It didn't take long for Aroline to have come down from midair and fell in front of Hua Yueling and the others again. She was very happy to see her expression, she should have found the tribe.

"We have forgotten such things. If we had thought of this way earlier, we wouldn't have to spend so much time on such things."

Aroline just came here and said so, it seems that this time must have gained a lot, otherwise she would not be so happy.

"I looked for it just now, but I found several tribes in just a few moments. However, those tribes are still far away from where we are now. It must take a lot of time to walk over. So I decided to use the portal to teleport. In the past, this would save trouble and allow everyone to pass together."

Hua Yueling and the others naturally had no opinion, and it was a consensus for everyone to act together.

Teleported through the portal to the vicinity of the tribe that Sister Aroline had discovered, which was still some distance away.The main reason is to prevent being discovered. In that case, it would be more troublesome to explain at that time. In order to avoid such troubles, Hua Yueling and the others felt that it would be better to take a longer distance, and it would be better than to be discovered earlier.

After teleporting to the location, Hua Yueling and the others walked in one of the directions and proceeded in the predetermined direction.According to Aroline's judgment, the teleportation array teleported them to the road leading to that tribe. As long as they continue along the road that is almost invisible, it will not take long to reach the destination.

It was a relatively small tribe, but the closest tribe to their location.

Aroline decided to ask each tribe one by one. Although it was said that there would be more information that could be asked in the fight against the tribe, there might be more questions in the small tribe.After all, the tribe they had just visited is not small, at least it can be regarded as a medium-sized tribe, but they didn't ask anything from there.

In this way, there is actually no need to be too entangled with these things. It’s better to go to one place at a time when you are employed. It’s okay to spend more time. After all, after a new method, the time saved is better than the cost. It takes a lot more time.

When they went to a new place, Hua Yueling and the others did not ask anything, so everyone decided to go to the next place, one place by one.Hua Yueling and the others went to several tribes, covering a large area, and finally they had some gains.

"It would be better if the mission itself could provide more accurate information, and it would save us running around like this. It takes a lot of time, but it is really difficult to get something out of it."

The tribes here have very little contact with each other, and they don’t know much about other things.I don’t know why, maybe it’s because all tribes are similar and lack daily necessities, but in the interactions with each other, it turns out that people in other places are also like this, so it gradually became like this. Right.

Hua Yueling guessed that might be the case, but it was just a guess. As for the specifics, he couldn't be sure.

Anyway, what information you want to collect here can be said to be more difficult than getting to the sky.I have been to several places, and I have not even collected more information in one place than those places I have visited before.

Sure enough, the amount of information depends on the circulation. If there is not enough communication and circulation, it is impossible to get too much information.

The current situation is even an example. Although Hua Yueling herself doesn't know whether the tribes here are really or not very social, but from the current situation, this is probably the case.

In any case, it took a lot of time to get some useful news, which is enough for them to be happy.At first they thought they might have to spend more time.

In fact, the time spent up to now can be considered a lot, but it is still in their calculations, so it is nothing.

"I estimate that the next action will only become more and more troublesome, and the possibility of a simple situation like the previous one is not very great.

Aroline was also very upset with the time.At first, she finally found a way to save time, but now she had other troubles to come to her door. There was no way at all, and she could only sigh.

Is there any way to do this? At present, they cannot do more.The only way to find information from them is to go to various tribes to collect information, there is no other way.Therefore, if no useful information is found in the tribe, the time spent will increase a lot.

Who left them with no other way to collect more information? This is also no way.Just like before, they can only take their time no matter what.

Going one place by one place, anyway, those tribes are going to, and it’s pretty good that you can get news if you spend a little more.

Teleported through the portal to a place closer to the other tribe, and then Hua Yueling and the others proceeded along the road.Stepping on a road that was generally the same as before, Hua Yueling and the others did not take long to see a tribe.

Compared with the first generation of stupid methods that were still used not long ago, this method of decision can be said to be enough to save time.If they continue to use the previous method, they may have only walked a fraction of this long distance at this time.

Fortunately, it was Sister Ze Lucy who came to teach them a trick, otherwise they can really be said to be stupid guys.Even if you are not stupid, you have to be exhausted by yourself.

It should have been so early on, and it should not be changed until now. I don't know how much time has been wasted.However, it is not too late to make a change at this time, and it is better to say it than to never make a change.

This is the case for the subsequent actions, just repeating the cycle continuously, which is actually no different from the previous approach.But I don’t know how much time it took.

Whenever they go to a tribe, Huayueling is looking for the tribe leader. Generally speaking, the tribe leader in a tribe should know the most. After all, it is definitely not easy for a person to be a leader.But sometimes it’s different. Perhaps in the tribe Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, there are people who are stronger than the tribe leader in some way, so the area where Huayueling and the others cast their nets has also increased. Go ask those in the tribe. More famous people.

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