"I don't know where that guy is hiding now, but now should be the best chance to trouble him."

Hua Yueling said in a low voice.I think my strength is not the opponent of the other party, but that is when the other party is intact. In that case, he can't be the opponent of the other party naturally. The strength gap between the two sides is still relatively large.

But now it's a little different. The opponent was beaten and injured.

The injury may not be too severe, but Hua Yueling can certainly not be too light. In this case, as long as he can find the other party's location, he still has a very good chance.

Victory will only be reserved for those who are prepared, and you must be that kind of person.Hua Yueling was already prepared, as long as she could find the opponent, she would have a chance, but the premise was to find the opponent as soon as possible.

However, after experiencing that task, Hua Yueling was also relatively tired, and he hoped that he could rest for a short period of time.

Don't think it was only two days, but in these two days he spent a lot of energy to solve the problems before him.

These problems are not so easy to solve, Hua Yueling knows this very well.

Looking at the information in her hand, Hua Yueling handed him over to Aroline so that she could also look at it. If necessary, the cause would be deep in her mind.If there are no other special needs, the information in the hands is not particularly important, but for people born and raised in this world, the information is still quite useful.

With this information, their future path has unlimited possibilities.Hua Yueling still understands this, but he will not hand over the materials in his hand, and these materials must be kept by himself.

In fact, if you are short of money, you can sell it and get some gold coins, but it is unnecessary for Hua Yueling, so he quickly put this idea aside.

The group did not stay here for a long time. After completing the task, they returned to the place where the portal was, and the portal had been closed.This was closed after Liweiluo and the others left, but it can be opened again, which is not too much trouble.

Arolin did not know what she had done when she arrived at the portal, anyway, the portal was reopened soon.The portal appeared in front of their eyes and was ready for use again.

"Okay, let's go back. If there is nothing wrong, we have to close the portal here temporarily to prevent creatures from here from passing through the portal to our side."


They haven't found any wild creatures here. They have been to so many places, but they really rarely see any creatures.Perhaps it is because this world is not suitable for the survival of living things, or because of other things, Hua Yueling is not sure, but he can be sure that it is difficult to survive here.

So the tribes that can survive here are really powerful, and it is impossible for ordinary tribes to live in such an environment.The same is true for those who cannot stand such an environment.

After the portal was opened, Hua Yueling and the others went directly back to Sister Alorin's house through the portal. When everyone came back, Alorin closed the portal and sealed it up completely.

This world is more dangerous, so the portal must be protected without fail. Otherwise, when the guy over there recovers, I don't know what else will happen.

Soon after they came back, Hua Yueling and the others found Sister Liweiluo and Sister Yun at home.I heard from them that they have just returned, not long before they came back.

"In this way, the time there is really slow compared to here."

The time lapse speed comparison between these two worlds seemed to be similar to the time lapse comparison of another other world, but Hua Yueling thought that the world they had just visited should be the slowest time lapse among them.

But even so, it was impossible for Hua Yueling and the others to go to that place to study or something, staying in that kind of place, to be honest, Hua Yueling felt that it was difficult for him to be in the mood to study.He doesn't like that place, and I believe that his friends certainly don't like that place either. There is no way to compare it with Jelucci's tree house.

"All the tasks on your side are completed?"

Hua Yun didn't expect them to come back so quickly. If calculated at the previous speed, it should be in the process of the mission now.After all, it hasn’t been long since they came back, how could it be so fast.

"It's done. It took two days, plus the time we spent before."

"Two days?"

Hua Yun was a little surprised, and the time ratio between the two worlds seemed a bit unreasonable with this calculation.

"Well, it's been two days. We also thought it should have been a long time since we came back, but I didn't expect..."

"Then this time ratio is a bit strange."

Hua Yun muttered in a low voice, but she didn't think much about this matter, there was no need for it.

If you make a precise calculation, the ratio of time in the two worlds does have some problems. The time passing between the two worlds is a bit too exaggerated in comparison.

Hua Yueling didn't know why this happened, but judging from the information currently obtained, as long as they go to that world, then they don't know how much time they can use.

But Hua Yueling and the others definitely didn't want to go to such a place, it would be troublesome to do anything in that place.Not to mention that there is another enemy staring at them.

And there is nothing in that place now. If you want to study there, you need to make a place for them to live and study.Then you still need to get things in this world into another world, and that's more troublesome.

Not to mention other things, it just doesn't work if the portal is always open.

It’s actually not a big problem to do this with Sister Zelucy and Karin, but it won’t work in this world.The guy hiding in the dark could come into this world through the portal at any time.

If there is a way to sense its existence, but when there is no way to perceive it, the other party is likely to take advantage of this opportunity to sneak in unconsciously.If this is the case, it would not be a good thing for Hua Yueling and the others, so instead of risking doing those things, it is more important for your own safety.

If you want to keep yourself safe, then the most important thing is to improve your strength. As long as your strength is enough, then you don't have to worry about it.

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