If you insist, this is Hua Yueling's own problem. After all, you have already acquired the skill. No matter how you acquire this skill, since you can already use it proficiently, then you must be able to discover more usages.

What Hua Yueling can use up to the present position is only the most basic aspect of the exploration skills, that is, only use the exploration skills, there is nothing else he can do.He has no way to change the use of exploration skills, which means that he hasn't researched much in this area.

In fact, Hua Yueling also knew that it was definitely wrong for her to do this, and she also needed to make some changes. Whether it was to change her previous thoughts or whatever, change was a very important thing anyway.

But now it is useless to say these, this is not something he can do now, he has to wait until he gets back.Maybe you can ask someone to help. Of course, the most important thing here is to ask Xiaoxue. Hua Yueling believes that Xiaoxue must have experience and understanding in this area, and he may be able to know something from him.

This kind of thing definitely cannot wait for Xiaoxue to take the initiative to say, and Xiaoxue basically will not take the initiative to say these things, only when he asks, he can answer it, and it is only possible, not necessarily. Reply.

I hope it can be simpler, Hua Yueling thought so in her heart.However, he quickly threw this idea into his mind for a while. After all, there are more important issues that need to be considered by himself. The current issues are the most important. You can think about those things anytime afterwards. There is no need to have to. Thinking so much at this time, it is not good for myself.

Taking a deep breath, Hua Yueling calmed down a bit at this time, but still did not find a reliable enough idea.

The most important thing is that the other party is hiding well, and don't look at him casting spells, but even then, he didn't even show up at all.He has been hiding, unwilling to fight head-on with the leader of the invader.

This at least illustrates one problem, that is, the owner of this place does not think he is an opponent of the invader leader in melee combat.If it weren't for this, he wouldn't have been waiting like this without any action, that would be unreasonable.

That being the case, that is to say, after finding his place, in fact, they have basically controlled the situation, and it can even be said that they have won.

But this is also the most difficult place. Since the other party is already hiding, it is impossible for you to find him easily.She knows where her weakness is, so she protects herself very well, and it is by no means easy to find.

Although Hua Yueling had made such preparations a long time ago, the current situation still made her feel a little irritable. If there is a simple and effective way to find out where the other party is...

"No, that's not right, I may have some wrong ideas."

An idea suddenly flashed in Hua Yueling's mind, but that idea flashed by, but it was a matter of an instant. Although Hua Yueling said that he had caught some signs, he hadn't completely caught it, so he still didn't. Think of a good way.

"We can think in another way."

Hua Yun said at this time, the same idea that had suddenly appeared in Hua Yueling's mind before, but he hadn't figured out exactly how to do it.

Now that Sister Yun said so, maybe Sister Yun has already thought of something.

After having such thoughts, Hua Yueling felt that maybe she could ask sister Yun to see what she thinks, maybe her thoughts are very important, of course, maybe her thoughts are not that important.But in fact, these are not the most important to Hua Yueling, the most important thing is to have other ideas, which is the most important to him.

If relying solely on his own ideas, he has been in a difficult position so far, so he needs to understand the ideas of others, maybe other people's ideas can provide him with some help.

Hua Yueling thought so, so he looked forward to others' opinions.It doesn't matter if it is Sister Yun or Lu Yuetong, as long as they can put forward their opinions.

No matter what kind of opinion, it feels useful or not, in fact, these are not the most important, the most important thing is whether there are opinions.

Anyway, the most important thing now is to get enough ideas. Only when enough ideas are developed, can Hua Yueling be able to judge whether there are other ways.

Brainstorming is still necessary. It is difficult for him to come up with something just by thinking about it alone.But having other people's ideas is different. Other people's ideas may not be able to be implemented directly, but they can give themselves more thinking directions.

"I want if there is no way to find him, then the best way is to force him out. If he can be forced out, it will be useless if he wants to hide."

This kind of thinking basically coincides with what Hua Yueling had just thought of, but this kind of thinking is actually not enough. You must also think about what method should be used to force the other party out.

The three people, you see me and I see you, are considered to have reached a consensus on this point, but there is no good way to do it.If the other party is determined to hide in there and not come out, it is difficult for you to force him out unless there is something that can attract him out.

Destroy this place?This idea may be a bit too extreme, and given their strength, if they really destroy this place, they don't even think about being able to get out.

This method just came out of his head and was slammed out of his head by Hua Yueling. This method is absolutely unusable.

In addition, the main thing is that they actually don't know anything about that guy. This is the most troublesome place.If you know who he is, or say some other news, then it will be easier to figure out a way.

But now they can only judge and think based on the information they can basically count as no information on their hands. Of course it is not that easy.

But what is certain is that the owner here is a magician, and also a necromancer, the wizard is generally relatively poor in melee combat.This is what Hua Yueling has been thinking about, otherwise he would not be so anxious to find out the other party, and even what he thought of now to force the other party out was based on this.

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