Don't think about the skill book, let's take a look at the new tasks.The mission was refreshed soon, but this time the mission was different from before.

There were still three tasks, the top one was the most difficult one. Hua Yueling took a look, and the above task required him to kill a few people.He didn't know who those people were or where they were, but that mission had attachments.

Hua Yueling was not in a hurry to accept the task. After all, that task has a time limit. Although it seems that the time is quite long, if he accepts the task, he must complete the task here first. Don't go back, otherwise, who knows how long has passed here for one or two days at home.

It is still unclear what the relative time is here and on Earth, so Hua Yueling can't easily try it.

The second task was hunting monsters. This character didn't ask for time, but Hua Yueling looked at the rewards of the task and knew that this task must be difficult.

However, the rewards are indeed very attractive. If you can complete the task, it will be very helpful for your own strength improvement.

Anyway, there was no request for time. It can be completed anytime, but you don't have to worry too much about this, so Hua Yueling took this task.The last task was to let him steal something, which seemed to be in a large settlement, and was an axe owned by the leader of the settlement.

"This task is somewhat interesting, but it should not be that simple to complete."

Fortunately, there is no time limit, so Hua Yueling took the task directly. He likes such a task and can complete it anytime.

There is no time limit so that people don’t have to act so urgently, and it feels like someone is chasing you. It’s not a good feeling.Hua Yueling doesn't like to do that kind of task, but I have to say that that kind of task generally has a relatively high rate of return.

The more difficult tasks are, the more rewards will be. Hua Yueling understands this, but in comparison, he prefers tasks that have no time limit and are particularly difficult, and he doesn’t like this time limit that is not so difficult. Task.

After seeing these three tasks, Hua Yueling gave the next two tasks to the next, and then told Sister Aroline about the tasks she could accept now.

"I don't want to accept the first task for the time being. There may not be so much time here. If we accept the first task, we won't be able to go back temporarily."

Hua Yueling explained her reason, although it seems that the rewards are pretty good, and the rewards are not all displayed, and the hidden rewards did not appear. It says that the rewards will be given when the task is completed. Will unlock, which means that only then will you know what all the rewards are.

According to Hua Yueling’s guess, the reward this time should not be too bad, but he is not so sure. After all, he can determine it only after the task is over. The task is not set by him, and he is not sure. Normal thing.

"Still not in a hurry, wait and see."

Sister Alorin was not in a hurry to let him move on to the task. In fact, she had the same idea as Hua Yueling. The main thing was that their understanding of the world was really pitiful. In this case, it was impossible to be sure. It is better to be more cautious if you can complete the task directly.

"Xiaoyueling, do you have any intelligence on that task, tell you who is to be solved."

But Aroline is still very interested in those tasks. In fact, what attracts her most is the rewards of the tasks.

"I don't have a solution for this. You must accept the task to know. There is an attachment for such a task. The attachment will tell you who the person you want to solve is, and it may even tell you that those people are there. Where."

"If that's the case, you can give it a try."

"Hey?" Hua Yueling looked at Sister Alorin with some surprise. Didn't the two talents have discussed it before, don't you want to take this task for the time being? How could she change her mind in a flash.

But Hua Yueling quickly figured out that the reason why Sister Alorin changed her mind was because of what she had just said.Only with attachments can you find the target to kill, and if there is a map of where those people are, it will be much easier to act.

"But there are so many objects to be resolved, and it is difficult to solve them all in a short time."

The meaning in Huayueling’s words is that the task may not be completed within the time limit, but what kind of person Aroline is, it is naturally impossible to be defeated by such a little difficulty. In fact, she does not care about these at all, directly He shook his head vigorously.

"There is no problem with these, Xiao Yueling, please tell my sister how long is my limit time, other things are not important."

"Well then. I don't know how to calculate the time above, anyway, the time limit above is one week."

"There are a few people in the target."

"There are not many goals, there are five in total, but these five people should all have some status in this world. Among them are tribal chiefs, and the sons of tribal chiefs or military teachers. Anyway, they are all living in High-ranking guys, it is still somewhat difficult to solve them quietly."

"That's nothing, it's easy for me, sister."

"Sister Aroline, you mean you come to help us complete the task?"

"Yes, then you don't have to worry, right?"

Sister Aroline nodded vigorously, with a serious look, very cute.

Hua Yueling has nothing to do with this, she can't tell her that she doesn't believe her.No matter what, all I can do is to agree, there is no other way.

"Okay, okay, then I will trouble you, sister Aroline..."

When talking about this, Hua Yueling suddenly remembered something, so he did not accept the task for the time being, but asked Xiaoxue.This matter must be asked clearly. If you do not ask clearly, there may be problems at that time.

Hua Yueling is more worried about this, so it is better to ask clearly before this, otherwise it will be too late when the problem occurs.

"Xiaoxue, if I accept the task, and then sister Aroline helps me complete the task, can I receive the reward then?"

This is the issue Hua Yueling cares most about. If Sister Alorin finishes the task by then, it is not considered to be done by herself, then she will not be busy.

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