Hua Yun's question stopped everyone, Hua Yueling hadn't really thought about the answer to this question.But because he subconsciously thinks that the transmission is very unreliable and impossible to transmit particularly accurately, so what should be done if the place where it is transmitted deviates from their predetermined trajectory.

This problem is difficult to solve, at least for now, Hua Yueling can't think of a good way to solve it.Of course, it is mainly because he has no experience in this area, and he does not have so much relevant knowledge.

The person who has the most say on this issue is naturally Sister Aroline, after all, she is the only one who can do this here, and no one else can do it.So it still depends on how sister Aroline answered.

If she says that there is no problem, and can transmit it directly, it will naturally save most of the time.

"Transportation is okay. I am also thinking about the problem that Sister Yun said, but there are still some things to consider. As I said before, there are difficulties in doing so, and the problem of inaccurate transmission may not be solved. If this problem cannot be solved, it will only be more troublesome for us to find it."

"In this way, you can only move forward step by step."

"No, it doesn't mean that you can't have other choices in this way. In fact, you can use teleportation to do something like this. Only when the order is smooth, you will waste more effort. You must plan well."

Aroline shook her head. She didn't want to spend most of her time tracking those people. That was not a happy thing for her.She hopes to catch up with those people as soon as possible, and then complete the goal sooner.

After all, this goal is only one of them, and there are other goals that they need to implement, so it's best not to spend too much time on one goal.

Hua Yueling and the others stood still. Everyone agreed with Hua Yun's idea. No one was willing to spend too much time on this matter, so they didn't know how long it would take to achieve this goal.

Although it takes more time, but if you spend more time, you can spend more time. Using teleports is already a faster way.In any case, they came faster than they left.

Sister Aroline called them to help, mainly for them to help calculate the time and distance, both of which can be calculated clearly to make the transmission more accurate.

After all, they are not very familiar with this neighborhood. If they are familiar with the surrounding situation, they don’t have to worry about anything. They can directly transmit accurately, but this is not feasible for them, so they can only use other Method to calculate.

After simple calculations, Huayueling and the others have obtained the car purchase data. This data is relatively accurate according to the data they obtained, but there must be some deviations, but such deviations should not have a large impact. That's right.

"Okay, with these data, more accurate transmission can be carried out. But the premise is that the data is accurate enough. If the data is not accurate, the transmission deviation will be larger."

"There should be no problem. We all calculate based on data. As long as there is no problem with the data, there will be no problem with the result of the calculation."

Hua Yueling is still very confident about this.

"That's good, let's set off when we are ready. This time it is possible to teleport to the place and directly meet the opponent, then there may be a conflict."

Arolin said so, the portal had already emerged, she tested it, and after confirming that there was no problem, she walked in.

A sky-blue round door suddenly opened, shocking the people who were moving forward. They stared at the oval-shaped things in front of them, not knowing what to do, all of them had faces. Surprised.

The person walking in the front waved his hand to signal the person behind him to stop, and then he beckoned and asked two people to follow him to go forward. After they had gone forward, they saw a figure from the strange one. Things came out inside.

Aroline thought that she might meet people when she came out, but she didn't expect that she would guess so accurately, and she really saw a group of people when she came out.This group of people stared at her guardedly, but the leader was the most calm. Although he was surprised to see a figure coming out of the strange blue door-like thing, but he stopped it. Up his men.

"I didn't expect to meet in this way, hello lady, we are warriors in the nearby tribe, we are cleaning up the monsters nearby."

The other party took the initiative to introduce herself, but Aroline did not pay attention to the other party, but observed the other party and the people behind him.These people seem to be somewhat powerful guys, otherwise it would be impossible to protect their tribe as fighters.

It's just that their strength is nothing to Aroline, let alone her, being able to compete with Hua Yueling for a while is already considered good.But they can't do this, their strength is very weak.

Immediately afterwards, the deep portal fluctuated again, and the tribe leader who was standing across from Aroline thought something was wrong with the portal, so he immediately reminded her to be careful.It's just that the words were just spoken, and another figure came out from the inside, and that figure was naturally from Hua Yueling.

Immediately afterwards, Hua Yun and Lu Yuetong also teleported over through the teleportation array, and the four gathered together.Hua Yueling's gaze fell on the person across the street from Aroline, and he could roughly guess who the other person was just by seeing the other person.

This should be the person they are looking for. There are really a lot of people around, but these people are not a big problem for them, and it is very easy to solve them.

"It seems we are lucky."

Hua Yueling said something like this, and the person on the other side looked at him with a look of incomprehension, and did not understand what he meant.

Hua Yueling also didn't give the other party the meaning by then. Without that need, the other party didn't need to know what he was talking about, because he was about to be killed soon.

Other people are not the target, so there is no need to solve them, but the few people who are the target must not be let go.

In fact, there are naturally other more concealed methods, but Hua Yueling feels that it is unnecessary, as long as they leave immediately after solving the other party, there is no problem.Just like I thought before, I won't come here anyway after I leave, and I won't have any intersection with the people here.

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