In fact, after searching inside, there is no need to search outside. After all, the outside is not so hidden, so it is still difficult to find something. There is basically nothing worth paying attention to.

After the three people searched this place completely, they didn't find many useful things. The most useful ones are the ones found in the secret room before. There is basically nothing outside.

"I think let's go, there shouldn't be anything here."

Hua Yueling said this after searching for it. From the outside to the inside, Hua Yueling had not encountered many enemies, nor had they experienced many battles.However, correspondingly, nothing was found in it, except for the secret room in the deepest part.

"Well, let's go back, I have already found all the places that I should look for, and there is probably nothing else left."

Hua Yun nodded, thinking the same way, and they had found a lot of things to say.

Anyway, it can't be regarded as returning without success. What you have to say about the harvest is still good, just forget it, Hua Yueling thought in her heart, and then looked inside, the people inside were still busy.Looking at the corpses all over the floor, Hua Yueling didn't know when they were going to be busy for this.

Let them take their time, there is no need to worry, anyway, that is their business, it has nothing to do with Hua Yueling and the others.

Shaking her head, Hua Yueling ignored those people, turned her head and said "Let's go" to Hua Yun and Lu Yuetong.

The road back is the same as the road when I came in. After all, it was like this when I got here. I didn't encounter any enemies, and I wouldn't encounter anything when I went out. The place was very quiet.

"Speaking of which, we still don't know why they came here."

Hua Yueling suddenly said such a sentence when he was walking outside, so he always felt that he had forgotten something. At this time, he had already remembered it. This was what he had forgotten.

But Hua Yueling didn't ask them what they thought, maybe even they didn't know what they were looking for.After all, even their leader died here, how could they still be in the mood to do anything else, not to mention that they are not the leader after all.

Just after thinking about it, Hua Yueling turned around and left this place. They quickly left this area. The road was very long. It took Hua Yueling a lot of time to get out of here.

Back outside, Hua Yueling couldn't recognize the direction in front of him. He quickly looked around to find the direction when they came.

"It should be right here that there is nothing wrong."

Hua Yueling thought somewhat confused, he didn't remember the direction when he came, but the general direction was still recognizable.He is also familiar with the environment there, so he thinks that the direction should be right.

In order to confirm whether his memory was wrong, he asked Lu Yuetong and Sister Yun, and they also got their approval, they came from there.

"Let's not continue walking around here, go straight back and teleport back through the teleportation array."

Hua Yueling didn't want to stay here anymore, she wanted to leave this area as soon as possible.He felt a bit dangerous here, and it was because of this that he wanted to leave as soon as possible, otherwise he would not be so anxious.

Hua Yueling took the lead, and the group left here at a rapid speed, and soon they returned to the place where the portal was.They basically did not encounter any danger. After returning to the portal, Hua Yueling asked Lu Yuetong and Hua Yun to go back through the portal first, and she was waiting by the side, waiting for them to go back. Just entered the portal.

There was a sense of crisis in his heart that kept urging him, otherwise Hua Yueling would not be so anxious.But after he went back, he also felt that maybe he was too sensitive, but there was nothing in fact. After all, he came back without any danger.

They returned safely to the place where Sister Aroline and the others were. Hua Yueling was also relieved. To be honest, the pressure on him just now was really great, and he couldn't breathe. Come on, it's very uncomfortable.

But now it seems that I think too much, there is no danger there, but I scare myself.

Gently shook her head, Hua Yueling looked at Sister Aroline, only to see that she was now with Sister Liweiluo and they were talking about something with them.Things over there didn't seem to make any progress for a while, so they wouldn't have to stay here for too long, and they could go back when they should go back.

Hua Yueling and the others are waiting here, there is no rush to go over, and there is no need to go there now, after all, the chatting over there is still quite lively, and their affairs over there should be quite important.

"Let's go back if it's okay for a while, there is no need to wait here."

You can also go to other places. After all, the place just now can only be regarded as one of them, but Hua Yueling thought that the demon that existed here did not know where he had escaped. It might be dangerous, so don’t run around. Better.

And this time, although I didn't experience many battles, I found some things, and there is no need to go to other places for the time being.Hua Yueling felt that it was better to go back and rest, he needed a rest.

I hope there will be no more things, but since the other party has fled, he will definitely find trouble for himself later. Hua Yueling is still very confident in this regard, although he hopes that he does not have such confidence.After all, this is not a good thing.

It's impossible to be targeted by such a guy no matter what you think. Let alone being targeted by such a guy, it is quite frustrating to be targeted by fakes who are weaker than him.

It's a pity that Hua Yueling can't do anything, there is no way to solve the opponent directly, if it can solve the opponent directly, then it is naturally the best.

Not to mention that he can't find the opponent, even if he really finds the opponent, he can't beat the opponent.It may even be impossible to contact the other party. If nothing else, the opponent's illusion technique Huayueling has nothing to do. The illusion level difference between the two parties is too large, and it is difficult to supplement this gap with other things.

There is a gap between the two sides, Hua Yueling doesn't think he can defeat the other side, he is not so arrogant.

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