Hua Yueling was also investigating on the way, but he did not find any tribes nearby.But Sister Aroline was pretty sure, and she never stopped at all.

Hua Yueling believes that Sister Arolin must have discovered the tribe to do this, otherwise she would not act like that.At least until now, her confidence has not weakened.

And not to mention that she had discovered something so far away, now that she is closer to something that will definitely be able to understand the situation there more clearly.

If according to what Hua Yueling had learned, at the end of this narrow road leading to the depths of the swamp, at least the road leading to a deeper place that can be seen now leads to the depths of the swamp.

Hua Yueling naturally hopes that he can understand the location of the tribe as soon as possible, but now it seems that his ability is insufficient, if his exploration skills can be more effective, then there is no need to worry about these.

But there is no way. This is the current situation. He can only take it step by step, and there is no other way.

Just like this, they walked deeper, Hua Yueling and the others did not go around this straight line, but a winding road. I don’t know how long it took, but when I looked back, I found that they had gone. For so long, there is actually not much distance.

To be honest, this is actually very hurtful. After walking for so long, I haven't traveled that far.

Hua Yueling didn't expect this to be the case, but now it's somewhat of a dilemma.It takes a long time to move forward or backward.

It’s just that it’s easier to go there in comparison, it still takes a lot of time, and you don’t know how long it will take to move on.

But no matter what, you definitely can't just leave it halfway, Hua Yueling must go all the way.Even if there is nothing in the end, you have to say it at the end instead of doubting something now.

What's more, there is no need to doubt this matter at all. After all, there is a guarantee from Sister Aroline, that Sister Aroline can't make a mistake on this in any case.

In this regard, Huayueling naturally trusts Sister Aroline very much, not to mention other things, don't even need to say what kind of strength she is. It is just that the two sides have been together for so long, so that he can be considered to know Sister Aroline better. Up.

Sister Aroline doesn’t look at people a little bit careless, but in this respect, she is not the kind of person who can be negligent, and it is impossible to listen to the wind and rain. Since she dares to be so sure, that means she really discovered What's wrong.

What's more, in terms of her strength, she didn't have the need to deceive at all. Although it might be interesting, she would never do that.

In this regard, Hua Yueling didn't dare to say that she would definitely be able to tell Sister Aroline's mind, but she could also guess that she was inseparable.

The group of people continued to walk along this narrow road like this. Hua Yueling felt that there was mud under his feet. He couldn't clean his shoes in this place, so he could only endure this filth.

After all, the roads that follow will be similar. What's the point of cleaning up here? Your shoes will be wrapped in mud after a short distance, which will not be the same.

So I can only ignore these for the time being and wait for a while.

With the passage of time, Hua Yueling gradually discovered some clues and traces of human activities.When she discovered this, Hua Yueling was still a little bit astonished. The point of her astonishment was not whether Sister Aroline took this as a clue. It was not something worth paying attention to, but that someone had actually been here.

Moreover, Hua Yueling also understood that Sister Aroline was definitely not the kind of careless person, even though she was very strong, but among them, they were almost the least cautious.

She can’t guess that there are tribes here just because she found traces of people’s activities here. This kind of guessing is valid to some extent, but in fact, each of the true and false accounts for 50%. Still false.

In any case, Hua Yueling is now more at ease than before, and she has already explored some situations, so that her eyes will not be darkened as before.

In fact, it wasn't too much difference, what he could see was still limited, and Sister Aroline knew much more than he knew from the beginning to the end.

If he had been acting together like this, he would definitely be unable to achieve it.In fact, even if they act separately, the gap between the two parties in this regard is not small.

Unless Sister Aroline doesn't move for a while and only lets him act, then he thinks he still has hope, otherwise, don't think so much.

Hua Yueling didn't have much confidence in this aspect, mainly because the gap between the two sides was too big, otherwise, there was no need to worry so much.

With this in mind, Hua Yueling raised her head and looked forward. Judging from the current situation, she couldn't see anything.All that can be seen in the front is just the "swamp", there is nothing to see except the swamp, let alone the existence of tribes.

Moreover, Hua Yueling has not found a place to build a place to live for the time being. You must know that no matter where it is in this place, there is not much space to build things.

If you want to build a tribe that can accommodate many people, you will definitely need a lot of space, but when there is not that much space, you can only think of other ways.

According to the information obtained from the exploration skills, Hua Yueling glanced around, and basically there was no place in it that was too big. So far, Hua Yueling had not even found a place to build a house.

The distance that Sister Aroline can detect is really wide, which is very different from the detection skills he uses.

Sister Aroline had discovered something a long time ago, but he still hasn't found anything yet.

When the group of people arrived at the place where the problem was discovered, Huayue Ling'e and the others gathered together to observe, looking for clues.This place is considered to be a relatively large area, so there is no problem with such a crowd.

Everyone is searching here. Some traces of people's actions can be found here, but Hua Yueling has not found anything too useful.According to the information obtained here, there should be a lot of people passing through here before, so what do so many people come here for?

If you think about what Sister Aroline said before, there is no surprise, maybe the warriors of the tribe here are patrolling outside.

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