Hua Yueling had also been observing Sister Yun's expression and her state during lunch, but it seemed that Sister Yun didn't have any problems, and her usual performance was similar, very ordinary.

Hua Yun is very nice to the two little guys, picking vegetables for them, and treating them very tenderly. In their eyes, Hua Yun is a very gentle big sister.They all like Huayun.

Hua Yueling was able to understand their thoughts. In his opinion, Sister Yun was the gentlest girl she knew.It's really like this. It makes people feel very, very comfortable to get along with her.

Not just two little guys, but Hua Yueling also likes to get along with Sister Yun very much, and he likes this feeling very much.

Sister Yun has been like this since she was a child. She hasn't changed much since she was young.This is true whether it is treating him or getting along with other people.

The two little guys eat here are different foods from the other world, they both like the food here.They ate very fragrantly and ate a big bowl of rice all by themselves.

"How is it, does it taste good?"

"It's delicious!" Teresi said with a hard light on her head.

After a lunch, Hua Yueling looked for a chance to hold sister Yun and asked what was going on in the morning.

"What happened in the morning? It's a bit troublesome, but it's not a big deal. Xiaoling, you've been worrying about this, I don't know, there is nothing wrong, so don't worry. Besides, my sister is no ordinary person anymore. Even if something happens, it can't happen to my sister, isn't it."

Hua Yueling was very clear about what Sister Yun said, but he couldn't help but worry, but it didn't look like Sister Yun was lying to himself, so there should be no problem.

Thinking of this, although Hua Yueling was still a little worried, she did not continue to ask.Since Sister Yun said so, don't ask too much.

"That's good, nothing is fine, but Sister Yun needs help? If you need help, tell me, I will help."

"It's okay. Sister, I can live with this matter. Besides, it's not just me, there are other people together. Sister, I'm just a soldier and I can't take on much task."

Hua Yun said with a smile.

Sister Yun is right to say that, she can only be regarded as a small soldier in the police station.Hua Yueling didn't ask any more, it seemed that Sister Yun obviously didn't want to answer, although she didn't know why, whether it was the principle of confidentiality or what, but if that was the case, let it go.

As long as Sister Yun is not in danger, the others are not so important.

After lunch and chatting for a while, Sister Yun went to rest. She was very busy at work in the morning, and she was a little tired.But instead of going to rest in her room, she rested in Hua Yueling’s parents’ room.

Mainly because the computer and the game console are in the room, and the two little guys have to play.If she was resting in that room, the two little guys would have to worry about disturbing her and might not even be able to play.

Even when I am tired, I think about others and for the sake of two little guys.

The two little guys went back to the room and continued to have fun, but they still put their minds on it.The more they know about various games, the more they are addicted to them.

There are really too many games, and the two little guys have some understanding of all kinds of games, but they don't know so deeply.But they have played all kinds of games.

To say that their favorite is still role-playing games, but even role-playing games are different. In this regard, the two little guys have different ideas.

But they won't quarrel about it, even though the two little guys recommend some of the things they think are good and some of their companions don't like it.But this is also extremely normal.

In fact, when they were in another world, they knew that there were so many games in this world, too many to count, but now they are still amazed when looking in the store with the help of Hua Yueling.

They are a little bit dazzling, and don't know which one to choose.Hua Yueling watched them keep making choices in the store, and suddenly felt that it was normal for them to have difficulty in choosing.After all, there are so many things that can be bought now, and it is very difficult to choose not difficult.

Hua Yueling sat next to them and watched them, watching the moving pictures on the screen.In fact, the two little guys refused before. After all, the two of them don't have any money here, let alone buy games.

However, Huayueling said, they agreed with some peace of mind.After all, the two little guys have helped a lot with Jie Lucy, working hard every day, besides, even if it weren't the case, Hua Yueling wouldn't think there was anything.

"If you are optimistic about the shopping cart, don't worry about the money. There is not much, so don't think about other things."

Seeing that they were so hesitant to choose, Hua Yueling persuaded them.But this time Teres shook her head.

"No, we are choosing games that are more suitable for us to play. Although there are many games, not every one is suitable for us."

The two little guys also understand this, but these are not difficult things, after all, whoever likes and dislikes is clear.The two little guys are still very clear about their own preferences. Some games can tell if they like it at a glance, and some are not easy to judge.

If there is no other way, you can only try it first. After you buy it and try it, you can decide whether to keep it or refund it according to whether you like it.

It still depends on the suitability, anyway, the two of them have never done this before.Mainly because of inexperience, and there are many games to play on the computers and game consoles they used before, so there is no need to think about it.

But it's different here at Huayueling. Before, Huayueling and the others didn't teach the little guys how to buy games.But even if they know that a refund is possible, the little guys are cautious.

Hua Yueling felt that she saw herself from them and others. Wasn't she the same way at the beginning, even though it is still the same now.Some areas of my own changes are great, while others are not.

The choice between the two little guys is still very slow, mainly because the types of games they like are not quite the same.If Teris likes it, she will click on the store page to take a look. If Lorna likes it, she will also click on the page. It takes a lot of time to select it like this.

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