Hua Yueling tried several methods, but no matter which one it was, there was no way in the end. He just couldn't transfer from the nun to the man.

No way, she can only give up temporarily and give up this idea.Hua Yueling was rather helpless, he was very dissatisfied with the current progress, which was far from what he wanted.

There is no way to solve the problem, and there is no way to break the space formed by the combination of dreams and illusions.Hua Yueling was very uncomfortable about this, but unfortunately he couldn't do much.

Just like before, there is basically no difference. Although it can be transferred to another person, there is actually no change in what can be done.Still can only follow this person to move around, he can't change anything.

Hua Yueling feels a bit boring, listening to a man here say something she doesn't understand. If she can understand it will have some meaning, but if she doesn't understand it at all, Hua Yueling feels no need to listen.

She might be able to rest for a while, Hua Yueling looked at the man who talked, and it seemed that he wouldn't shut his mouth for a short time, so it didn't make sense to be awake.It’s here to listen to what I don’t understand, what can I say.

Hearing this didn't help me much, no help at all.It would be nice if I could increase my language ability based on this, but that obviously wouldn't work.

"Take a rest."

The nun didn’t speak at all. If Hua Yueling hadn’t seen her, she would have even thought she was asleep like herself, but it didn’t seem to be too different. It is estimated that she might fall asleep at any time. What is talking? It's hypnotizing.

Hua Yueling admired him very much, talking endlessly, Hua Yueling heard a little sleepy, just like what I said before, it was hypnotizing.

Thinking that there was nothing to do anyway, I just fell asleep and didn't have to listen.Why force yourself to listen to these hypnotic words, there is no need at all.

Gradually Huayueling figured it out, closed her eyes, and didn't care what the other party was saying, she was ready to "sleep" again.

Hua Yueling had enjoyed it once before, so he was fairly skilled, and fell asleep before long. Hua Yueling felt that she was about to become familiar with the life here, and she had forgotten the rest. Of course, these should not be forgotten. Yes, but it is definitely not a solution if this continues.

In fact, he himself probably understood what the other party thought, he wanted to use this method to kill his mind and let himself slowly blend into it.If they succeeded, it would be a big trouble for me. Even if I had a way to go out, I wouldn't be able to go out. I would be trapped inside and controlled by this strange world.

But Hua Yueling now has no good way to solve the problem.You can only go one step at a time, and there is no way to ask the elementary school. Then you can only solve the problem on your own.

The problem is quite serious, Hua Yueling still has some accomplishments in illusion arts, but it is almost impossible to solve the problem at hand with his accomplishments.

There is no progress so far, Hua Yueling is still a little impatient in her heart, although he keeps telling herself to calm down.Don't be anxious, but this is not just a matter of not being anxious.

It was difficult for Hua Yueling to calm down, although he had rested in this "world" before, but he still felt tired.He didn't want to do something similar to the state of soul.

"It can't go on like this."

Huayueling said to herself secretly, but this will not work, what should she do, he can't think of a good way at present.If you figured it out, you would have acted a long time ago, and you won't have to wait until now and haven't done anything.

Hua Yueling fell asleep again, he didn't even know why he fell asleep, but he felt that his heart was particularly peaceful at this time.There is no need to find a chicken, just wait and see, wait until you wake up again, and then see what happens.

Hua Yueling didn't know how long he had been asleep, anyway, when he woke up, he felt that he should have rested for a long time.It is difficult for him to accurately grasp the time here, not to mention precise, even a rough time is difficult to grasp, which makes him uncomfortable.

But to his surprise, the nun was still in the hall of the temple when he woke up.But this time she didn't stay inside for long, just stayed here for a while, and then walked out.

The door of the temple was pulled open from the inside, and the nun walked out, standing on the steps outside, no one knew what she was looking at or thinking.

Hua Yueling followed behind her, and together with her, looked over the open land at the lowest end of the snow-capped mountains.

The nun stood at the top of the stairs and looked down, looking down at the lonely land, farther away, almost where the ground and the sky intersect, where you can see the shadow of a city.

It was a huge city, and it was also an ancient city. The most eye-catching thing there was the City Lord’s Mansion and the towering mage tower.

Those are all interesting buildings, but Hua Yueling is not sure that it is true. The so-called seeing may not be true, and hearing may not be false.

You can't believe your eyes too much, Hua Yueling is like that now, he is a little skeptical.

After all, this world is already incredible enough, as a fantasy world, as an illusion.

Making it realistic enough is also a way to immerse people in the world of illusion, but that requires strong enough power.Hua Yueling didn't know who came to him this time, but that person's strength must not be underestimated, otherwise it wouldn't make him so uncomfortable.

At present, there is no harm to me, but I can't maintain this mentality.Even if there is no harm right now, but if it continues like this, it definitely won't work. Obviously the other party won't have the intention to let him go out, so he still needs to work hard.

Hua Yueling looked down at the earth, and after observing this way for a while, he withdrew his attention, and he focused his attention on the nun in front of him.This nun is a rather mysterious person. From the perspective of her strength, there is almost no big gap with the temple owner. The difference between the two of them is not very big, at least smaller than it feels.

As for the relationship between the two of them, Hua Yueling still couldn't tell what kind of relationship it was.

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