Even if Huayueling has been following the man like a video camera, she still doesn't know how she hid. Anyway, it was "swish", and then the person was hidden in the snow.

Even if you observe carefully, it is difficult to see some clues.This is where he is great. He has such a special ability to hide, and he can hide very well. Hua Yueling can't see any abnormalities.

I don't know if this man's skill is intelligently hidden in the snow, or is capable of mimicking, hiding beside anything, pretending to be part of what kind of food.

Thinking about it, Hua Yueling found that her thoughts had shifted from her mother's.She was to find a way to leave, not to think about what kind of skills this person has. To be honest, no matter what kind of ability the other person has, it has nothing to do with him.

What Hua Yueling needs to know now is how to leave, if she can get rid of the situation in front of her, rather than care about it.But so far it still has nothing to see, at least judging from the current situation, there is no solution.


Trying to remove the illusion in front of him, but it still had no effect. Hua Yueling looked down again, and saw that the person actually moved forward at this time.However, because he is hidden in the snow, he can't clearly see his movements.

Hua Yueling could only see his figure reluctantly, and saw him sneaking like a snake. At the same time, he was also watching. He was watching the direction the silver wolves were chasing, searching for the gap between them. .As they moved farther and farther, the distance between each other gradually increased. If this continues for a while, the space for him will be even greater.

However, it seemed that the man was very anxious. He couldn't wait any longer, and he didn't want to wait any longer. At this moment, he left quickly, preparing to go further.

Soon he rushed to the position between the two white wolves, and the white wolves on the left and right were a certain distance away, but he was not very confident whether he could hide from the two white wolves.

You must know that they are two wolves, not other creatures. If it is other monsters or creatures, there may be some opportunities, but the possibility of facing them is really low.

But Hua Yueling quickly realized that he had used this method to avoid Silver Wolf's detection, but it was in a static state.Can it be done in the current state of activity?

Just when Hua Yueling was so suspicious, the man had already broken through between the two white wolves.The two silver wolves didn't seem to notice, and didn't pay attention to where it was.

"This kind of hiding ability is good. What is his purpose? After watching for so long, I still can't see anything. So far, it seems that there is nothing."

It's just a monster on the road, maybe if he doesn't touch it, he will let him know what the other party is doing.Hua Yueling couldn't be sure, but she still had to look at it again. It still couldn't be judged just by relying on all the current information.

Hua Yueling still has to follow the other party for a period of time. The length of this period of time is not easy to say, at least now it is impossible to determine what Hua Yueling is.He just felt that he couldn't judge something based on all the information he had obtained before.

In his opinion, there is still no flaw in this world, and in fact, it cannot be said that it does not exist, but it can be said that he has not found it yet.

What should I do next? Just treat this as a dream.Just keep on dreaming, don’t stop dreaming, when the time comes, the dream will naturally wake up.

Of course, Hua Yueling is actually not so optimistic that things will go on like this, it is impossible, he can say so for sure.Yes, it is impossible.

If he is really in the illusion, the other party will definitely do everything possible to keep him here, if he does nothing, it is naturally the best.It doesn't take much trouble to leave him here completely, without doing other things.

However, Hua Yueling will definitely not do nothing. He will do something and try to break free from this situation. This is more difficult. Hua Yueling doesn’t know if he can do it, but he There is still some confidence in this.

Hua Yueling felt that she had a great opportunity to get out of this place, and it might take some more time, judging from the current situation.As for more, he doesn't know, the information he has obtained is still too little to allow him to solve difficult problems.

It would be great if Sister Aroline was there, she could help, but she was not there.And you can’t think of other people’s help as soon as you encounter such a thing, you also need to solve the problem yourself, and you can’t think of other people’s help all the time, that is definitely not good.

Hua Yueling cheered up and continued to observe.The figure of the man in between was walking swiftly in the snow, his speed was incredible, it was like a silver-white lightning, and he had rushed a long distance in a blink of an eye.

That person was like a swimming fish, like swimming in the water in the snow.Even his speed is faster than the speed of those fishes, I don't know how many, and in a blink of an eye he has already rushed out for unknown distance.

Even so, he still couldn't get rid of the silver wolf's chase. When he was not moving, the silver wolf could not find his existence at all.But when he started to act, Silver Wolf didn't say that he could pinpoint where he was, but at least understood a general direction.

The direction is correct, although not necessarily completely accurate.

Hua Yueling scanned the surroundings and saw that the silver wolves were still searching nearby, but they didn't come here.They just moved in the original direction and rushed past, and they didn't really find anyone here.

"It's not bad to hide, so it seems that it's easy for him to escape."

Secretly thinking in her heart, Hua Yueling also focused on other directions.There is not much worth noting here, at least Hua Yueling thinks so.There is nothing else except the person in front of him and the Silver Wolf.

There is nothing particularly noteworthy here, and Hua Yueling did not find anything useful on the road.This made Hua Yueling a little helpless, he had tried his best to search for it, but so far he still hadn't found anything.

"Look at it, let's talk about it, the main thing is to see where he is going."

This person has a firm goal, and he moved quickly in one of these directions, although he hasn't seen much until now.

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