Hua Yueling got over the wall and left here, there is nothing easier for him than this.In the end, it didn't take much effort to leave here in a relatively easy way.

Turned out directly from the wall.Then Hua Yueling left this place,

Then he left this place directly, but he hadn't figured out what to do next.He is not going to go out, he is going to go home directly.In this way he returned home, the next thing to do is to think about when to send the power in his hand.

Naturally, it would be better to give Lin Qianlian the power, but what made Hua Yueling not satisfied was that a clue that was not easy to find was cut off.After he gained that power, everything he had done before was wasted.

He didn't find what he wanted in the palace, I have to say that this disappointed him very much.He originally wanted to find some more useful clues, such as the power that is more strongly related to the illusion skill itself.But he didn’t find anything like that,

It is undeniable that such a result cannot be satisfactory, but the result is the result, even if you are not satisfied, the thing has become like this, then it can only come to an end temporarily.

He hasn't figured out what to do next. At present, the only clue is still with Lin Qianlian. If he wants to make progress, it seems better to start with Lin Qianlian.But Huayueling naturally didn't plan to just do it this way, it is very likely that there will be no progress.

After all, he did this before, but he didn't make much progress, so he thought it would be better to do both.While paying attention to Lin Qianlian's side, and then chatting with her when needed, the other point is to look for other possibilities.

But don't worry too much, it's useless to worry.Even if he was in a hurry to be able to go back from here right away, he definitely couldn't. If he could, he would have gone back now, and he wouldn't stay here.

So the problem is here. He must remain calm, know what he is going to do, and then be able to do it. This is the most important thing.

Taking a deep breath, Hua Yueling calmed herself down.Looking back at the towering city wall behind him, the things inside had nothing to do with him anymore.

What should I do next? For the time being, he didn't have any ideas. He didn't know what he could do. It seemed that there was nothing he could do.Sometimes there are no clues, this time everything is hidden deeply, the core of the illusion until now he still has no clues.

The most important thing is that Hua Yueling doesn't even know what else he can do. He feels like he has nothing to do.

It is very difficult to find something in this huge city. It takes time and energy to do not know how much.Hua Yueling and spent a lot of energy on this, it can't be said that there is no progress, but the progress is really not very big.

With the current progress, it is difficult to leave this fantasy world, after all, he has not yet found the key point.To say which are the most important, this is the most important place, and the most important task has not been achieved.

In fact, cracking illusion is very simple to some extent, but it is also very difficult. There is no conflict between the two.It just depends on the circumstances under which it is simple and under what circumstances it is difficult.

If you can find the core of illusion, then everything is not a problem.But if you can't find it, the problem will come. You need to find the core part of illusion. This is a problem.It was also the problem Hua Yueling was facing right now, and he didn't know what to do.

The other thing to say is that lack of strength is actually a problem.For example, if your strength is not very strong, and your mental strength is just improvised, it is not a strong person, then even if you find the core of illusion, there will actually be problems, and weaknesses in strength make you unable to crack.

So the problem lies in many aspects, not just in one aspect.It is not easy to solve these problems, whether it is the former or the latter.

But for Hua Yueling, mental power is not a problem, in fact he has more advantages in this regard.However, his problem was that he could not find the core of illusion. Originally, it should be relatively easy for him to find the core of illusion, but after coming here, he found that it was not the case.

The core of the illusion is hidden very well, completely different from what he expected.He didn't know how the other party did it, but it was a big obstacle to his search, which he didn't expect.

He hasn't thought of how to solve this problem for the time being, he is thinking about various methods, and he has worked hard for this.But to be honest, the speed of progress is unexpectedly slow.

And he also searched almost all the places that can be found in this place, but in the end there was no change.Change what it looks like or what it looks like, as if there is no core thing in this world.

Hua Yueling still couldn't determine where the core existed. Unlike the places he had been to before, there was no such special standard building in this place.

In other words, you know that the building is abnormal at a glance, and it must be related to the illusion to some extent. This is what Hua Yueling means.But he didn't find that kind of place existed, and he didn't know why.

In fact, the words to be said are the most noteworthy here, or in Hua Yueling's view, the person who has the deepest connection with illusion itself must be Lin Qianlian.No one else fits better except her.

But this is also the strangest place. So far, Hua Yueling still can't understand why these things are.Why is this so, he felt very strange.

Therefore, it is said that there has been progress but not much progress, which basically means that Hua Yueling does not know when he can make more progress. It has to be said that it is very difficult, no matter from which aspect.

After returning home, Hua Yueling went directly to her room to rest. He didn't feel particularly comfortable. The things that happened today were a bit disappointing for him.I thought I had found a breakthrough, but in the end it was still the case.

But this is considered an improvement, even if the connection with the illusion world itself is very weak, there is still a connection after all.Then that kind of power is taken away by him, and I don't know whether it will have an impact on this world.

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