Hua Yueling didn't feel that it was a pity, if he really needed to stay underground to be able to leave this ghost place, he would definitely not leave there.Nothing particularly interesting was found there, only the power emanating from the crystal ball made him feel a little interesting, but it would take some time to study which power was clear.

No matter what, what Hua Yueling needs the most is time, and what he doesn't lack now is time.If this is the case, just come and stay at ease, take your time, and don't be too anxious.Thinking like this in her heart, Hua Yueling no longer cared about what was happening outside, just focused on the two diametrically opposed power breaths she had obtained.

I was immersed in the research, but Hua Yueling didn't mean that he didn't know what happened in the unexpected world.He is still curious enough about the person he followed at the beginning, but now he mainly doesn’t know how the other person is. Shi is still in the room where he was first arranged, or is in a different state. .

The people here seem to be his enemies, this idea should be good.

In fact, there should be no hostility between the nun and that person. It is worth noting that the man who seems to be the master here.Hua Yueling could see what happened between him and the person he was following. The two were not friends.

But if there is any deep hatred between two people, it seems wrong, otherwise they won't be as peaceful as they are now.

The owner of the temple just picked the person he was following back to the temple, and did nothing else, and asked the nun to take him into the room to cultivate, which is also very strange.

Hua Yueling followed the nun back to the hall of the temple, and saw the nun just sitting on the stool inside, saying nothing, staring at the fire without saying a word, as if there was something attractive in the fire. Her stuff.

Before that, Hua Yueling had seen an axe-like thing in it, but now when she looked inside, she could still see the existence of that thing.

Hua Yueling is still a little interested in the things in the flames, but he can't get the things, and can't move to the things, so he can only observe after the nun.

The flame was burning, and the axe was burnt in the flames, and nothing could be seen.Hua Yueling observed carefully, the axe seemed to be shining light, but the light was very weak, even if I observed it carefully, nothing could be seen.

After observing for a while, Hua Yueling also found it meaningless, instead of observing that, it is better to continue to study the two powers in his hands.

Fortunately, that kind of power is similar to her own mind, Hua Yueling can easily perceive the existence of that kind of power, and can study that kind of power well.In fact, this is quite interesting. Hua Yueling tried it. From the most intuitive point of view, these two forces are completely opposite.

But they are all interesting powers, and even these two powers can merge.But Hua Yueling only discovered this, and it's hard to say whether it can be done.

Hua Yueling felt that this might be possible, but he just needed to try it, and he had to be careful when trying.After all, these two forces are in conflict in nature. If one is not good, it is likely to cause irreparable consequences.

Hua Yueling tried to disperse those two powers, only a small part, and then tried to match the two completely different powers here.Hua Yueling tried, like a puzzle, but soon he found it very, very difficult.

In fact, it is a puzzle, but it is definitely more troublesome than a puzzle.It's similar to the kind of 3D puzzle, and this kind of puzzle is not simple to put together.Hua Yueling tried to try, but found that she still needed to use her own strength as a binder.

But even so, it is still very difficult to glue together, Hua Yueling must be careful and then careful.

Hua Yueling tried it a bit, and found that it would take a lot of time for herself to do this.You still need to understand and understand these two forces, otherwise the information you know now is not enough.

The research must continue, but I don’t know how long it will take to research something useful.But no matter what, he still has to study slowly, this is his hope for leaving here.

During this period of time, Hua Yueling focused all of her attention on those two powers, and didn't care about the others.The nun didn't do anything else, she just sat there like this, doing nothing, as if she was thinking about something.

Naturally, Hua Yueling had no way to go deep into her thoughts to understand something, so she could only look at it, and didn't care about it. He had his own things to do.

The fire "cracking" sounded from time to time, sometimes interrupting Hua Yueling's thoughts, but sometimes not.But this is nothing to him, as long as he doesn't want to be disturbed, then nothing can disturb him.

Hua Yueling held some attention outside like this, most of the attention was on the two forces in front of her.Under his control, the two separated small power groups were entangled together, as if they were going to merge together, but there was a force preventing them from doing so.

"They themselves are preventing themselves from merging with each other."

Hua Yueling thought secretly in her heart, he was also thinking about a solution to the problem, but the only way for now was to merge them hard.Of course, there are other ways, and that is to try to remove the hostile part.

But no matter what it is, it is difficult. Hua Yueling is not particularly good at separating this kind of work. As for integration, although it has enough strength, it is not so easy.If one fails, it may cause an explosion, and even more terrible things may happen.

Hua Yueling can't try too eagerly, she must try carefully, otherwise he doesn't know what to do if something goes wrong now.The most important thing is that Hua Yueling doesn't know how to solve it even if she encounters a problem in her current state.

The main thing is that he still doesn't know much about his current situation, so if something goes wrong, he doesn't know how to solve it.At least he doesn't know at the moment. If he really waits until he encounters a problem, it will be too late, so if he can, he still hopes to use a more normal method to solve the current problem.

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