Hua Yueling probably made some judgments based on the information currently obtained, but at the same time he was also a little worried about the two little guys, wondering if they would become targets.But logically speaking, there should be no problem. Although he doesn't know how the other party has achieved this level, it is obviously conditional, at least nothing happened before he fell asleep.

Calming down and thinking about this issue seriously, the doubts in Hua Yueling's mind became more and more intense, this time things felt the same as before.

But the experience is different.Hua Yueling went to an incredible place last time, but at that time he was able to act on his own, but now he can only watch others act, and he can't do anything. Is this a new way?

Hua Yueling doesn't know how to solve the situation in front of her, is this an illusion?Hua Yueling tried to decipher the illusion, but the space in front of her only fluctuated slightly, and then it returned to the previous state without any other changes.

It seems that there are still some errors in my guess. This kind of error is not a big one, but it will definitely have some impact.It's not even an illusion, so what's the situation?

After experiencing the last incident, Huayueling won't panic for no reason. He is very calm now, especially calm.

Calmness is the best way to solve problems, especially being able to calm down and think is the most important thing. If there is no way to calmly think, don't think of being able to solve the problem easily.

Hua Yueling thought about various situations and various solutions.For now, Huayueling can’t think of a solution. Last time, she relied on Sister Aroline’s help, but this time, there was no Sister Aroline. She was alone here, and she needed her own strength to solve the problem. The problem.

"Xiaoxue, it looks like I can only ask you."

Hua Yueling whispered to Xiaoxue, Xiaoxue might have some solutions to the problem, but Xiaoxue's solution was also very clear to Hua Yueling.

For Xiaoxue, the best way is to let him buy skills or purchase props, but Hua Yueling looked at the Ji Bin she had left.If you want to buy it, you can buy lower-level skills at most, and high-level skills cannot be purchased.

Not enough gold coins is the biggest trouble, Hua Yueling has no other way to get gold coins for the time being, unless he directly sells all the things in his hands.And he had made plans for those gold coins, ready to buy skills for manufacturing.

"Xiaoxue, what kind of place am I now? I shouldn't be dreaming, but in an illusion, right?" This is Hua Yueling's guess. He doesn't think he is in a dream. Although there is a possibility Some, but not very big in his opinion.

It's not that I was sleeping before, and I am already in a dream now. Although it is said that such a thing may happen in the dream, Hua Yueling feels that her situation is a little different.The current situation is very uncomfortable, Hua Yueling can't do anything she wants to do.

Nothing is more uncomfortable than this, only as a spectator watching, everything else has nothing to do with him.This made him not know what he should do or how to do it.

Everything is confusing, and my mind is blank.

"Similar to what the master thought. The place where the master is now is almost a mixture of two situations, both in a dream and in an illusion."

"There is nothing wrong with fusing the two aspects, right? That is to say, after I entered my dream, it invaded my dream and used illusions on me."

Hua Yueling guessed that this should be the case, but he didn't know exactly what was going on.

Xiaoxue didn't explain too much, he didn't know or why it was not easy to say, but Hua Yueling didn't ask much.The question now is how to solve the current problem and how to get out of this state.

At least for the time being, Hua Yueling really didn't think of a good way to come, so she could only take one step at a time, if Xiaoxue had no good way.

Hua Yueling followed the person in front of her while waiting for Xiaoxue's answer.

"Actually, the owner of the answer should be almost clear. It is impossible for them to give other answers."

"ok, I get it."

There was no need for Xiaoxue to continue speaking, Hua Yueling already knew what she was going to say, so she simply shook her head without letting her continue.In fact, it’s easy to understand that one's own ability is not enough, or the skill level is not enough,

If the skill level is sufficient, or if you have a deep enough understanding of the current situation, you can directly change the situation.He can directly destroy everything and wake himself from this situation, but he can't do it yet, so he can only find other ways.

Hua Yueling can't do anything at present, she can only follow that person, which is almost a "main perspective" figure, and see what the other person is going to do in the process.

Hua Yueling is still quite curious about this. The figure of that person does not seem to be walking fast at all. It seems that there is nothing to worry about. However, based on her own experience, Hua Yueling roughly guessed that the other party must have something. What's wrong, the aura exuding from him is a bit wrong.

As for what was wrong, he couldn't tell why, but he could guess based on his own experience.

It seems that the other party is passing aggressively, and if he guesses well, it should be troublesome to find someone.I just don't know how unlucky that person is.

The person in front of him is still quite strong, but if Hua Yueling is asked to evaluate it, it will probably be like this, not a strong enemy, it can only be said that he is still younger.

At least Hua Yueling felt that it was not a problem to deal with him with her own strength. There was definitely not a 50-50 match between the two sides. Hua Yueling's odds of winning were much greater, almost seven-three.

But now is definitely not the time to write, what Hua Yueling cares most about is what she should do here.I didn't know how long it would take to keep following along, and he had no way to control himself.

Hua Yueling hopes to "wake up" more quickly. In fact, he is very clear in his heart that even if a long time passes here, the time spent in the real world will not be too long, but even if he knows this, he is not willing Stay here for too long.As said before, Hua Yueling doesn't like waiting.

The reality made him have to wait, even if he wanted to do something, he couldn't choose, he couldn't choose anything.

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