Hua Yueling probably explained the difference between the two methods, and the difference in perception was all on Lin Qianren. She would just use whichever method she could accept, rather than which one Hua Ling found easier.

The question was thus pushed back to Lin Qianren, who bowed her head and pondered over the issue, also thinking about which one to choose. In fact, according to what Hua Yueling said, it was better to be held by him and rushed up, that method was safer for her, but if she did that, it would make her very shy.

The other method was a bit more difficult, a test of her strength and would be a boost to her strength, if she was able to keep up with Hua Yueling's footsteps without too many problems, then it would prove that her mastery of the power she gained would be stronger and more handy.

"It's still the latter, I want to try to challenge it."

Lin Qian Ren pondered for a moment and calmly replied. Hua Yueling was not surprised to get an answer, Lin Qianren was still very ambitious in terms of strength, and this was the part of her that was worth boasting about.

"Don't be too nervous, as long as you keep up with my speed, there won't be too many problems, just don't get your hands dirty."

Hua Yue Ling reminded her before she acted, Lin Qian Ren nodded her head very seriously, it would definitely be a lie to say that she wasn't nervous, after all, this was the first time for her, it was only natural that she would be nervous, not to mention that it was such a dangerous situation.

Thinking of herself being pulled and dragged by Hua Yueling and stepping on top of the city wall, her body erect on it, if one accidentally fell directly from it ......

That kind of scene was really chilling, it was because of that that she felt extremely nervous, Lin Qian Ren took a deep breath and nodded her head.

The two of them walked to the bottom of the city wall, Hua Yueling grabbed her left hand, then gave her an encouraging look. Lin Qianren took another deep breath and her eyes gradually became firm.

"Let's begin."

After she was ready, Lin Qianren said so.

Hua Yueling had spoken to her before she acted, telling her that it was time to get ready for action, and Lin Qianren was ready as well. As a powerful force carried her forward, Lin Qianren tried to control her body, but she found it difficult. Her body was like being pounded by turbulent currents, swaying from side to side, not that you could control it if you wanted to.

Lin Qian Ren had almost done what she thought was the best she could, but even then it was still difficult to control the swaying of her body. She knew she had to be steady in order to do so, she couldn't continue like this, it would be very dangerous.

This was no joke, a bad one would be very damaging to her arm. Maybe Hana Yueling could help her with this, but if she could she wanted to try not to bother Hana Yueling.

As her body continued to sway in the wind, Lin Qian Ren tried to control her footsteps while also looking upwards. It hadn't been long since she had just started, and if she wanted to reach her final destination, it would take some time before she would have to learn to control her body within that time.

She had to learn to control her body within this period of time. Gathering her strength in her legs and hands which were held by Hua Yueling, and following her body in this way, Lin Qianren took a deep breath and tried to suppress her fear.

It is actually normal to be afraid in this kind of situation, and I believe that not many people are able to control the fearful thoughts inside their hearts at the very beginning.

What if you fall, what if the person in front of you can't hold you down? All sorts of thoughts would come to mind, and it would be very difficult to control what to think.

Lin Qianren was already trying very hard to control her thoughts, but even so she still felt extremely afraid. Fear didn't break her, she was afraid inside, but she was still trying to control her movements.

With the help of the power that emerged, at any rate, there wasn't much wrong with it. It was still not bad at this point, after all, no matter what she was still the first time to try to carry out such an action.

Hua Yueling could actually feel the inner thoughts of the girl behind her, but Hua Yueling didn't say anything from start to finish, just held the girl's hand tightly. It was not the time to speak, and speaking now would actually have a bad effect.

Nothing would go wrong, he had spoken to the girl about such things, but now it was expected that the girl had forgotten all about it, or it was hard for her to think about it in such a tense situation.

Hua Yueling can understand, so now everything still depends on the girl herself, can do better or worse depends on her own, at least now Hua Yueling is not able to help her more.

You can't always think of others to help you, or wait for others to tell you something.

Hua Yueling also believed that Lin Qianren could understand on her own what was the better choice to make, so he didn't have to say anything and just kept moving forward.

For Lin Qianren this was really the worst experience in recent times, she even regretted following Hua Yueling to such a place. But this regret was only short-lived.

She was also constantly reminding herself of what to do next, not to be nervous, to act more calmly. There was no need to be afraid.

With Hua Yuerling protecting her, there would be no problem, she thought so deep inside her heart. It was still helpful to have the trust of Hana-Moon Ling, at least it would help her reduce some of her inner stress.

With the passage of time, they had almost reached the very top of the city wall. Just get there, that's what Lin Qianren thought in her heart, she couldn't wait to reach the top, there was nothing better for her than that.

She was able to breathe a sigh of relief when it was all over, she took control of her body, she took control of her hands and feet, she made herself calmer.

Gradually she also felt that it was actually nothing, she could easily do all these things. Under the guidance of Hua Yueling, they soon reached the highest point of the wall, but her legs were still trembling a bit as she landed back on the flat ground.

"How is it, are you okay?"

"No problem."

There was a slight tremble in Lin Qian Ren's voice, but that didn't mean she was afraid, just still a little unable to get used to it, it would be fine for a little while.

"We must leave quickly, someone is coming."

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