarely tells him what she thinks, so Hua Yueling doesn't know much about her thoughts and how much she can probe into her mind.

To a large extent, these are very important. If possible, Hua Yueling hopes that these things can be eliminated, but this is impossible.

Xiaoxue wouldn't listen to him, Xiaoxue just acted according to her own thoughts and didn't care about other things, Hua Yueling couldn't control it, he couldn't control anything.

It may be somewhat discouraging to say this, but this is the fact, and no one can change the fact.

After sitting in the car for a long time, Hua Yueling arrived at the destination. This time, he came to a relatively remote wilderness. There is such a place near the city. Hua Yueling was quite surprised.

This is not the same as the barren woods. There are not many trees, but there is a steep mountain.Now Hua Yueling is not far from the bottom of the mountain, on the highway, according to the records, what he is looking for should be there.

There are no buildings here, and it belongs to a relatively natural area.

Looking around, there is a river beside the highway, and beside this river is a slope leading to a higher place. There are some fake people on the slope.

Hua Yueling wanted to go there for a look, but unfortunately the destination was not there this time, so she had to give up temporarily.

Hike to the nearby mountains, Hua Yueling walked off the road.Stepping on the weeds and walking towards the hillside, according to the records on the atlas, Hua Yueling found that what she was looking for seemed to be deeper in the mountains.

Climbing up the slope, Hua Yueling climbed all the way to the top, stepping on the grass, Hua Yueling's sight fell below.

"It's probably near here."

Secretly thinking, Hua Yueling looked around, but found no abnormalities.

"It seems to be here, there is still some distance."

The exploration skills almost covered the mountain on which he was standing, and there were no dead ends.

"No, it seems we have to go forward."

After searching, she didn't find what she was looking for, Hua Yueling shook her head lightly, and walked down the mountain.He wouldn't find it very troublesome, after all, the journey along the way was like this.

Take a taxi, and then look for it, little by little, there is no way for this kind of thing to accelerate.

Walking step by step, Hua Yueling was looking for it, but the range of exploration skills that could be searched was still a bit smaller. It would be better if the range of exploration could be larger.But if you want to explore a wider range, you need to upgrade your skills. Hua Yueling doesn't want to spend some time on this at the moment. The gold coins in his hand are really not much.

Coming all the way to the hillside place, Hua Yueling felt that something was attracting her to the past. The attraction was not very strong, but it was very direct, and she could feel it all the time.

Hua Yueling turned around and glanced over there, thought about it, then changed her goal and walked in that direction.

"What will it be?"

Constantly thinking in his mind, he also thought that it might be what he was looking for, whether it was lost power or missing parts, but he felt that it was somewhat impossible.I have never encountered such a thing when I searched for it before.

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