Just like this, I walked deeper, Hua Yueling didn't know how long she had been away, one thing I had to say is that this place is really big enough, otherwise Hua Yueling and the others have been walking for so long The distance must have reached the bottom end a long time ago, let alone arriving now, they don't even know how long they have to go.

This trip is really not worth it, at least so far.I don't know if there will be anything going deeper, but so far, all they can see are scars.

"Why do I feel that the deeper I go, the more dangerous it is?" Hua Yueling said in a low voice. He did feel that way. It was dangerous here. He felt that way from entering to pretending. But now this feeling is getting deeper and deeper.

"What do you think will be next?"

Lu Yuetong asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, but I hope there is no problem. Logically speaking, the situation should have been acquired a long time ago. It is impossible that the battle can continue to the present.

Hua Yueling didn't quite believe this. In fact, no one else had guessed that this was the case. Everyone was just worried about what might happen later.After all, the front is a bit too quiet, and it feels like there will be something up and down.

Hua Yueling held quiet and continued to walk down.After traveling a long distance again, things changed a little this time. Hua Yueling and the others obviously heard some sounds, which were relatively weak, but Hua Yueling still heard them.

As long as it is within the scope of investigation, any movement will be noticed by him, unless the other party deliberately conceals it, otherwise it is impossible to hide it from him.

There should be no guys deliberately hiding here, otherwise Hua Yueling and the others would be very dangerous.However, Hua Yueling is still very confident in her detection skills. He believes that with his detection ability, even if someone really hides in the dark, it is impossible to hide him.

Hua Yueling's exploration skill level is already quite high, compared to what he said before, but even so, he dare not be too careless, he still has to be careful.

Along the way, they did not encounter anything decent, no enemies, and nothing worthy of their attention. This made Hua Yueling feel that they were not here to explore, but to walk around. This is too bad, right? .

Originally, they still had some hope, and felt that they should still be a little dizzy and could find something here, but now they have basically given up that optimistic idea.

Judging from the current situation, it is good for them not to be involved in any terrible incident. As for what they can gain, they no longer have much hope.

This place is really too weird. Although the corpses on the ground seem to be a long time ago, but I don’t know what happened. Hua Yueling always has a thought in her heart, thinking that a long time ago has happened. It is not over yet.

That thing is still going on. Although I don't know why she thinks this way, Hua Yueling feels that there is such a thought in her heart that is constantly wandering, constantly reminding herself to be careful and pay attention to the situation here.

If the situation is not good, leave as soon as possible. This world is still unknown to them, and what kind of people and powers are in this world is also unknown to them, so under the circumstances that nothing is certain, It's better not to make a rash move.

It is definitely quite dangerous for them to shoot casually with a black eye.

Going in the direction of the sound, it's not that there is only one passage extending to the bottom in this underground, there are actually quite a few passages here.

Hua Yueling and the others also spent a lot of time exploring before they found such a straight down passage.In fact, despite the many passages here, it is not complicated. After all, this is not a maze, it just has a lot of space.

"Slower, there seems to be someone ahead."

Hua Yueling whispered to Lu Yuetong and Hua Yun who followed behind him, she also slowed down and walked over cautiously.Fortunately, the road ahead is not a straight road, but a corner, so there is no need to worry about being discovered directly.

If that were the case, they would have been discovered long ago, and it is impossible to wait until they are not.

At the corner, Hua Yueling poked out his head cautiously to observe. In the darkness, he narrowed his eyes and couldn't see clearly.There seemed to be something in the distance, a figure was moving, but Hua Yueling couldn't see clearly.

The passage is too dark, there is no light at all.And he was worried about being discovered by the other party and affecting their actions, so he cancelled the Illuminati. The problem that this brought was that they could not observe well.

That figure didn't know what it was doing, Hua Yueling didn't even dare to confirm whether there was another person there.If it weren't for worrying about being perceived by the other party, Hua Yueling would just use exploration skills directly, but this also gave birth to some problems.

"Some trouble, it doesn't feel like an adventurer."

If adventurers come to such a place to explore, they can't stay in one place for too long. Now they stay for a long time.Hua Yueling and the others waited outside, but the other party had not left. Although they could hear what the other party was saying, they couldn't understand what they were saying specifically.

But the other party didn't mean to come over, just as they didn't mean to go deeper.This made Hua Yueling and the others difficult to handle, and it seemed that it would be difficult to pass without being discovered by the other party.

In this situation, the best way is to preemptively. In that case, it is safer and the best choice for them.

I don't know if the other party is an enemy or a friend, but when she encounters this kind of place, Hua Yueling still feels that the opponent is more likely to be an enemy.For your own safety, it is better not to be too soft-hearted.

Hua Yueling reminded herself so in her heart, and then instantly used the light technique, not only to use it, but also to use it directly on the opponent's face.That's right, Hua Yueling directly slapped the bright technique on the opponent's face, the other party did not realize that the danger was approaching, and when the bright technique went down, he had no way to react.

What kind of feeling would it feel when a strong light suddenly appeared in the dark, especially in front of her own eyes, that feeling must be uncomfortable, Hua Yueling didn't want to try it.

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