The battle between the two parties looked like Hua Yueling had fallen, at least at first.Hua Yueling just dodged, and didn't do anything else. It was enough for him to just dodge, and there was no need to do anything else.

Before she understood how the opponent was fighting, Hua Yueling was reluctant to act.This is a method of fighting between people of similar strength.

The other party doesn't have any wisdom, so it doesn't know what Hua Yueling is doing, it only knows to attack.It’s actually easy to find a regular pattern in its attack. I don’t know if it’s because of the loss of wisdom and memory because of death, or it’s just like this, but no matter which possibility it is, it’s a comparison to Hua Yueling Good situation.

But the more troublesome thing is that the opponent does not just use weapons to attack, there are other attack methods.For example, an attack like the first one is another kind of power, that kind of cold power, which spreads and explodes centered on its body in an instant. The power of that kind of attack is very strong, even if Huayueling is not advanced. If you are defensive, you may get injured.

However, the opponent is not available anytime and anywhere. That kind of attack should be a more powerful move, so there is a cooling time.

During this period of time, there is no need to worry, and that kind of attack does not explode immediately after launching the attack, but has time for him to dodge.

So Hua Yueling was not particularly worried. After some understanding, Hua Yueling felt that it was not so difficult for him to win the battle.I just don't know what its defensive power is. If its defensive power is very strong, it may be delayed for a while.

On the other side, Lu Yuetong and Hua Yun had completely suppressed the two enemies, and they basically had no chance of turning over.

The battle process was simpler than Hua Yueling had imagined. Hua Yueling originally thought that the opponent was very strong, so it was more difficult to defeat.As a result, after the real fight, I realized that there were still some differences from what I thought. The opponent's strength is quite good, but the brain is a good thing, and the opponent has no brain at all.

Not only that, but what surprised Hua Yueling was that the opponent basically had no moves to speak of when fighting, just ordinary attacks and ordinary battles.The more you deal with such a guy, the easier it is. It is the most difficult to deal with those guys who have some tricks and don't know what's in their minds when fighting.

To deal with the General Ghoul in front of you, you don’t have to think so much at all. You just need to concentrate on watching the opponent’s movements in battle. There are no moves at all, so the opponent’s attack method is actually well judged, basically nothing out of the ordinary. Expected place.

This is a good thing for Hua Yueling, because of this, he can understand clearly how the opponent is fighting.In fact, it's just those few times over and over again, and what's more terrifying is that its attacks have not changed in any way. In Hua Yueling's view, this is a mistake that only beginners can make.

Think about some tricks. If you use only one trick when you fight with people, and there is never any change in the use, then the probability of being cracked is also high.And after enough observation, the other party can understand what your tricks are, and it is much easier to deal with.

But as long as you can make slight changes, it will be much more difficult for the enemy to deal with it.

Sometimes things are that simple, it depends on whether you can adapt.

For example, after the opponent observes and finds that your trick is such a fixed routine, when you fight with you, think about which fixed routine. At this time, if you suddenly change the attack method, the opponent will be caught off guard. feel.

Hua Yueling didn't have such a feeling when dealing with the guy in front of him. The attack of the other party was too easy to see through. The only thing that made him feel more troublesome was the power that erupted from him.

That power could explode at any time, but fortunately, the opponent's strength explosion also has a fixed routine. This is because the opponent is really no brains, otherwise the battle will never be as easy as it is now.

No matter what, this is a good thing for Hua Yueling.But there are also things that worries him. After all, this is a place like this, which means that there may be more than one such guy here, and there may be more powerful people on the road.

These are all very troublesome things for Hua Yueling, but it's not the time to worry about them.The two-handed sword slashed heavily, and Hua Yueling also condensed all his strength, his power was injected into the two-handed sword, and he slashed down.

Hua Yueling also saw the right time. After dodge the opponent's attack, Hua Yueling launched an offensive.This is also necessary, otherwise the other party is not afraid of death, so no matter how you attack, even if it brings the other party's life in danger, the other party will ignore it, and will not even dodge, just let you attack it, and then it will also Attacking is a way of losing and hurting you.

It can do that, exchange injury for injury, but Hua Yueling cannot do that. In this respect, there is no comparability between the two parties. How can it be impossible for Hua Yueling to exchange injury for injury with the other party. Yueling is the more disadvantaged party. The other party is not afraid of injury. Whether it is multiple injuries, it is nothing to the other party. As long as he doesn't die, Huayueling will not be successful. He will be affected if he is injured.

Even if the opponent's injury is more serious, and his injury is lighter, it won't work. For Hua Yueling, it is best for this kind of enemy to not be injured at all.That might be a little difficult, but Hua Yueling felt that she still had a good chance.

Huayueling’s heavy blow to the opponent has no way to defend, after all, it has just been completed and now, all that can be done is to reluctantly block it, reluctantly retract his hand, and the weapon is blocked above his head. I want to use this method. To block Hua Yueling's attack, it is a pity that such a defense would be impossible to prevent Hua Yueling's attack.

The attack continued, and you came and went between the two sides, but it was obvious that Hua Yueling occupied the top.Although the previous heavy blow did not directly solve the opponent, it can be seen that it has caused a lot of damage to the opponent. This is exactly the situation Hua Yueling wants to see.

"It looks like we don't need to help."

The battle between Hua Yun and Lu Yuetong was over, but they didn't come to help.

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