After making some progress, Hua Yueling's actions actually became simpler.Now after reading the other party's memory, Hua Yueling can roughly understand where the other party got the mental power that was originally an illusion skill.

"No wonder I can't find it here. I guess it thought of this too, so it did it on purpose."

Hua Yueling thought to herself, but now it's morning, so she can't delay it for too long.

"But there shouldn't be that much useful information in his memory, so let's do it, hurry up, if it is faster now, there should be no problem."

Hua Yueling decided to take action directly and no longer waste time here.After all, I spent a lot of time here, and now there are clues. Naturally, the faster you move, the better.

Although it was dawning now, it was still dawn and it was not early in the morning, so there should be some time for him to move safely.However, the situation will be different if it is earlier, and he will have to act more carefully then.

Not to mention that he will leave here at that time, he must be invisible when he leaves, otherwise unless you can find a place where there is no one at all.

Such a place is hard to find, not to mention how much time it will take to find such a place.These are all problems, so the best way is to solve all problems as soon as possible, and then leave as soon as possible, taking advantage of the early days.

"Let’s see, he remembers that he is there, and there is still some distance, but if it is faster, it shouldn’t take too much time. If you don’t solve it today, you will have to come over tomorrow. Let’s go over there. There is still time. ."

Hua Yueling thought for a while, but decided to continue to act, after all, he had other ways.The increased chance of being discovered is a problem, but he has many options to choose from, and he believes that he won't have much problem in this regard.

Hua Yueling speeded up after leaving the prince's room. There was not much time left for him. He had to solve all problems as quickly as possible.There is no time to waste him.

Hua Yueling looked into the distance, and the houses blocked his sight, but fortunately these didn't block his way.There is a road to go around, although there may be people patrolling on the road.

But for Hua Yueling, this is nothing. It is easier for him to avoid or directly use other methods to make those people not know that he is coming.Unless there are too many people, but he believes that he will definitely not reach the level that he can't handle.

Not allowing others to see his existence is actually the most important point, and others are second.If it is easy for others to see him, then it is useless for him to use illusions to control the other party. He must also find a way to erase the other party’s memory. This is the best choice, otherwise the other party will still know it is him. Been here, although the other party may not know him at all.

Hua Yueling was unwilling to take such a risk, and he felt unnecessary.It's best to be able to hide his figure from being seen by others. If he can't hide it completely, it's his own problem, and he can't do it with his strength.

Sneaking all the way, there were still some people on the way, but these people were not a threat to Hua Yueling.He quickly hid, and waited until the opponent passed until the figure disappeared at the corner, then he came out of the hiding place and continued to walk in that direction.

The place Hua Yueling was scheduled to go was still a little far away, and it would take about a quarter of an hour to reach it based on his current speed.The time to go back and forth was not short, and it would take half an hour to get out of there.

Hua Yueling passed without stopping like this, avoiding a lot of people, but arrived at the target location.The target location was not a house, but a place similar to a pond. There was a large pool of water here. According to what he extracted from the memory of the prince, the prince fell into the water, and then he became a little different. .

"That's right here."

Hua Yueling stared at the pool in front of her. According to the information he had received from the prince, she might have to jump directly into the pool if she wanted to discover something.Hua Yueling stood on it, lowered her head and looked at it carefully. The pool looked quite deep, not very shallow, but she could still see the deepest part at a glance.

"It's not like anything."

Muttering in a low voice, Huayue Lingli used exploration skills to explore the pool, but there was nothing to gain after searching.Hua Yueling is a little doubtful whether he was deceived, but he believes that it is not like that. After all, he can use illusion to control the other party. When he is controlled, the other party cannot deceive himself unless he can. Falsify your own memory.

In that case, Huayueling couldn't help it, but Huayueling didn't think the other party had that ability.After all, it is not so easy even if it is said, that is to tamper with memory, even if it is to modify one's own memory, it is not so easy, ordinary people who know how to do such things.

Hua Yueling stared deeper and deeper, but basically she couldn't see anything just by looking at it.If you can’t see anything in this way, he needs to take the initiative to go deeper to understand the following situation, although Hua Yueling himself does not want to go, and he also thinks that since the exploration skills can’t find anything, then even go to the next It's useless to find anything.

"Let's go see it."

After thinking about it, Hua Yueling decided to go down and take a look. After all, this was a clue that she had finally found.Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, he believed in his choice.

After a little movement, Hua Yueling stared at the pool in front of her, still a little scared in her heart.This is the first time he has tried swimming. Before that, he had never learned to swim, let alone practice. This was the first time he tried to swim. I wonder if there will be any problems.

Hua Yueling himself was quite worried about this, but he was only scared in his heart, so he decided to jump down and give it a try. If it doesn't work, just come out by himself.

Staring at the calm water surface for a while, Hua Yueling took a deep breath, then he waved his arms, and then his legs pressed hard, and a fierce man plunged in.


Accompanied by the sound of entering the water, Hua Yueling went downstream.Before that, he had surveyed the surroundings, and there was no one else.

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