The road here is getting harder and harder to walk. Compared with the front, the road in the back seems to have not been trimmed.Hua Yueling didn't know why this was so, but fortunately, this did not affect their actions.

For them, whether the road is easier to follow or difficult to follow, there is actually no big difference, as long as they can follow.But what is strange is that apart from which dwarf they have encountered, Hua Yueling and the others have not encountered any other creatures on their way.

The road is still relatively messy, but compared to before, there are some things for them to get.Some of the things they saw on the road were familiar to Hua Yueling, at least they could recognize what they were for, but there were also some they had never seen before and didn't know what they were for.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, if it can be recycled by the system, Huayueling will always recycle directly, without making any mess, which saves time and trouble.

"and many more!"

Stepping forward, Hua Yueling stopped abruptly and stopped the two girls behind him.

"what happened?"

Both girls asked concerned.They all knew what he might have discovered, but they really haven't found it yet.

"Don't you hear any sound?"

Hua Yueling didn't tell her findings immediately, but asked like this.The two girls frowned and listened, but both shook their heads.

"It's weird, wait a minute, and walk forward gently. Maybe I heard it wrong, maybe. Be careful."

Hua Yueling was sure that she had not misheard, but why did this happen, he felt a little puzzled, because she possessed detection skills, so she had an advantage over them in terms of alertness?

Hua Yueling is not particularly clear what is going on, but it is not the time to study this kind of thing.To be honest, Hua Yueling didn't actually feel how strong he was, but now he found out that he actually has an advantage over others in this respect, and the advantage is quite big.

This was something Hua Yueling hadn't expected. He hadn't had such an understanding before this, but now he realized that he could do much more than he thought.

The three of them were hiding at the corner, poking out their heads and observing the way they turned, but unfortunately they didn't see anything.Hua Yueling heard the sound, and he heard it more clearly than before, but he was also sure that that kind of sound did not come from close, but came from farther away.

There are other people here, and the language they use seems to be the same as the people he met before.Hua Yueling and the others looked at each other, and didn’t know if the strange people were the residents here. Unfortunately, they couldn’t communicate with each other. If they could communicate, they would be able to learn more. Perhaps the two sides were even fighting. no need.

It's a pity that you can only think about it, Hua Yueling can't do this, and other people can't, and they can't communicate with each other.Those people don't know what kind of words they are, anyway, they are different from those used by humans in this world, they have their own language.

"For a while, you will still act according to the previous method, but you must be careful when you act."

Hua Yueling is not in a hurry to act. He is still not sure how many people are here. He must determine the number of each other before deciding what to do.If the number of opponents is too large, it is also a problem for them.

If they were all like the guy they met before, it would be a little troublesome if there were too many people, but they would definitely not give up because of it.No matter what, what they have to do is the same, the most important thing is to find out what is here.

So far, they still haven't found anything useful, but Hua Yueling is not in a hurry, there is no need to be in a hurry.After all, anxiousness can't solve any problems. The important thing is to finish exploring here. After the exploration, you will be able to know what is in this place.

Hua Yueling and the others continued to go deeper, in fact, they had already noticed where those guys were without going too far.After another turn, Hua Yueling's footsteps were very light and light, and there was almost no sound. The other party's hearing was not that strong, so they did not notice their arrival.

This is exactly what Hua Yueling and the others want. If they can't be discovered, it will be much easier to handle, as long as they use the same method to carry out a sneak attack again.Unless there are too many opponents, otherwise they have a great chance.

In terms of strength, Hua Yueling is still very confident in herself, not only him, but also Lu Yuetong and others, everyone is confident in their strength.These enemies are not enough to make them feel scared. They are just a little worried. In fact, there is nothing else.

After observing it, at the other end of the passage, you can see a few short figures who are busy.Hua Yueling observed their movements, but did not rush to move.In fact, there is no need to be too anxious.

"It seems that there are not many people, only so few."

Hua Yueling muttered in a low voice, if the few people were divided, three of them would be one each, it would not be too difficult to solve.

"But I just don't know if there are other enemies in it. If there are, it won't be easy to handle."

"It shouldn't, it seems that no other voices are heard."

Lu Yuetong said in a low voice, Hua Yueling frowned secretly. If he didn't hear it, it didn't mean he didn't. It could only say that he hadn't heard it yet.Hua Yueling is currently not sure, but although these guys' strengths are not bad, they should not have that strong sense of exploration skills.

Hua Yueling uses exploration skills to understand the deeper situation. Inside is a relatively large room. As he thought, there are some guys the same as the outside, and the more terrifying thing is that there is still There are even more incredible guys.

"not good!"

After realizing that his actions might have been discovered, Hua Yueling immediately reacted. He threw a ball of light directly and blinded the eyes of those people, mainly because they could not open their eyes temporarily. .In fact, this is enough to give them a great advantage.

"There are intruders!"

It was also at this time that such Chinese came from deeper, but what was strange was that Huayueling could still understand the words.

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