When you have a new idea, implement it immediately, whether it is easy to use or not, will you be able to get the results you want.Anyway, I have been unable to find it. If you have a new idea, you have to try it. Even if there is no progress, at least there will be no loss.

This is what Hua Yueling thinks, he doesn't lack the courage to fight, since he has already made a decision, then he should try it.And he feels that this time there is a big opportunity. He thought before that although he can use the exploration skills, but he does not have his own ideas. He just uses the exploration skills. If he wants to make his exploration skills bigger If you develop, you must make some changes.

Whether it's changing the way you think or changing the way you use your skills.It now seems that it is better to change the way you use exploration skills.

The most important thing is to explore the way that power flows. Of course, the most important thing is to understand where that power flows from.

After all, the enemy hiding in the dark is not saying to do nothing, he is still using necromancy spells to control those who are killed.As long as he keeps doing this, then Hua Yueling can roughly judge where the opponent is hiding through the flow of power.

This is not so easy, but in any case, this seems to be the only way that may be useful now.In addition to this, naturally there may be other methods, but Hua Yueling hasn't thought of it yet. Since he hasn't thought of it, it means that there is no such method.

Hua Yueling watched intently at the special power flowing in the air, which was similar to what he thought, the power here was a bit special.There are similarities with magic power, but there are many differences.

Because of this, Hua Yueling was worried that she would not be able to find out where the other party was, but it seemed that she didn't need to worry too much.

The other party can't completely hide the flow of power in the air, maybe he is not too worried that this situation will expose himself, I don't know whether he looks down on Hua Yueling or is too confident of himself.But no matter which one it is, this is a good thing for Hua Yueling. As for being looked down upon by others, it is not a thing at all in his opinion.

The other party can't afford to see what he has, what else can it have on himself, and this is not an impact on himself, in fact, it has a greater impact on the other party.When fighting, it’s best not to underestimate your opponent too much. It is better to say that you don’t take your life seriously rather than taking the upper hand of your spirit.

Basically, fighting can be regarded as desperate. If you don't prepare well before you desperately, and understand the situation of the opponent, just blindly put the opponent in your eyes, that is definitely wrong.

But then Hua Yueling thought about it, maybe the other party really didn't know his existence.He didn't know the existence of his group of people, so he didn't think that the intruders in front could find the flow of magical power in the air. He didn't think that would happen.

If you think about it this way, it is more or less excusable, after all, those guys inside Hua Yueling can be considered to have some understanding.They are indeed quite good in terms of combat effectiveness, but nothing more.

In combat, or close combat, they are very strong in Wu Yong, but they don't even have a magician among them.Moreover, looking at the stupidity of the intruder leader who only knows about fighting can basically make a judgment. If it is impossible to find out only by relying on them, this is not to look down on them, but the fact.

It's a pity that he didn't know the existence of Huayueling here, otherwise he would definitely be more careful, instead of still not taking this seriously as he does now.This is definitely the most dangerous situation for him, but even now he still probably doesn't know all of this.

Obviously this gave Hua Yueling the opportunity to have more time and opportunity to find his own goal, otherwise it might really be very difficult.

Now you can take advantage of the other party's attention completely on the enemy inside without worrying about these things, as long as you do your own thing, but whether you can still think like this later, I don't know.

Hua Yueling used the other party's ignorance of him to try his best to find the other party's location, and now she has made some progress.Before that, Hua Yueling had never thought it would be so easy.

It was really easier than imagined. Hua Yueling had never thought of this before.

It is not so easy to find the other party's location by following that force, which Hua Yueling had known for a long time.But the level of difficulty still made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Those powers didn't mean that they appeared very clearly, but faintly, if there were none, a kind of existence, and he had to spend a lot of effort to barely figure out where the other party was.

The power of magic is flowing, even if he has discovered something, but it is not so easy to follow this power to find what you are looking for.Hua Yueling thought it was easy at first, but soon he realized that he was thinking too much.

That's right, I think too much, where is so easy, impossible.Originally, Huayueling thought it might be easy, but now it seems that he really thought too much, and the other party did a good job. Although it cannot be said that there are no clues left, it is already quite powerful. .

"I underestimated the other person. He did a good job of hiding, but I didn't find it before. I didn't expect that she even thought of this, and she was more thorough than I thought."

Hua Yueling originally thought that she had thought enough, but she didn't expect the other party to think more carefully than she thought.

This was really something he didn't expect. In fact, it would be good for him if the other party didn't think so carefully, but unfortunately now he has to solve the current problem in a more difficult situation.

Following the trajectory of that force, Hua Yueling still made some progress. The other party seemed to be hiding in that room, not elsewhere. This was Hua Yueling's judgment through those forces.After all, what can be seen through those few powers is leading to somewhere in that room.

Naturally, this may be a kind of deception, but Hua Yueling felt that this possibility was not very great, and the other party should be near somewhere in that room.

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