Over there, Huayun and Lu Yuetong have already talked with the people in the tribe. The language between the two parties is not communicated but they can still communicate, there is no big problem.

Hua Yun was the first to speak, expressing that she had no malice towards the other party, she was just visiting Zhao Li.However, people in the tribe seem to be more alert to outsiders, and I don’t know why. It stands to reason that at this time when there is little communication between the tribes, if there are other people coming, it should be against each other It's very welcome, and it shouldn't be like this.

But the fact is like this. The several tribes I've been to have encountered the same thing. People in the tribe are unusually alert to outsiders, and some even treat them directly as enemies.

Hua Yueling didn't understand why this happened, and no one could give him any explanation.It is unlikely to say that it was the devil's trick, after all, if that were the case, Sister Aroline would definitely find out, not to mention that the other party would not be able to do so blatantly.

No matter what, it was also beaten away by Sister Livello and the others, how could it still have the courage to appear in front of them.Even though there is only one Aroline, the deterrent power of such a person is enough.

There began to talk over there, and there was nothing worth listening to.What Hua Yueling cares most is whether there is a conflict between the two parties. If there is no conflict, it would be okay, but don't worry too much.

It sounds like the exchange between the two parties is pretty good. Although the people there are wary of them, they won't do anything about it.The two sides are still relatively peaceful.

This doesn't seem to be a big problem, Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, but she still doesn't know if she can get some useful information from the other party.

Listening to the sound, Sister Yun and the others seemed to have entered the tribe and could hear some footsteps, but the footsteps were not too heavy, which meant that there were not too many people following them.

Hua Yun and the others took the initiative to find the leader of the tribe. The two parties first talked briefly, and through the conversation they also narrowed the distance, and then Hua Yun and the others began to ask some simple questions.

However, they are not all asking questions. They did not do much the same as Hua Yueling and the others. They inserted some questions during the chat. Those questions were not abrupt and did not make people think they were too deliberate. .

It doesn't seem to be a big problem, the progress there is much better than here.However, it is hard to say whether you can get enough information from the other party.

Hua Yueling felt that there might be gains. Of course, it is normal to have no gains. Hua Yueling would not care too much about this. After all, she was still exploring.

As for whether the exploration has made enough progress, these are hard to say.

The conversation between the two parties is still relatively simple or basic, and there is no particularly important news.While listening to them, Hua Yueling did not move on, but stopped and listened carefully, wondering if she could have some useful news for her.Maybe there is one in this direction, and it's not too far away.

Of course, it doesn't matter if it is farther away, as long as you know that you can find it in this direction.Knowing this will make him more confident and motivated to find, instead of worrying like he is now, worrying that he is looking for the wrong direction and can't find anything.

But now there is a more important thing, and that is to listen to sister Yun and the others if they can ask some information about the people they want to find.This kind of information is not so easy to ask. After all, you just came to this tribe as a leader, and you just met the leader of the tribe and other talents in the tribe. How could people just want to know whatever you want? tell you what.

It must be trusted by the other party, or just as they did before, exchange with the other party with the materials that the other party needs.

You can't worry about this, you have to take your time, but if you can really use things to exchange with each other, then it will be much easier.

Hua Yueling and the others may lack other things, but they will not lack what people lack here. Hua Yueling herself still has the heart.If you need anything, you can go back and buy it directly. He doesn't believe that the tribal leader here will not be attracted to those things, and will resist the exchange.

This is the advantage of having something that others are interested in. You can easily attract the attention of others, making it difficult for them to refuse a deal with you.

Hua Yueling felt that such an exchange in this tribe would certainly not be wrong, but Sister Aroline hadn't gone there yet, so it was too early to say what to exchange at this time.

The conversation between the two parties slowly turned to the direction Huayun and the others wanted. They focused their problems on the direction they cared about. The tribe leader’s words were obviously much less. It seemed that he was very concerned about Huayun and the others. The purpose is still somewhat understood.But this is also normal. After all, Hua Yun and the others didn't hide their purpose.

The conversation between the two parties quickly made substantial progress. In fact, the progress of the conversation would not be too bad if neither party deliberately concealed it.The two sides have not yet reached a level that can satisfy each other, but at least they know what each other wants.

However, what the tribes want here is surprising. Unlike other tribes, they want weapons.

There is nothing wrong with weapons, not food.Although the environment here is better, Hua Yueling doesn't believe that there is no shortage of food here. He believes that there must be a lack of food here, at least not enough, but even so, what they want is still different.

Surprising, but not insatiable.Hua Yueling and the others have many weapons in their hands, which are useless to them, but they are already quite good for the people here.

However, the issue of how many weapons to exchange information has not yet been reached, Hua Yun and Lu Yuetong are trying to keep the price down anyway.The tribe leader wants to get as many weapons as possible, but Hua Yun's approach is to say whether the information given by the other party is useful for them to judge whether to give them more weapons.

But first of all, they are given some weapons, which is regarded as the initial cost of the transaction.This is also a way to reassure the other party, otherwise the other party may not necessarily believe you.

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